2000 AD Online Forum

Spoilers => Megazine => Topic started by: Proudhuff on 18 November, 2003, 01:29:00 AM

Title: megazine 213
Post by: Proudhuff on 18 November, 2003, 01:29:00 AM
An I the first or have I missed the other thread?

Oh you'll love this its got every thing, sex olympics off to read it all now, the back cover has the Xmas issue add and that looks even better!!
Patt Mills Tweak Xtnct fnl plus 3 Dredds... The is a Santa Claus!

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Proudhuff on 18 November, 2003, 05:13:23 PM
Does nobody else get this?


Dredd: lots of Clinton jokes, sex and a kidnapping, climax a bit disappointing, isn't always? ;)

Devlin:  Hurrah Its finished, part 12? this could have been a six parter, at least he's a day walker now, the art might brighten up a bit!

Hi Harry I liked it at the time can't be ersed this time

Charleys war; fabby except the German chained to the gun, it appears this was a false Tommy idea when they found germans with MC with chains on them, the chains on the guns were for carrying them! (that from my son's Horrible history book)

Extct: Exclnt! fckths, excellent!, but a wee bit confusion on the last (cliffhanging?) panel.

Armitage; This is that Dredd story with Vienna right?

Judge Dredd: purists will hate this, me?
 I love it!

Grennie's bit, I think i saw him write this in a pub on a beermat no less, makes sense to me...

Apo Soon I like it, a wee funny and so timely
Ad for next issue: 3 dredds, tweak, Death, extnt final classic stronty, roll on Crimbo!!


Over all a goody up there wi the best.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 18 November, 2003, 05:32:24 PM
Which Classic Strontium Dog story is it?

Will this be in the Gold pullout section like the Fiends of the Eastern Front special last year?
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Proudhuff on 18 November, 2003, 09:45:16 PM
Strontium Dogs; The Galaxy killers
by John Wagner+ Carlos Ezquerra (whoever they are!)
Alpha and Sternhammer vs the Wolrog Empire - complete and uncut!
and a massive double sided poster!

Maybe its cause I'm in so many killfiles nobodies picked up this thread, Sob Sob!

Yip it looks like that the gold thang,


Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: test 4 echo on 18 November, 2003, 10:39:26 PM
maybe i'm getting old, but this dredd one is...

bollox (gnarf gnarf)
limp (heehee)
hard to get through (ooerr missis)
just a bit of relief (etc etc)

fuckin dire. struggling to think of a story as pisspoor as this. utter shite, rest of the meg will have top wait til i've had a stiff (titter) drink.

Hard (they just keep comin) to believe this can from the same pen as America.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: The Amstor Computer on 18 November, 2003, 10:52:52 PM
First impressions:

So, we've had a year of Devlin Waugh just to get to this point? I'll be re-reading it all later, but at the moment, I'm really disappointed with this.

Armitage splutters to an end - and thank Christ for that. I was quite looking forward to seeing this back, but this has been terrible - a flashback to the worst of the Meg.

The Dredd story is a typical Meg filler strip. Funny in places, but it feels ungainly welded onto the kidnap story.

Judge Death is still a highlight, though I'm not sure it's getting enough space each month. Again, comedy Death keeps on threatening to resurface (Death possesses a dog - chortle, chortle!) but John Wagner and Frazer Irving manage to just keep it from getting out of hand. I'm hoping that Death's revenge on Vegas will swing the strip back into action, but this is still one of the best reads in the Meg.

I'll post a little about Xtnct, Charley's War, Harry 20 etc. when I've had a chance to re-read.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: HiEx on 19 November, 2003, 10:43:05 AM
Dredd = I loved the Dredd Sex Olympics Story. Made me laugh out loud several times when reading it. Best one-off Dredd story of the year IMO. Fantastic bit of writing by Wagner and great art (as always) by Cliff Robinson. Definitely the highlight of Meg 213.

Harry 20 = Sorry to see the end of Harry 20. Loved it the first time round and enjoyed it this time as well. Alan Davis's art is always a real treat.

Armitage = Utter shite. Worst thing in the Meg. Dave Stone ought to be shot for coming up with an ending like that.

Devlin Waugh = I love Colin McNeil's art, but it wasn't enough to save this story, which just seemed to drag on and on. Most of the episodes seemed completely interchangeable with each other. As others have said, this series probably would have been better at half the length.

Judge Death = Seems to have lost the original intent of making Death scary again and turned this back into a comedy (and a silly one at that). Boo Hiss!

XTNCT = Interesting idea, but can't really get into it that much.

Charley's War = Not really interested in war stories with a historical basis. I hated Darkies Mob. However, I'm actually quite enjoying Charley's war, as long as they don't reprint the whole bloddy series (that would drag on).

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 19 November, 2003, 11:35:52 AM
You`re the first that I know of.  It is indeed a Santa Claus.  Grand fun so far.
  Isn`t it about time that Bishop stopped writing histories of things?  This one is quite well written but kind of irrelevant.  What next...the girls magazines that Mills started off on?  John Wagner`s school magazine?

yrs flydly

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: therev on 19 November, 2003, 03:04:42 PM

Personally I like the sex olympics...it was abit...er...graphic for 'Tooth. If the actual sex acts had bee discribed or you saw the reactions of the people watching I think the story would have been more amusing. First time I read it it had great shock-value, second time it was an ok filler.
Not sure about the kid watch though. Maybe because i've got a kid on the way...
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Trout on 19 November, 2003, 03:12:19 PM
The Meg gets better and better! (And the prog couldn't even be bother to turn up. Lazy prog!)

I particularly enjoyed silly Gordon Rennie's silly column. He's really getting the hang of it now, isn't he? Splendid.

I fact, there was nothing in this Meg that I didn't like, even Devlin and Apocalypse Soon.

The highlights for me were the sex Olympics (Wagner's being a naughty wee boy you know; trying to wind us up :-)) and the very gross Judge Death tale.

I also very much enjoyed Harry Twenty and Armitage, while Charley's War and XTNCT are still good.

I have just one minor quibble: Mr Barnes, The Exorcist is not "crap!"

- Trout
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Tex Hex on 19 November, 2003, 04:51:22 PM

Aw come on! That panel with the Deathdog sliding across the table shouting "Sinners Repent!" was one of the funniest moments ever!

Well I laughed...

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: The Monarch on 19 November, 2003, 05:07:47 PM
See this is what tooth should be doing right now everything gets a great stamp from me except for that bloody apoc soon and devil "on and on and on" waugh.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: paulvonscott on 19 November, 2003, 05:53:12 PM
Just read Dredd so far, I thought it was pretty good.  Cliff was the right artist for it mind.  Had that sense of silliness about it.  Slightly disturbing in parts, but, as it should be.

I quite enjoyed the last episode of Devilyn, and the start, just not sure the middle bit needed to be as long as it was.  

Comedy Lame-0 Death.  Die Death Die!  Surely there's bette things Frazer and Wagner could be doing?

Armitage.  I pretty hacked off Ridgeway was wasted on this tosh.  The Brit Cit Judges and Old Judges looked cool but, Grud from Above, this was awful.

As was Apocalypse soon.


Keeping Harry 20 and Chrley's War for later.

Next issue looks great, lets hope it is.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: nobodyUK on 20 November, 2003, 12:24:19 AM
Just got my Meg.
Jesus f***ing Christ, where do I begin?
I was embarassed to buy it after seeing the cover. In fact, I'm surprised it wasn't put in a plastic bag and hidden on the top shelf at WH Smiths. I think it was a semi-funny idea, taken a bit too far. For example, they could've had a bit more subtle cover.

You could say I'm over-reacting a bit, but damn, it's embarassing for some people who buy it.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Trout on 20 November, 2003, 12:41:12 AM
I dunno. Lots of people buy FHM, and it's got scantily-clad ladies on the cover.

Anyway, I agree with Paul on Cliff Robinson. His stuff's great.
However, I was slightly disturbed at how ugly all the ladies' nipples were. :-)

Oh well. Only Gibson could have done it better, IMO.

- Trout
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: James on 20 November, 2003, 12:48:30 AM
The Dredd story was a bit of a let down(it's hard not to do puns-see there's another one). I think it would have been infinately better with a different artist. The thing with ol' Cliff is he's very meticulous and detailed. For a story like this you should have someone with a wilder, more passionate style. Like Gibson. Yum.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Agrivar on 20 November, 2003, 06:00:55 AM

'Dredd = I loved the Dredd Sex Olympics Story. Made me laugh out loud several times when reading it. Best one-off Dredd story of the year IMO. Fantastic bit of writing by Wagner and great art (as always) by Cliff Robinson. Definitely the highlight of Meg 213. '

This is a joke right?????????????????????????????????
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: W. R. Logan on 20 November, 2003, 08:24:09 AM
>You could say I'm over-reacting a bit, but damn, it's embarassing for some people who buy it.

Embarrassing, no way, read my issue whilst sat on the tube and then reread it whilst on the train from Liverpool Street back to Norfolk. Proudly showed my Meg to the world and about to show Mrs Logan my own routine.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: The Amstor Computer on 20 November, 2003, 08:50:01 AM
Erk! A little too much information there, Logan :-)
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 20 November, 2003, 09:20:27 AM
Armitage was fine, especially the art.  Good strange and interesting stuff.  Apocalypse soon is a one-note joke but a good one.
  I totally agree about the sex olympics art - would have been much better with Gibson drawing it.  The only down side to the Sex Olympics was the "gosh aren`t we daring and modern and haven`t times changed" editorial.  
  Death is brilliant - frightening (as is almost everything Frazer Irving does) and funny.  I loved the Dog/Judge`s little speech of repentance towards the end.
  Charley`s War is cool.........really it`s all pretty kewl, as they say on South Park.  If this rain would stop, things would be perfect.

yours sleepily,


Link: Japanese TaTu movie

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: petemaskreplica on 20 November, 2003, 04:04:02 PM
I thought the Dredd was great, but then I'm a simple minded fool with a smutty mind :) Nice to see Cliff Robinson doing something other than stock Dredd poses for covers, too :)  and I though the cover was funny, those speech balloons... heh heh.

Devlin was good, it made me want to read the whole thing through. I'm sure the only reason I haven't enjoyed this is because of the problems inherant in having to wait a month every 6 pages.

I can't make up my mind about Death. Today I'm in a good mood though, so I think it's doing a good job of treading a fine and precarious line between comedy and horror.

Unlike Armitage, which this month turned into just the sort of lame comedy tosh that did for Death in the 90's. A shame, I still think there's things that could be done with this character. Ridgeway's art was better than last month, shame the script went in the opposite direction.

I've really enjoyed reading Harry 20 again, it stands up well after all this time. And Charley's War is just stunning, in every sense.

XTNCT takes another unexpected turn. Still really enjoying this, too, it continues to surprise me, and I have no idea what'll happen next month, which is how it should be.

Apocalypse Soon: sorry, just doesn't work for me, as satire I find it too heavy-handed, a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel.

Grennie shamelessly recycles old chat logs over several pints to produce his best column yet :p
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Smiley on 21 November, 2003, 02:42:46 AM
Yeah, what Petemask said sums 213 up fer me on all points. Now off to read a years worth of Devlin in half an hour.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Smiley on 21 November, 2003, 02:48:13 AM
Oh, was mildly disappointed at the lack of a cover splodge saying something like BRITAIN'S SPUNKIEST COMIC!
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Oddboy on 21 November, 2003, 04:21:42 PM
Haven't read it all yet, so I've not read the other posts on this thread... but....

Funny cover - I'm glad the subscribers copy was the 'censored' version because the speach bubbles are hilarious!

Armitage - is that it? Seemed a bit of a non-story.  Also - Wake - the page count on the site is 7, that can't be right, can it?

Dredd - very funny, wouldn't like to try some of them at home though! Fact-Finders Note: there's another Dredd tale called 'Crime of Passion' - a Daily Star Dredd reprinted in Meg 3.60.

Death - Still going good, excellent.

Apocalypse Soon - aha! there seems to be some plot development!

Not read XTNCT, Devlin or Charley yet.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 21 November, 2003, 04:52:57 PM
The best thing in the Meg?

Apocalypse Soon-To be concluded!

Thank God.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Krustabi on 21 November, 2003, 05:08:47 PM
I thought Dredd was actually quite alright. Surprisingly dark
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Waddie on 21 November, 2003, 05:35:52 PM

Cover & Dredd: Irredeemable smut.  Hurrah!

Editorial: Erm, maybe I was half asleep when I was reading it, but what precisely was the relevance of the Ring comparison?  It read like "Yay for tits and saying shit in the Meg!  This means we're grown up, like that Japanese horror film."  I should probably re-read it.

Devlin Waugh: First time it's actually entertained me.  Should have been maybe a three-parter at most.

Armitage: Amusing.

Death: Excellent.  Death making his getaway in a Judge-headed dog is probably the funniest thing I've seen in a comic all year.  And Death's scarier when he isn't just one-dimensional evil, you unsophisticated savages.

Apocalypse Soon: Still not very good.  God was impressive though.

Harry 20: Would have been a stronger ending if it'd been left with them splashing down on Earth, if you ask me.

Letters: Are these selected purely to demonstrate that this forum isn't even slightly representative?  Every time it's full of people raving over what's widely been derided here as dross or complaining about whatever's been praised here.  Speaking of which...

Charley's War: Splendid.  The interweaving of letter from home with the nightmare of going over the top was simply masterful.

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Wake on 21 November, 2003, 06:18:17 PM
Armitage probably should have a page count of 13 then. I probably replaced last month's count with this month's count rather than adding them. I'll check this evening.

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Oddboy on 21 November, 2003, 06:20:36 PM
While I was reading the Meg last night Oddgirl was watching 'Friends' on the telly in the other room but I could still hear it. It was the one where they find out Phoebe's twin sister is a porn star using Phoebe's name.
Some guy gets Phoebe's autograph & says "Can't wait to show this to the guys at the comic store!"

A hah. haha. hah.
Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Devons Daddy on 21 November, 2003, 07:31:02 PM
this months meg.

armitage. wrapped up to quickly.but the baddie was a giveaway. liked it. good to see him back on the right track.

DREDD.laughed out loud, enjoyed every sily moment of it.but since when did dredd knock before entering? but it was a one off comedy. and damn good.

Xtinct.seems like such a futile end is in sight. which is so fitting. brillant.

Death. i like it. fun and offers some more depth to the character.

Devlin. a complete re read in one go will i think show this to a ripping yarn. loved the ending.

Charlies war.this is mind blowing stuff. page after page of gripping story. you feel for this character.wonderful.

harry twenty good then, great now. should have left him dropped in the ocean. but the end we got was written many moons ago. back then this was correct.

eds words
its ok we dont need to be told we are grown ups and this is a big boys mag. we all know that.

letters some decent ones here.

all in all. damn good. better then the prog at this time.

Title: Re: megazine 213
Post by: Waddie on 24 November, 2003, 04:03:56 PM
Editorial: Erm, maybe I was half asleep when I was reading it, but what precisely was the relevance of the Ring comparison? It read like "Yay for tits and saying shit in the Meg! This means we're grown up, like that Japanese horror film." I should probably re-read it.

Yes, there's a bit about the next thing they should try to do is to have the impact and grown-upness of Ring.  Although I'm not sure they should at all, personally.