2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Help! => Topic started by: Rio De Fideldo on 05 September, 2003, 06:33:43 PM

Title: Who are you?
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 05 September, 2003, 06:33:43 PM
Hi all

I haven?t been posting here long (Since June 10th 2003 in fact) however I?ve found that I look at the board about once an hour whilst at work.

I really enjoy the communal spirit and the obvious love we all have for Tooth and have two points to make. Firstly I was interested in getting to know more about each of the regular boarders. (In fact is there anyway that I can find out the number of regular boarders?)

I?ve been reading tooth since prog 223 and am a very frustrated art droid.

Once I?ve finished renovating my house (another two months) I fully intend to contribute some fan art. Any one got any spare scripts without an illustrator knocking around?

My favourite character is Dredd but I have a soft spot for the classic Rogue Trooper.

Secondly IMHO the most entertaining threads on the board are the suggestions to improve the Meg and Tooth, which the boarders have come up with. Without being cliquey we are the fans who have stood by the prog through thick and thin. We have seen the heights it is capable of therefore surely any idea brought up should be considered.

I was wondering how many of these or even the polls have actually been acted on/seriously considered? Or have Matt Smith/Alan Barnes/Jason Kingsley ever commentated on why they think the suggestions are a bad idea/unfeasible.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Devons Daddy on 05 September, 2003, 06:44:05 PM
im Devons Daddy here
neil to any one who does not come here
reader since prog 1 ( through thick and thin)
chef based in singapore.

top characters. Dredd, alpha. Dante.

the polls are great fun. though i dont think they are actaully taken with anything other then a pinch of salt.
as for comments here on threads. without doubt they do filter through. not with all the bells and whistles but now and then you see something come up.many of the creative droids are regular here.
so even if its not OH YES thats a great idea.by the very fact they do read the idea is likely to seed in their minds at the very least.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Devons Daddy on 05 September, 2003, 06:47:07 PM
case in piont.
teh current SD story  tax dodge. is credited to an idea by a poster on a tooth forum.
that if ever there was is proof postive.

its great here though isnt it.once an hour. i started like that as well.
but i can stop any time i want.
i just dont want to thats all.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: JTurner on 05 September, 2003, 06:49:00 PM
To find out how many people are registered on this site, click the "Koom Skreee" bit of art at the top of the page and you'll get a big list.

I'm glad that you like the site. I've been drifting around since summer last year, but when at school (teaching, not studying!) it's hard to visit during the day when a lot seems to happen here. I've been very much enjoying the summer hols!

As for the pols, I've yet to see any official response (has anyone else?), we are a significant (but vocal) minority here - I think they look to the conventions and the letters to get a proper idea of what the majority want. I'd take notice of the polls, but I'm not sure if we represent the 'average' tooth reader. For example if it were up to the majority of boarders, SinDex would have gone ages ago.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Trout on 05 September, 2003, 07:55:14 PM
Greetings, Rio.

I am your mighty king, overlord of the internet and ruler of the watery underworld.

You're scum.

But welcome! It's nice to have another new addition.

Don't take my benign megalomania personally. Everyone's scum but me.

- The puissant poisson
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: thinky on 05 September, 2003, 08:44:59 PM
Rio - welcome to the board

you may have to run the accusatory gauntlet in the first couple of months as regulars refuse to believe you're the n'th incarnation of a troublesome ex-boarder (he who shall not be named)

once verified (and from reading posts it looks like i wasn't 'trusted' for a good 4 months or so) it's a nice place to be

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: paulvonscott on 05 September, 2003, 08:59:56 PM
"Any one got any spare scripts without an illustrator knocking around?"

No, honestly, I AM shamless.  Oh they won't believe me.

If you want to do Art for a comic, there is Solar Wind, a spoof 70's 80's kids SF comic that always needs artists.



Link: Solar Wind

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Mikey on 05 September, 2003, 09:07:44 PM
I am Mikey.
I am a fanboy.
This message board is habit forming.
No one of influence listens to rabid boarders,except maybe Grennie.I rest my case.
Get drawing dude!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: judge dreddd on 05 September, 2003, 09:13:56 PM
I am ... THE LAW
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 05 September, 2003, 09:29:44 PM
I wear an orange shirt and drink lots at conventions
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Trout on 05 September, 2003, 09:39:18 PM
...until Gordon Rennie beats the crap out of him.

Heh, heh, heh. Splendid it was, too.

- Trout
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 05 September, 2003, 09:46:48 PM
Oh like you were, there having gone to bed hours before...

Besides me and the grumpy one have made up long ago.

And the next con the Trout is battered...
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: paulvonscott on 05 September, 2003, 09:52:34 PM
Hmmm... feeble threats that won't be backed up, there must be a dreddcon looming.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 05 September, 2003, 10:29:47 PM
Ah even I know you're talking about Scojo or 2Kfan as he seems to be calling himself on the 2000adreview site.

I've heard his name mentioned several times over the months but I didn't realise what he'd done until a recent post on Gav's site.

Oh dear! What a mentalist!

His overuse of the smileys suggest a "I'm bonkers me" attitude when really he's probably a manic depressive.

But that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: x0x_Nemesis_x0x on 05 September, 2003, 10:30:51 PM
Hi my names Richy Smith, i am a newbie to all this

Fav Characters: Mortis, Nemesis the warlock, Dredd, Durham Red
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Trout on 05 September, 2003, 10:36:15 PM
Excuse me, Gary, but there's a Trouty minion iin this pic, taken at the VERY END OF THE NIGHT at the last Dreddcon.

Are you in it? Hmmm? Hmmm?

- Trout
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Trout on 05 September, 2003, 10:37:34 PM
Arses. It's in the event photos section.

Go and see it yourself, orange-utan.

- Trout
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 05 September, 2003, 10:47:18 PM
Heh! That was mearly the pre-events drinks... the hard-core when back to the hotel...

Drinking 'till gone 6am where me and the Wyatt droid... whilst you where back in your bowl!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: JamieB on 05 September, 2003, 10:54:45 PM
"Fear my Red X Legion!"

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Trout on 05 September, 2003, 11:04:00 PM
Ah, but I didn't want to be involved in anything "hard-core" going on in hotels.

- Trout
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Bolt-01 on 06 September, 2003, 12:46:14 AM
Poor Rio, starts a polite little thread to try and say hello, and it gets hijacked!

Don't worry mate, it happens to us all.

I'm Rotts, been a Squaxx since 120, then aged 9.

Been around here for about a year now, got some fan strips in the appropriate section if you want to take a look.

Take PVS seriously; Solar Wind is very good.

All Hail the Trout.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: James on 06 September, 2003, 04:48:55 AM
Howdy Rio,

I'm James. I hang about a bit round here. I got stuff in fana rt also. I'm also a frusrtated art droid, currently doing a couple of strips for the phenominal Solar Wind, already mentioned. Get on the Cosmic Bus with me 'n Rotts and all, and show us what you're made of.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: James on 06 September, 2003, 04:49:31 AM

Link: Fan art

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Something Fishy on 06 September, 2003, 02:43:40 PM
I am something fishy.  I am also a fishy overlord, though not a despot like the trout.  

I run all of the waters in the west.

I have an alter-ego called Kevin.  He is a rugby mad, tooth loving Cornishman.

I bought an x-box this week and risk no longer having a social life.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Dounreay on 06 September, 2003, 02:55:54 PM
I'm Dounreay, a major nuclear installation firmly bolted to the north coast of Scotland, so I don't get out as much as I would like.

I am an experimantal fast breeder - I think the ladies know what I mean - though I haven't been able to raise my rods in a while.

In my spare time I like looking after rabbits.

Likes: neutrons, plutonium.
Dislikes: decommissioning, pesky interefering environmentalists.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 06 September, 2003, 06:07:55 PM
I am Steev, 33 year old reader since prog one, owner of an almost complete set and perennially on the lookout for old, unwanted issues of Battle.

I am father to Bram Vincent Helsing, aged seven weeks today, and man to Linda, one of the UK's most glamorous elderGoths. She makes Durham Red look like Hyacinth Bucket.

I am sitting here, naked, after bathing my son, ready to go to work. I work with autistic adults and adults with learning disabilities.

My favourite series are Revere, Slaine, Sinister Dexter, Dante, Flesh, Invasion, Nemesis, Shakara, Shako and Vector 13.

I am eagrely awaiting Charley's War and loved Darkie's Mob.

I go now.


Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: The Monarch on 06 September, 2003, 07:15:39 PM
David page aka err David page

I am a fan

I hate Bison

I love canon fodder (bring him back i say!!!)

I am eagrely awaiting Charley's War and loved Darkie's Mob.

Thank you lights up
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Misanthrope on 07 September, 2003, 03:20:30 AM
I'm the Ratty little fuck who sits in the corner and gets ignored by everyone.

Thank you for letting me speak.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: sweaty_badger on 07 September, 2003, 06:34:50 AM
Hi I'm the sweaty one.

I too am a newbie, but don't post that often(spend a lot of time lurking though)

I only started collecting in the last couple of months, though I meant to for a while. Just recently bought 500 or so back progs off ebay and I am spending most of my time catching up!

Favourites Nemesis, ABC Warriors, classic Rogue Trooper(didn't it get poor though!?!?), Halo Jones and Bad Company.

Oh and if anyone can explain to me what the hell Slaine is about it'd be much appreciated :-).
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Yoda on 07 September, 2003, 07:32:05 AM
Hi. I'm 33 & only been reading since January this year (but since caught up on a few years worth). I've been posting since then too but pretty much still a newbie as I've been away for a couple a months (and trying to avoid the boards so I could catch up spoiler free on my return back to Blighty).
As for favourites it would be Dredd & Sinister Dexter but that could change depending on what I've been missing. Not the biggest fan of Slaine but still better than most of the rubbish I read.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Richmond Clements on 07 September, 2003, 03:13:15 PM
rac. I've been reading since the begining, when I was a feeble eight years old. I was only sucked into the internet in January, after swearing never to go near it, then never to post on these boards... then it kind of... gets you.
Johnny Alpha is the greatest.
Bring back Luke Kirby and Big Dave.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 08 September, 2003, 03:32:48 AM
I am no longer Steev. I am now SpookyTheCat. Just to confuse you. I will have an icon soon.

My new incarnation has reminded me to add the following to my 'favourites' list:

Halo Jones
Scarlet Traces
Big Dave
Luke Kirby
and Bonjo From Beyond The Stars


Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 08 September, 2003, 04:30:25 AM
I am the gorgeous & fandabiedosie Holy mega-powered mega Bou. Now that i know that the grumpy one has killfiled me I am Freeeeeeee FREEEEE to be completely off-topic & pointlessly inane all the time WHA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA !!!!! FREEE FREE FREEEE!!!!!!

when i'm not being loathed for my inanities, I'm a girl type 2K fan since 83. I'm very old, have grown up kids, delusions of omnipotency, fire-fighting suit, potters overalls, rally suit & some spikey boots.

Link: mussst buy thingss now.  yess spend your money.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Proudhuff on 08 September, 2003, 07:18:14 PM

hey Newbie,
            You'll like it here come in the waters loverly... watch oot fir the fish.
i'm in the centre of the world, Edinbra and I fit every stereotype o' this fine city.

Been doing 2k and a few other things since the early eighties

Thargy, Get a grip! Bring Back Luke Kirby!

Yi'll o' had yer Tea, Huffy B-)  
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Dudley on 08 September, 2003, 07:49:39 PM
I'm James, born 1975, too late to have been a 2000ad fan from the beginning, started when I was six, gave up at eight, rediscovered the zarjaz at 16, never lost the habit again, though only read the comic in the shops for three years while being a dirt-poor student, currently doing office-type job, a bit of politics on the side, bit of playwriting on the side, opinionated, occasionally insufferable, married...

Writer curently for EVE AND THE UBERMEN, coming to Edinburgh next year, come and see... and while plugging, here's a link to the great Underhand Productions, who do great comedy stuff in London).  My 2000AD related sketch is in the mix to be performed there sometime about November, details forthcoming if anything is confirmed.

Link: Underhand Comedy every Tuesday in the Autumn

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Oddboy on 08 September, 2003, 09:12:11 PM
I'm Oddboy.
I'm 24 on Wednesday.
I've read 2000AD since 1986, stopped for the mid 90s and started again in 1997.

Ratty, come out of the corner & speak whenever you so wish.

Badger, no one knows what the hell Sl?ine is about, don't worry.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Woolly on 08 September, 2003, 09:24:35 PM
How do Rio!

Im titgibbon AKA Richard AKA Woolly.
Me mates call me Woolly, and the people on these message boards seem to be some of the most shiny, happy people you can find on the net!

AND theyre fellow squaxx!

So from now on, I'm Woolly to all, just gotta work out how to change the log-on name now....

Ps. My nicknames nothing to do with sheep.

Pps. Or crap rabbits from Wizbit.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Woolly on 08 September, 2003, 09:26:11 PM
Happy birthday for next weds' man!!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Mikey on 08 September, 2003, 09:30:50 PM
Ha Ha this-a-way
Ha Ha that-a-way


The horror,the horror...
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Woolly on 08 September, 2003, 09:35:03 PM
Sorry, man.
If its any consolation, I understand your pain!

But hey, I managed to change my name!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Oddboy on 08 September, 2003, 10:01:28 PM
Ta woolly/gibbon.

Forgot to say: this is me...

Link: www.oddboyonline.co.uk

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Darryl on 09 September, 2003, 07:06:57 PM

from the amount of posts, i sometimes think that im the token english/midlander around these here parts.....

darryl, 28, gsoh, w, m, bit of a penchant for corned beef hash, villa fan (groan) and nine inch nails lover......

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Oddboy on 09 September, 2003, 07:12:18 PM
Curious, I was just listening to Broken & Pretty Hate Machine this weekend... haven?t heard them before that in ages...
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Astrovoid on 11 September, 2003, 05:12:34 AM
I'm new to the boards... mostly lurking, never posting. My first exposure to Dredd was Anthrax's "I Am The Law" around '87... I was around 14 at the time. Being from the US, I picked up Eagle's/Quality's reprints here. Stopped reading comics for several years shortly thereafter (no connection implied). Dark Horse's reprint of Dredd vs. Aliens brought me back to the fold... now I subscribe to both 2000AD and the Meg? and I'm loving every minute of it.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Slippery PD on 11 September, 2003, 07:21:29 AM
Im a thirty something regular on this board, who wshould really spend time doing something else.  Ive read since about prog 300 ish and rely mostly on memory as I have never kept my progs.

Oh and Im married two kids, IT professional.  You may see me at conventions buying drinks for4 others :)

Yer "damn I hate this jet lag thing" slips
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Bart Oliver on 11 September, 2003, 08:58:53 AM
++ Take PVS seriously; Solar Wind is very good. ++

Rotts is right. I finally got a copy last week(?) and I still finding myself picking it up, reading it and LOL!

Personal favourites at the moment are the Geezer Comic full page ad and Crack O'kane on the back page.

As for me I'm not a 'Bart' or even a 'Diaz'.

The original Bartholomeu Dias is a long time dead Portuguese explorer who made all his best discoveries by getting lost at sea.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Woolly on 11 September, 2003, 04:09:28 PM
Fans of NIN....I salute you!!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: WoD on 11 September, 2003, 08:52:14 PM
Hi Rio,
I'm WoD, not much else to say.  I've been reading tooth since around prog 320 and that makes me too old to care what other people think about a man reading a comic (actually I'm damn proud of what I read now-a-days, not that I ever hid the fact).

Fave characters are plentiful and too numerous to mention.

I do try and write scripts and had my first submission recently rejected, so the polite, concise and accurate letter from 'Tharg' is now added to my 2000AD paraphonalia collection.

It's a nice place to visit this (with lots of genuinely great and helpful people about), but it is way too addictive.

See you around,
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: critter on 11 September, 2003, 09:08:29 PM
I fully intend to contribute some fan art. Any one got any spare scripts without an illustrator knocking around?

Actually I do if You'd like to give it a shot.


Link: Just waiting to be drawn

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Mk13 on 11 September, 2003, 09:13:55 PM
Don't listen to PHM all that much these days, but right now I'm listening to Fixed and the bonus disc that came with the live album, and the live album itself is unlucky not to get a listen every coupla days.

Trent now just needs to remove head from arse and present us with the next album. I mean,if KMFDM can manage 2 albums in 2 years, you'd think NIN could do something in twice that.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: RPHawtin on 11 September, 2003, 10:15:38 PM
Well i've only been reading a year and a half, so i guess i'm a bit of a noob.
I recently picked up a subscription.

By day i'm an a-level student, and by night i fight crime on the mean streets of leicester, or maybe not
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Darryl on 11 September, 2003, 10:34:56 PM
Word is that the first half of next year will see the new NIN studio album.......... but then again, the fragile was supposed to be out 2 years before it finally saw the light of day........

the 'best' NIn is as follows for those not in the know (who are ya!!)

Downward Spiral
Pretty Hate Machine
The Fragile
And all that could have been / still
Further down the spiral
Things falling apart.

And then of course....
Natural Born killers,
The Crow
Tomb Raider
Young Americans
for the completists out there.....

Demos and Remixes one and two
Prick (side band)
Live at Woodstock
Purest feeling
1000 homo djs
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: esoteric ed on 11 September, 2003, 10:38:07 PM
I'm a bit late with this.

I'm Eddie from Liverpool, tooth fan since 77, (minus a year or two lapse in the early 80's) mostly read it for Dredd, but love most of the output.

I'm a Civil Servant, hobbies include DJing/Cartooning/Producing my own electronica and I'm a major JAWS movie fanatic and forum moderator.

and I like to sleep but get very little :-(

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Mk13 on 11 September, 2003, 10:38:22 PM
Not to mention Tapeworm if that ever sees the light of day...
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Tiplodocus on 11 September, 2003, 11:49:57 PM
>>Not to mention Tapeworm if that ever sees the light of day...
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Oddboy on 12 September, 2003, 04:09:27 PM
I thought The Fragile was a real disappointment actually... Broken, Downward Spiral & Pretty Hate Machine are all brilliant, although I was unimpressed by Fixed & Further Down.. "pah!" I say, "pah! to remix albums"
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Generally Contrary on 12 September, 2003, 04:22:36 PM
Bit late, but:

I am Andrew, at the moment from York, soon to be of Cardiff.  At the moment unemployed, previously too many jobs to mention, soon to be a PhD student.  I've been reading 2000AD since I came back to this country (1988?), but do remember getting the odd annual for Chrimbo as an even younger juve.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: WoD on 12 September, 2003, 04:56:33 PM

GC on Universally Challenged....
Cardiff - Contrary reading 2000ad....

Nice picture.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Slippery PD on 12 September, 2003, 05:02:14 PM
Universally Challenged?  Heh!

I watched that the other week and was surprised at how easy the questions were.  Is this just the fact that Im older and know a lot more (I dont I think Im going senile) or is it getting easier, like say A levels (who my freind, a teacher, assures me arent any easier)

Isnt there a number of regular boarders from south wales, looks like it might be a welsh shedcon???

Yer Slips
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: WoD on 12 September, 2003, 06:45:30 PM
Slips - I find the questions just getting harder and harder, must be the alcohol and lack of sleep destroying my brain at a good old pace quicker than I can retain new knowledge.

For the record, I'm based near Cardiff and would be up for a pint if there was a get-to-gether.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Proudhuff on 12 September, 2003, 06:49:20 PM
Welsh shed? maybe start a new thread for that it might get lost here

Helpful Huff
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: W. R. Logan on 17 September, 2003, 12:52:54 AM
>from the amount of posts, i sometimes think that im the token english/midlander around these here parts.....
>darryl, 28, gsoh, w, m, bit of a penchant for corned beef hash, villa fan (groan) and nine inch nails lover......

Originally from Stratford-Upon-Avon and although not a huge football fan if pushed for a team I always say the Villa.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Bart Oliver on 17 September, 2003, 07:59:14 AM
++  i sometimes think that im the token english/midlander around these here parts... ++

Born in Dudley Road Hospital, Winson Green, Birmingham.

As for the football I tend to stay well clear- the family's split right down the middle; Aston Villa / West Bromwich Albion..

So you're not the only midlander on the board SLM.

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Mr C on 18 September, 2003, 03:12:15 AM
I'm a brand spankin' noob... although the first prog I read was 752, the one with the lovely datachip album... and my next prog was 1339... erm, don't really know what happened there! Anyway, glad to be back on board Tharg's Mighty Oragan, getting as much thrillpower as I can out of it!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Woolly on 18 September, 2003, 02:25:39 PM
"the 'best' NIn is as follows for those not in the know (who are ya!!)"

Also try looking for 'Beers Steers and Queers' by the Revolting Cocks.
Trent had a finger in that pie as well, and the above track is 'kin ace!!
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: judge dreddd on 18 September, 2003, 03:07:03 PM
oh allright then...

i am jason
i read tooth as a kid then got back into it by
picking up a prog that was the start of the summer offensivein 2002 and thought 'wow, why did i stop reading THIS'

live in france and work from home as a programmer ( fingers crossed, please work out,please work out ).

Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Dudley on 18 September, 2003, 03:13:00 PM
Judge Dreddd - who's the shaven-headed bloke with his arms round your shoulders?
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: judge dreddd on 18 September, 2003, 03:25:33 PM
me jason..jason boys name... guess me is boy..not girl..
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Steamboy on 18 September, 2003, 04:12:20 PM
Krestels real world name is Sean
works in a shop that sells Warhammer, computer games(console and PC), Collectable Diecast models(cars and planes), boardgames and Anime.the only thing that would make my job better would be if we sold comics too.
Age of 27
Reading tooth and meg since prog 880something
Have no artistic talent
Cant write
strip most want returned to tooth - Armoured Gideon
Dislikes people paying out on artists and writers just remember tooth is an anthology you dont have to read every strip...

To all NIN fans great taste, saw em when they toured here after Fragile!!!
CU Krestel
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Darryl on 18 September, 2003, 06:42:42 PM
bugger! knew id missed revolting cocks and just hoped nobody would notice.....

Apparently there's some MAJOR news for NIN next week, which some rag called kerrang! has exclusive dibs on, so i guess wednesday lunch will be spent in smiths reading it......
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Oddboy on 18 September, 2003, 09:02:10 PM
Be sure to tell the rest of us then...
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: Aaron Smurf Murphy on 19 September, 2003, 02:42:11 AM
Damn late but...

Finnigan Sinister (but anyone who's soken to me in person more than once knows me as Smurf or Aaron "Smurf" Murphy).

16, reading the prog since 2001 and the Meg since 2002 and constantly offering to do artwork, doing all the design work and page layouts then either going into hiding/getting distracted/dealing with other art/pleasing J-Mek.

*Note to PVS* I have become stuck trying to follow the Mr Moon script... Again... Will commence designing the gangs weapons... Sorta... Dunno what happens to the big Strato V laser dumped/carried? ...Honest.

Finigan Sinister    
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: thinky on 19 September, 2003, 04:47:43 AM
...even later i suppose

i'm youthinkthisisntme - aka thinky - originally from liverpool, decamped to london via sheffield, and finally(?) rested in the wonderful city of York

i started at prog 1 - left in the dire late 800's and came back about a year ago via a sub

glad to be back

Title: As promised - NIN NEWS
Post by: Darryl on 24 September, 2003, 06:42:02 PM
Danny Lohner has confirmed that Nine Inch Nails have now entered the studio to start work on the eagerly awaited follow-up to Th Fragile, which came out in 1999. Danny has said that they hope to have the album out for early next year.....

guess that means early 2005 then.....

On a similar note - his work on the Underworld soundtrack is cool - a collaboration between Danny, Richard Patrick (ex NIN, filter) and Wes Borland (ex limp Bizkit)......

The countdown starts now, if i can be bothered,,,,,
Title: Re: Who are you?
Post by: NSFTM on 24 September, 2003, 08:52:37 PM
i'm a civil servant who lives in Newcastle but is from Belfast, i moved over here cos the commute was terrible.

Been reading the 2000ad since 1984

Been listen to Nine inch nails since 1989/1990

I have just stumbled out of the Spaced Out website and they have a tape loop thing going on... anyone interested in starting one on this board.

I'd get the ball rolling cos i have every Nine Inch Nails song and all the cover version stuff on two Discs (plus some of the videos)...

so you too can experience the joy of sigue sigue sputniks version of Piggy and Mawxwells R'N'B version of 'Closer'

Title: No Title
Post by: NSFTM on 24 September, 2003, 08:59:42 PM