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Spoilers => Other Reviews => Topic started by: Darryl on 06 October, 2003, 08:23:02 PM

Title: Has anyone read 1602 yet?
Post by: Darryl on 06 October, 2003, 08:23:02 PM
Has anyone yet read and give a fair view on Neil Gaimans new title 1602? is it any cop? or has he gone all tim burton al la planet of the apes and gone for the cash........

Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?...
Post by: davidbishop on 06 October, 2003, 08:34:11 PM
Read it in FP - Neil Gaiman does Elseworlds with Marvel's character. Yawwwwwwwwwwn.

Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?......
Post by: GordonR on 06 October, 2003, 08:40:29 PM
No, no, david.  It's dead clever, 'cos, like, it's got a character in it called Sir Nicholas Fury, and he's the Queen's spymaster, and he says stuff like, "Yes, I am this the nation's SHIELD!"


It's a bit subtle, I know.  Okay, his name his Nicholas FURY, like Nick Fury, yeah?  And....
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Oddboy on 06 October, 2003, 08:42:34 PM
Elseworlds with Marvel's character

...really? Glad I didn't pick it up now.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?...
Post by: Mikey on 06 October, 2003, 08:47:44 PM
Have to say I've enjoyed the first two issues,but then again I'm not a regular Marvel reader,so it wouldn't be as annoying to me.

I find it  a good enough read,entertainment wise.I detect a bit of Gaiman hatred do I not?Shurely shome mishtake...

Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?......
Post by: Art on 06 October, 2003, 09:21:53 PM
Its alright. Sort of. If you like that kind of thing. Completely fails to live up to its massive hype, but i'm tryoing to think of a new comic that hasn;t doine that recently.

The artwork seems to have been done in crayon in places.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Trout on 06 October, 2003, 09:27:43 PM
I think it's okay, and certainly better than the seemingly endless stream of shit, prestige format DC Elseworlds comics.

I'd say that of the huge volume they've produced, perhaps a half-dozen of them were worth reading, such as JLA: The Nail.

1602's an okay read so far.

- Trout
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Darryl on 08 October, 2003, 11:50:19 PM
Ok, now Im confused,.... do I listen to the industry insiders, or go with the ordinary joes?......

And is it just jealousy on messrs bishop and rennies parts? fnar fnar.....
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: JimBob on 09 October, 2003, 01:18:05 AM
 I doubt its jealousy, if you asked some one to come up with a Marvel tale set at the time of changeover from Elizabeth to James -witch bating, tobbacco hating proponent of man love- the 6th (yeah the 6th you eenglish peegdogs) its pretty much exactly what you'ld expect.
Fair play he's picked an interesting time period, and its nice to see one of our loonier kings but apart from that its not very inspiring, and so far I can think of at least 3 Past Imperfects which were much more inspired.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: GordonR on 09 October, 2003, 01:25:44 AM
I read the first issue, and, while there were some intruiging plot threads being woven there, I also found the Marvel superhero 'cameos' increasingly grating, to the point of severe irritation.

Yes, I understand that the bloke in the tavern (or whatever) is the Elizabethan Peter Parker.  Yes, I understand that the other bloke is Daredevil.  

You don't have to keep on nudging me with your elbow, Neil, and stage-whsipering "Look, that's Matt Murdock!  Clever, huh?"

Stop revelling in your own clever-clevernessness, man, and het on with the story.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Art on 16 October, 2003, 12:34:04 AM
Issue 3 is iout. Gaiman seems to be getting on with the story, and the RANDOM CAPS issue has been ADDRESSESED, making it a fairly fun read.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: paulvonscott on 16 October, 2003, 01:14:41 AM
How come evryone is 240 progs ahead of me, I knew I should have got that subscription.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: SmallBlueThing on 16 October, 2003, 07:20:05 AM
Well, I hate to disagree with such esteemed company- especially after the literary merit of, er, 'Cursed Earth Asylum' (although it's the most easily-readable of the Virgin novels, Mr Bishop, so don't shout at me) and (probably) 'Dredd Vs Death'... but I'm really enjoying 1602. I'm not normally an admirer of Mr Gaiman. I understand others are and yes, he's very clever -probably, but his work has always been deathly dull and written like irritating 'spot the reference' A-level/ undergraduate wank, to me. If Alan Moore cut his hair, stopped mumbling around the park like Aqualung,  drinking from a metaphorical and metaphysical can of Tennants Super, stopped scaring kids, embraced them instead,  and began to believe what was written about him, he would become Neil Gaiman- the Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen of comics.

That said, while it does feel like Gaiman is "writing down" to an audience not au-fait with his usual references (which is maybe where Mr Rennie's comments spring from), I applaud him for taking the "rich tapestry" of the Marvel Universe and doing with it what he did for so many years with Shakespeare and folk-myth in Sandman.

And saying all that, I have to confess that I don't buy many comics beyond the prog and the meg (2 in fact, at the moment... 1602 and Thor: Vikings, which is fab) so, to me, it wasn't "hyped" at all. I just bought it because, while I don't necessarily like gaiman's work, I *am* interested in what he does. And it was cheaper than those big, apparently dreadful novels he writes.

I'll buy the series, as long as it doesn't go on too long and outstay it's welcome.

Spoo The Steev
(Who has been trying to order the Dredd Vs Death novel from Ottakas for two weeks, Mr Rennie. They haven't heard of it, can't find it on their system and now claim it's "probably out of print" Sigh.)

Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Mikey on 16 October, 2003, 04:24:23 PM
 "while I don't necessarily like gaiman's work, I *am* interested in what he does. And it was cheaper than those big, apparently dreadful novels he writes."

Spooky,you're confusing me.You don't like his stuff but you buy his comics and suggest if'n 1602 wasn't there,you'd have to buy American Gods?

Personally speaking,I'd like to know who called his books dreadful.American Gods is one of me favourite books evah!And I do love his work,1602 is ok,but he's better than that too.And he *is* a nice chap,appears very genuine and even humble.And he wrote me favourite short story.And Sandman.And he's got lovely hair.Er...

I'm ranting aren't I?

Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 16 October, 2003, 07:39:20 PM
Ranting no, declaring love... yes
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Darryl on 16 October, 2003, 07:56:20 PM
I have to say i loved American Gods as well.... Still not a patch on good omens, but hey, its damn funny....
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Thread Zero on 16 October, 2003, 08:20:41 PM
'(Who has been trying to order the Dredd Vs Death novel from Ottakas for two weeks, Mr Rennie. They haven't heard of it, can't find it on their system and now claim it's "probably out of print" Sigh.)'

They've got it on Amazon - although you have to look for 'Dread vs. Death' by Rennie Gordon.
Title: Re: Has anyone read 1602 yet?........
Post by: Quirkafleeg on 16 October, 2003, 08:28:36 PM
"usually dispatched within 3 to 5 weeks"

Hey, don't order it from us... we're gonna make sod all profit from it