2000 AD Online Forum

2000 AD => Website and Forum => Topic started by: paulvonscott on 02 February, 2004, 11:17:07 PM

Title: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 02 February, 2004, 11:17:07 PM
I think if people want rational debates that don't descend into madness, people should be entitled to have them.

I suggest a DEBATE subject tag for threads.  

For debates to be based around a single narrowly defined question, or a debate constructed tighter than the hutton report, that we can all discuss.  

Perhaps there is a need for someone to be an impartial moderator.

To keep it impersonal and objective.

If the debate needs opening up for another interesting point, then why not use another thread?  This way you might get more on topic threads as well as more rational ones.

All of this could be flagged up with a DEBATE thread and all the groundrules imposed from the start.

I appreciate it's formal, but I say this because we all like talking about 2000AD, we all have conflicting views and I think most of us would want to have less heated debates.

What do people think?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 02 February, 2004, 11:22:51 PM
I think you should send me those cocking scripts...
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 02 February, 2004, 11:27:07 PM
hmmm, a debate tag sounds good, but i bet everyone will resist the idea of rules, so why do things get heated & personal, because trolls like to wind up people but back down from a rational debate with comments like "i've just come"... no matter how you moderate there will always be nasty maggoty piece of humanity getting their jollies off thinking theyre annoying complete strangers. luckily most of us are pretty reasonable... please let me know if & when i step over the line, & i'll happily debate it !
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 02 February, 2004, 11:29:35 PM
Where does the division lie between heated/less heated debates? Less heated meaning what exactly? Less passionate? Less picky? Less "difficult" boarders involved? Less personal references? Less "troll" accusations, i.e. name calling i.e. "flaming"? Less bandwagon jumping?

"Special threads" may keep those who consider themselves in a certain mindset group happy and blood pressures down, but I fear such a move may generate sniggering towards the old fogeys who shuffle over to them.

Abusive boarders will no doubt be dealt with - anyone else should be able to mix freely and join in a discussion.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: judge dreddd on 02 February, 2004, 11:31:53 PM
perhaps wake could create virtual bullets and i could shout 'EXECUTION ROUND' and destory their icon if they get out of hand ?

just a thought..
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 02 February, 2004, 11:37:39 PM
Well RC, you wouldn't have to use the tag if you wanted something differant.  You could use the debate tag and say at the start that it's an open debate and people can go off on whatever tangent they want.  

By less heated I mean less irritation, frustration and exasperation and more debates about 2000AD, not what we think of each other.

I don't know if you mean I'm of a certain mindset or an old fogey, but either way I'll let you have the last word on that argument.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 02 February, 2004, 11:40:14 PM
well arsy/ RC, how very calm & rational of you, may i point other boarders in the direction of RC's previous posts on a range of subjects, & a pattern emerges. ooops sorry thats personal, but you reacting to my rational arguements by saying youve "just come", kind of knocks the i'm mr sensible thing into touch.

i think we should have an event at dredd con, rather like pitch fest, but more, anyone who has a problem come & slugg it out in person, cos if anyone in real life spoke to me the way arsy has, i'd kick ten shades of cack out of them.

sorry paul.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dunk! on 02 February, 2004, 11:49:24 PM
Hey! this debate's getting heated.

Tulkas (not helping)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 12:00:27 AM
Heh, that's okay Tulk.

Yeah I'd rather you didn't argue with rc in here Bou, mainly because it will come to dominate this thread like the Stront and Sin Dex ones.  I appreciate it's difficult when the annoyance factor is in.

As it is I fear the threads already fucked :)

Cheers tho folks!

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 12:00:35 AM
"previous posts on range of subjects... pattern emerges..." more sweeping accusations and demonising! But with no substance, Bou!

Regarding just coming, I mentioned [to WoD actually, but never mind] in the OutOfBody thread that I had indeed just come. Come to the board. To make posts.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 12:05:00 AM
RC, as I said (equally) to Bou, I'd rather you kept arguments with people out of this thread.  If you want to have a barney with people take it to another thread please.

This genuinely isn't about you or an attack on you.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 12:05:20 AM
Less irritation, frustration and exasperation?

How on earth can you govern such human emotions, or even think about it?

I always thought the 2000AD "droids" tag was just a bit of fun, now I'm not so sure some folk are not actually robots...
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 12:06:04 AM
Hear that, Bou?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 12:08:39 AM
See you're just being rude now rc.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dunk! on 03 February, 2004, 12:10:10 AM
Well technically I'm an android, due to my organic brain, but I'm impressed the fact has leaked out through my posts.

Try guessing what colour my paint work is?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Proudhuff on 03 February, 2004, 12:12:08 AM
PVS sounds to much like hard work.

It seems that some folk don't know how to let go, not you PVS, but peeps on other threads, surely if some fudfeatures is getting on your goat, you just ignore em? or killfile em? or tell em what you think of em, or hey why not have a debate tag for threads?
But how would you stop those silly frivolous annoying comic fans? hey you could just ignore em? or killfile em? or tell em what you think of em!

Someday a rain will come and wash all the...sorry I'll get me coat

Huffy Bickle
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dunk! on 03 February, 2004, 12:14:28 AM
Apologises for the flippant post on such a subject, PVS.

It's been a long day(mon), which is now over.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Mr D on 03 February, 2004, 12:16:10 AM
As a lot of people seem to like arguing with rc, why not have a specific thread? As pvs says, it's spreading through various other threads and taking over!!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 12:16:23 AM
Yes, I'm sorry too.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 12:20:07 AM
Well I've already been the subject of various links, Drib, so I guess my own personal thread is the next step.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dudley on 03 February, 2004, 12:21:18 AM
rc wrote: Where does the division lie between heated/less heated debates? Less heated meaning what exactly? Less passionate? Less picky? Less "difficult" boarders involved? Less personal references? Less "troll" accusations, i.e. name calling i.e. "flaming"? Less bandwagon jumping?

Less heated means less personal abuse, people thinking more about what they post, and nobody "having" to have the sodding last word!  

Sorry, man.  In your emails you've been sane and serious, but you are honestly coming across as a bit of a cock here.  I'd insert a smiley and try to calm everything down, but at the same time I *do* mean it.

PVS - you know I agree with the Debate tagline (see thread "Thread Moderating").  Damn fine idea...
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 12:24:40 AM
"Apologises for the flippant post on such a subject, PVS."

No, that's okay Tulk, it was funny enough for me ;)

Okay rc, that's fine.

Ah well.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: ukdane on 03 February, 2004, 12:29:26 AM
I think a DEBATE subject-tag is a good idea.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 12:31:04 AM
"Less heated means less personal abuse, people thinking more about what they post, and nobody "having" to have the sodding last word!"

I have not personally abused anybody, Dudley. I have been personally abused, however. I think about every post a reasonable amount - you have to when so many people are trying desperately to catch you out. As for the last word, well that could go on forever - why should I not respond to other boarders' points in fear of "having the last word"? You know fine well I could throw that same accusation back at you or anyone - it's a necessary evil of debating I guess, even when sensible discussions lapse into cattiness.

I repeat, I ain't done nothing wrong man.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 12:43:52 AM
There's no need to call rc names on this thread really is there?

Okay then, now we've all managed to annoy each other, lets all just get on with enjoying the message board.

Currently 4 people think there's some merit in the idea, 1 doesn't.

I'm guilty of not using the proper tags on threads all the time by the way, but it's worth a go.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 01:00:12 AM
I don't think it's a good idea to categorise discussions other than start with a leading thread - most people will try and stick to the point if they are allowed to do so.

I honestly do not think discussions need to go off into mudslinging if certain boarders simply desist from snide remarks and stay on the topic.

I do think abusive boarders should be gagged and/or thrown off, though - but that is as far as I would go.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Richmond Clements on 03 February, 2004, 01:19:06 AM
Okay. When these things get all heated up, I usually just walk away.
SD is my all time favorite comic strip ever, and I haven't posted on the thread, why? Because in the end it wasn't really about that was it?
Your idea of a DEBATE category is a good one, PVS.

'Why can't we all just... get along?'
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: stront692 on 03 February, 2004, 01:29:54 AM
i dont think the debate thread would work, as these things could still happen in other threads

i contribute to another site which allows a load of comical smileys (about 50 of them) and u can put lots of them into each thread

they also have a button for like 'rant', 'thought', 'whisper' and stuff like that with text in a different form for each one

its much easier to express jokes, personality, etc and as i post as if i was speaking it makes it easier for people to see where u are coming from, i write the same too
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 03 February, 2004, 01:30:54 AM
Well, at present you've pretty much got a choice between "General" and "Off topic", so perhaps some new categories would be a good idea.

Suggestions from the chat include:

"Weird links"
"untooth comics"
"boring show-offs list things"
"Ribald smut not to be taken seriously!"
"The Truth" (for your own posts)
"Lies" (for everyone elses)
"Gordon's only kidding - - OR IS HE?"
"Monkeys in hats"
"Droids plugging non 2k stuff"
"That Old El Paso Taco ad"
"Diggle Knocking"
"I'm right and you lot are all wrong. And smell."
"Lazy droids research"
"Why,oh why, oh why oh why?"
"Religion (Mills)" and "Religion (non-Mills)"
"I'm piss board at work... he's some stupid shite that just popped into my head"
"Attention seeking"
"Deep seated childhood trauma emerging as inexplicable anger"
"The Letter P"
"Pretending to be a fish"
"My life's not going too well, here's all the
mind-numbing tedious detials"
"i'm the only girl in the village"
"I live in japan/scandinavia/wherever, isn't that crazy?"
"Is this normal or should I go see to the clap clinic?"
"Improve my web traffic"

Ok, some of these are less useful than others, but it's a start.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 01:36:55 AM
I think I got wrong here for using and approving of smiley's once Stront.  I can't remember who it was or why.  Something to do with the novel I think.

Anyway, it could help I suppose, but I doubt it would have helped either of those threads.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Richmond Clements on 03 February, 2004, 01:37:16 AM
If that list included 'Does my bum look big in this?', it would be perfect.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: stront692 on 03 February, 2004, 02:03:06 AM
i think some of the beginning of your post dissapeared again

anyway, this site in particular has like 3 expressions each for different levels of happy and sad, as well as lots of others with like 'puzzled' or mouth open to different degrees(shocked), eyes rolling

and the people on the site seem to understand my humour better bcos it relies on a lot of facial expression and tone of voice (deadpan answers to witty remarks etc)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 02:21:50 AM
I've been pulling some strange expressions when I've been typing recently, I must admit.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: thinky on 03 February, 2004, 02:58:09 AM
i seemed to have joined in late, but for what it's worth i disagree... to some (and i'm keeping well out of the whole finger-pointing malarky here) it might as well say 'kick-off zone' or 'be rude to fellow boarders' or other such rubbish

i like the way it is now and without moderation. I think i like around 90% of people here (in so much that i've never actually met anyone from the board... well, not that i know if), and those i don't much like i'm pretty much ambivalent about

virtual fights like the SD thread spice things up and - after having read sc*jo's outpourings - don't seem to be that bad.

all that said, i reckon people need to be more tolerant towards others' opinions, that's all.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 03 February, 2004, 03:04:36 AM
hey Art you missed out some,

'help me sort my life out'
'men/women are crap'
' i'm cleverer than you'
'lets all me smug after a get together'
'lets all hug & be nice'
'happy birthday'
'i'm more evil than you'
'heres a crappy link that takes 7 weeks to download'
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Leigh S on 03 February, 2004, 03:22:27 AM
I feel like launching into a Rhona Cameron style speech about how "sometimes we're all like that", but would probably end up causing even more grief, as I named and shamed boarders for their foibles!

I think I got wound up on the Stront thread because it seemed like people were putting forward their point of view, only to have that point of view rubbished or ignored, or some inference made about the opinions that wasn't actually there stated as a fact rather than a further question.  I stress that's my perception, and I'm sure that wasn't the intention, or possibly was the intention once rc was riled, or felt that he was getting the same treatment - but if you look at the posts most people explain why they think the way they do, rather than post "as fact"- Having said that I'm well aware you could probably find a similar approach from me elsewhere on other subject matter (probably something to do with Millar!).

Having a "debate" thread wouldn't actually stop that, but I suppose it would actually be a more accurate monicker for that kind of thread, and might subliminally keep people focussed on the point - not that I think it would then need moderating by the thread starter or anyone else - Compared to just about everywhere else on the net, this place is a haven of sanity and reasonableness....  my version of reasonableness anyway! :)    
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Leigh S on 03 February, 2004, 03:24:59 AM
We've missed the most important ones off:

"injoke": thus saving those outside the secret readers club the time reading said unfathomable post...

"secret readers club": for when we are deciding which stories to hate in advance!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Floyd-the-k on 03 February, 2004, 03:28:53 AM
the idea of a `debate` thread is a good one. I don`t think having moderators is a good idea. I like Art`s and QFB`s suggestions.
   I don`t think they will stop rudeness and so on, but nothing will.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 03:58:08 AM
Your second paragraph there is a lot of garble; this point of ignorance on my part is repeatedly being made and it is utterly incorrect - without deconstructing entire threads [any more than they have been] and with so many broken noses needing redemption it will not likely be flushed away however I respond, will it?

So I guess your opinion will be embraced, The Watcher - but at least we know where we stand.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Leigh S on 03 February, 2004, 04:29:33 AM
Well you know, there you go, rc - I assumed letting you know why I felt I had gotten exasperated by that thread would get a negative reaction, but that wasn't the intention.  The last thing i want to do is hand out bloody noses, and its always great to have other boarders around, especially if they have something different to say.  It would probably would have been best for me not to say a thing, and avoid debating things with you, but I actually like debating these things, and I assume you do too - I don't care that you disagree with me - I always like to hear others opinions and add mine.  

Now that "garble" (it still makes sense to me) was how I honestly perceived your posts, without prejudice or forewarning.  Just from reading the threads unfold - if that's all in my head, then I'm sorry about that, and apologise for whatever transference is going on.  

Where all the negative and nasty things that were posted against you came from is just too crazy to unpick, given that it seems to stretch over numerous threads I haven't read, and numerous chatroom conversations I wasnt privy to.

The point is (with hopefully less garble) I'm not sure if the way I see you debate things by "making statements of fact" is your intention, or your debating style, or just my perception.  This wasnt a dig at you - it was an attempt to get at why that thread went odd, where so many haven't... Sure, you could argue people leapt down your throat, but they don't leap down everybody's - the reason could be we decided to pick on you randomly, but that really doesnt explain why those threads went bad, where a million haven't. And it's not just a case of disagreement, because we disagree all the time here about just about everything!

I kind of think you make almost my point for me a little here - "your second paragraph there is a lot of garble" - I'm trying to hold a conversation, but the reply is more like having my homework marked! Not much fun for anyone.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Leigh S on 03 February, 2004, 04:37:49 AM
But as you could quite rightly say, the way you post (or the way I read your posts) really is nothing that can or should be picked over to such a degree, so have a hankie from me and I'll say no more.

Apologies to all injured parties, and while I'm at it, apologies to anyone else I've upset since the last time I apologised!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Leigh S on 03 February, 2004, 04:39:22 AM
Erm - hankie for the bloody nose?  See, thats how these things spiral out of control... So, so easy....

Even more apologies!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 03 February, 2004, 04:39:31 AM
To be quite honest with you, I think it might be to your benifit to calm down, not post for a while, and come back when everyones calmed down about whatever the hell it was that got them so upset in the first place.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Tiplodocus on 03 February, 2004, 05:24:17 AM
Art, your list should, of course include:

"Screamingly obvious comment about something in the manner of a bad observational comedian e.g. Why I hate XMAS (and the X stands for Xtremely commercial)"

"Why won't Tharg publish my infantile scribblings?"

"X Sucks"


"Y Rocks"

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 05:32:15 AM
Well, I'm giving up now anyway, between rc arguing with everyone and Art taking the piss this was a waste of time and shows it probably wouldn't work anyway.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 03 February, 2004, 05:35:02 AM
Oh yes it will !
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 06:23:07 AM
Your perception was not right, hence my reason for coming back at you.

If as you say this view is based on your casual observation and without prejudice, then I would suggest we have entirely different perceptions of discussion and debate and thus an awful lot to disagree about.

Such are the length of the controversial threads now it is becoming excruciatingly painful to plough back through them in order to disprove an accusation of any unfair play. You did/said this. No I didn't, it was this. Etc.

Your perception is your own right of course, as is mine. It would seem some of those who use this board would share your views, as I can find not a single instance in any dummy-spitting episode where I have apparently provoked hostility through anything other than [a] posting a firm view on a subject or defending an unjustified attack on my comments.

I'm not claiming any misunderstandings or misreadings into anything I have posted either; I try to make points as clear as I can.

And it was me breaking noses, mate, not you - I would have thought that little slice of hypothetical wit was rather obvious given most people are apt to agree with you on recent posts - put it down to another misperception.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Wake on 03 February, 2004, 06:27:04 AM
I've added a Debate category, but there won't be any special moderation on debate threads.


Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 06:32:15 AM
I wasn't asking for moderation Wake, I was suggesting it be self regulating, by the people who use it!

Thanks for doing it, as I said not sure it would work, if no one uses it, just take it off again.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 06:37:58 AM
Hey! Never tell a deranged [right, paul?] man to calm down!

Grr! Raa!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Sleekdog on 03 February, 2004, 06:46:41 AM
well done, wake!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Mr D on 03 February, 2004, 06:46:44 AM
Well done Wake, yet another swift move to improve the site. This is the only board I've been on where I really feel we're listened to and valued!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Rosso on 03 February, 2004, 06:51:02 AM
fact is message boards like this are primarily for no life cranks with too much time on their hands with an axe to grind (proud to be one) and anyone who thinks differently should GTF.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 06:57:58 AM
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 07:04:28 AM
"I can find not a single instance in any dummy-spitting episode where I have apparently provoked hostility"

Well, that's provocative at the same time as saying you aren't.  Double irony bonus.

Seriously, that's enough for me rc, Ive thought all along you were scojo, I'm sorry if I'm wrong.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Mr D on 03 February, 2004, 07:16:01 AM
While some of the things that rc has said have been inflammatory, few have suggested he is scojo. However people being under this impression has led to very negative reactions to his posts, which I think is just silly. Very silly....
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Steamboy on 03 February, 2004, 08:01:22 AM
and workers with nothin' to do at work!!!

CU Krestel
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 08:10:36 AM
Seriously, pvs, how is that provocative?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Devons Daddy on 03 February, 2004, 08:35:52 AM
yes, i tried to start one on the graphic novel approach. which has not got heated. but has given me some great posts to consider. which is what i was hoping to get. a differnt view on my own thoughts.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Devons Daddy on 03 February, 2004, 08:46:19 AM
thank you wake

good decsion. good idea PVS.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 03 February, 2004, 03:57:36 PM
"Seriously, pvs, how is that provocative?"

If you have to ask then (while trying my very *very* best not to make this too insulting) you really need to brush up on your people skills.

And no, I'm not attempting to take the piss out of you either.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 03 February, 2004, 04:06:10 PM
nice one wake.

right i'm off to invent 23 fake usernames so i can debate with my own arse. brilliant.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou^s Arse on 03 February, 2004, 04:16:00 PM
No, you won't.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Oddboy on 03 February, 2004, 04:28:20 PM
Come in late to this one...

Yeah, "Debate" is a good subject header.
The Debate poster obviously should attempt to 'lead' the debate and people should be respective of that poster when asked to keep on topic - as PVS said, self-moderating.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Mr C on 03 February, 2004, 04:30:26 PM
Question: What is it that people want to get out of the message board?

Do you want a place of serious debate?
A place of comic related silliness?
Or a happy medium? (which would be very hard to accomplish)

The more I think about it, the more I'm in favor of Slips' split board idea: One for debate and one for off topic fun. That way, people who like to debate between each other can have a place to enjoy themselves doing what they do, and the rest can have a place where they can enjoy themselves, possibly without the narcissistic drivel that a few of us bang on about occasionally ;).
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: The Enigmatic Dr X on 03 February, 2004, 04:51:52 PM
Bit late too, but what is the difference between "Debate" and "General"?

And why not have "I have never been here but this is a link to my overpriced collection of comics on eBay" topic so I can ignore it?

And, please, no "X sucks" subject. It'll give me a complex. Probably a big shopping mall.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Priv8eye on 03 February, 2004, 04:56:48 PM
I'm all for the debate tagline but I'm unsure as to whether it may make a differance.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 05:49:04 PM
Sorry Mr Dribbles, but that's not the case for me.  Any negative reaction was based purely on what rc said.  

As I said I thought it might be scojo, based on his reactions, particularly to JE, people assure me however it's not, it could be Karne (cairns) in another award winning skit, this time not based around racism, it could just be some bloke called richard cairns.  Regardless of who it is, the effect is the same, mind clutching annoyance.

He can't see how his words are provocative, so I don't see how anything is going to change for the better.  It looks like he's started another thread up for the same nonsense.  So I've now had a digital lobotomy and killfiled him, it's no longer a problem and the headache is gone.

You talk to him.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 03 February, 2004, 06:24:13 PM
"As I said I thought it might be scojo, based on his reactions, particularly to JE"

My thoughts too- only Chuckles was my fall guy.  It was the unwavering arrogance in the face of being totally wrong that did it.  That and a seemingly near pathological need to 'get one over' on me.

I'd understand if it was Chuckles- I did kick his arse pretty badly over at the wasteland- and he's always been a bit of a bad loser...
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Tanky on 03 February, 2004, 07:17:13 PM
Maybe we should have a 'Bloody great row' tag that could replace the 'subject' if things get bitchy? Mind you, it would be a bit like staring at a car wreck.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JTurner on 03 February, 2004, 07:43:33 PM
Just because we all like tooth doesn't mean that we can all get on. It is also ridiculously difficult to convey expression in text (and no, I will not use those smilies unless absolutely necessary). To further complicate things, it is very easy to say what you want here, because unless you go to conventions no one is going to kick you in the nads, so people will naturally become my, erm, expressive.

I think that we should just agree to disagree, and just lump it.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 03 February, 2004, 07:52:24 PM
I quite like tank grrls idea there, one thread for "lets be complete psychopaths to each other", it would be nice to let off stream sometimes instead of having to be nice in the face of irritating things.

instead of smileys we could have heavy weaponary, biohaz signs, mushroom clouds etc. better stick an 18+ rating on it tho, in case it gets gory.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 08:02:52 PM
"believe it or not, I'm not interested in hounding you"

Tut-tut Mister Johnny - you just couldn't stay out of it, could you....?

I think I may just get the nack of this digging up old comments and re-posting in smugness jive!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 08:05:21 PM
Now Paul, you keep telling me you've had enough and OK you win and you've killfiled me and I've gone and that is that etc....

But you persist in coming back for more.

You've already stated you did not want your thread degenerating into another slanging match, but just look what you are stoking up yourself?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 08:28:56 PM
Actually, when I said Karne, I meant Keane.

No offence meant to Karne!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JTurner on 03 February, 2004, 08:36:28 PM
rc - give it a rest, please?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 08:47:53 PM
I don't understand?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JTurner on 03 February, 2004, 08:54:15 PM

But I have noticed a massive degradation in thread qulity on this board, and it seems to be as a direct consequence of people chewing each other's throats.

Can people just stop trying to have the last word just for the sake of it, it's doing my nut.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: MaxNormal on 03 February, 2004, 09:24:18 PM
Sweet Grud !

Don't you get sick of being a pedantic fool PSV ?

Sometime ago, you accused me of not contributing anything to the board for months on end, then appear after a lengthy sabbatical with this purile nonsense.

Perhaps you're displaying a desperate need for attention based on your lack of confidence, undoubtedly stemming from inadequate social skills. But it really makes no difference. This is a forum, not a wendy house.

Get a grip, or a more worthwhile career, or something.

And oh yeah, I forgot to add .. THIS IS A TROLL

(does that help ?)

Apologies to anyone else who considers this as unreasonable terminology, but i mean .... rilly ...

Link: A bit tasteless, but apt.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JTurner on 03 February, 2004, 09:29:18 PM
Hee Hee.

I posted that link myself once, on a board with a rather millitant moderator. I really didn't make many friends that day. But they were only Americans ;)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 03 February, 2004, 09:48:10 PM
That's fine Max, you do just pop up every so often to have pop and try and annoy me by spelling my name in an apparently funny way.

All I've done is ask for a debate tag on this thread and say that I'm tired of watching rc arguing with people.  *Not* a huge crime or even unreasonable.  I even asked people not to have a go at rc on this thread, how even-handed could I be?

I've met quite lot of people on this board socially for drink, or at events and I get on well enough with them in the flesh, inadequate social skills or not.

Well done on the opportunism Max, but really, go find someone else to piss off will you?  As I said last time you tried this in the chat room, just fuck off, I'm not interested.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 03 February, 2004, 09:52:27 PM
One contrary reply out of however many posts you've made over x amount of threads since then?  

That's hounding you, is it?

I even made the effort to point out that I was neither taking the piss out of you nor trying to insult you.  I was offering you a real pointer- in much the same way that I tried to give you a break rather than rub your face it when I had the opportunity on the Stront thread.

Why you can't just wise up and try being a bit less clever with people you don't know is almost beyond me- but if you want to spend your time here being either ignored or shot to pieces every time you post- carry on.

I was going to add to your Clint Langley thread, for example- but what's the point?  I don't agree with you, which you'll assume is me 'hounding' you.  Not only that, but I just know that speaking from the position of actually knowing what I'm talking about won't make *any* difference to you at all.  You'll still argue the toss.  Same as you'll argue the toss again after this.  I simply *cannot* be bothered- it's just not worth the grief.

You can take this however you like- but I'm actually trying to do you a favour, rather than slap you down again (which is what I'd much rather do, if I'm being honest).
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 03 February, 2004, 11:48:18 PM
I think the problem with you is you have become so blinded by your crusade to put me in my place you cannot see rational sense any more.

What you are saying is that you could fuck me up if you wanted to, but you choose not to as you are mature enough to rise above the urge and I am not worth it.

Unless you accept that your shots keep missing [as they are usually based on wrong accusations snowballed from other posts] and that I am entitled to defend myself against catty comments then this could go on forever, and you will still think I am a twat.

Why not keep the posting to the discussion at hand, and if you feel you need to get one over with a more informed view then go for it!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 04 February, 2004, 12:24:16 AM
Oh dear Lord, read it as you like- I'm clearly wasting my time.  I diss you- that's wrong.  I try and help you- that's wrong too.  As for a 'crusade to put you in your place'- are you mental?  I did that already.  My only mistake there was to give you a break and not beat you over the head with it- more fool me.

Just fuck off and bother somebody else.

point proven.  Again.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: DavidXBrunt on 04 February, 2004, 12:40:27 AM
Thing is rc by your own admission you join web-groups and get pleasure from winding people up. You were in the chat room the other day boasting about annoying some Christian site or another. And you seem to be enjoying winding us up too. Which is nice. And we keep falling for it. I don't know who to feel sorry for, us for being suckers or you for getting your rocks off like this.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: MaxNormal on 04 February, 2004, 01:25:54 AM
If there's one thing more annoying than provocation or trolls, it's the condescending "aren't we so mature" brigade of psychophants that plague this board.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 01:57:11 AM
My God you're uptight.

"Boasting" in the chatroom? What a load of nonsense.

The only way I may annoy a member of a Christian chatroom is by asking questions.
Title: Max, you're a raving madman
Post by: paulvonscott on 04 February, 2004, 02:10:42 AM
Look you paranoid cretin, I was just trying to be calm in the face of an attack from nowhere, while pointing out, quite fairly I thought, you were talking crap.

rc may have annoyed me, but at least he didn't charge in with a list of about ten insults and a picture of a boy with special needs, then after a perfectly reasonable rebuttle come in with the pathetic insult that I'm being unreasonably mature about it.

You've done this before on several occasions, I don't want so sink to your frankly loathesome level, so please go find something else to do and someone else to bother.
Title: i wish this was real life & i could get a large bucket of water.
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 04 February, 2004, 02:54:40 AM
looks like we need that "lets have a big battle" tag.

i'd just like to say that in the past i have kicked & screamed about the killfile thing being a horrible mean idea. But now, yes a very very sensible option, Its very hard to walk away from a fight, i prefer the "yeah yeah ! come on then !" approach in real life to the more dignified walking away thing... but sadly in internet land, where people with wierd grudges & wierd histories & wierd agendas hide behind false names & silly games, the slammed door, punched wall, pint over head, kick in balls, slap in face options are not options... so i suggest all you nice guys ( & you know who i mean ) , "just walk away from the thread"

extract from my forthcoming novel volume six in the life coach series " on avoiding freaks & emotional parasites "
Title: Re: i wish this was real life & i ...
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 03:05:19 AM
I agree.

Come on, Bou, let's go.
Title: Sometimes they come back wrong
Post by: paulvonscott on 04 February, 2004, 03:30:07 AM
Ho-hum ;)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: W. R. Logan on 04 February, 2004, 07:05:45 AM
>I've met quite lot of people on this board socially for drink, or at events and I get on well enough with them in the flesh, inadequate social skills or not.

As part of Care In The Community we just pretend to like him and sit there praying that some medical assistance will arrive and give him his Chlorpromazine

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: stront692 on 04 February, 2004, 07:22:54 AM
i like staring at car wrecks, particularly after u have just been in one

i had 2 car crashes so far, one where the car was a right off but i was barely hurt and the other wasnt so bad but i broke my hand

i was also sitting in a stationery car when some idiot crashed into it but im not sure whether to count that one
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 07:26:03 AM
Title: Re: Max, you're a raving madman...
Post by: MaxNormal on 04 February, 2004, 08:43:17 AM
And I say to you, Mr PVA, that perhaps it is time for you to put away such childish notions of online vindication.

Hasn't it occured to you yet, that no one actually gives a whooping funt about your pompous posturing.

Frankly you strike me as without exception the most 'personality by-passed' individual on this board. And one that has somehow managed to read 2000ad for years without absorbing a fraction of it's wit.

Not everyone sees the world through your grey tinted lenses, and perhaps a bit of flair and panache on the board is a good thing.

Does it have to be tagged 'Humorous & Potential for Laughter' or maybe a big flashing Gif pointing at it indicating it's appropriate readership.

Face it, if everything was as categorised as your music collection, the world would be a dull(er) place. I for one like to see the odd bit of spontaneous banter, which may or may not be at the expense of another member.

And anyway, it's an online community, not Gosplan.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Rosso on 04 February, 2004, 10:11:38 AM
what is a 'troll'? (clearly i need to get into this webspeak 'jive')
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: stront692 on 04 February, 2004, 11:41:23 AM
i didnt know until i hang around ebay forums a while

a 'troll' is some one who is deliberately argumentative, who posts flaming opinions deliberately designed to either goad u into an argument agreeeing with a statement that will lead u into an argument on that particular forum (if they know more about the members on that forums than u)

i dont like the chatroom here much so a lot of stuff passes me by, but from what i can gather alkthough mr millar does have his own fanclub it could be like saying 'i think mark millars robohunter was the best thing since sliced bread'

then standing back and watching the ensuing melee

(that was just an example and not my opinion by the way)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Trout on 04 February, 2004, 03:30:19 PM
Bloody hell!

I take one day off and we have Board Wars II!

I want to stick up for Paul. He's a genuinely nice guy and, as he says, has mixed perfectly well with many boarders down the pub at comics events.

To say he has no wit is to ignore Deathsquid, which I, like many others later, considered to be fine work.

I also agree with the "debate" tag. At least, it may show the first poster is keen to see an issue thrashed out.

I'll have a try at this, too: RC, please try not to dissect other people's posts all the time. You're being really annoying.
You do have a right, like everyone else, to participate, but your behaviour isn't positive.
Sometimes people simply do not agree with you. Accept it and move on.

Finally, to Art: "Pretending to be a fish?" You must mean Somethingfishy. He's a right weirdo.

- Trout
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 04 February, 2004, 03:38:26 PM
yeahh ! three cheers for the Trout, although i will still have to steal your kingdom & bar-b-que you.

car crashes? yes i had two last year myself, and attended 3 or 4. one was mental & great fun, due to rollcage, helmets, 5 strap seat belts...all the others were not.

step away from the car.....
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dudley on 04 February, 2004, 03:46:36 PM
We had a car crash in front of my workplace yesterday.  Went out of control, skidded along the pavement and ended up with a lamppost buried in its bonnet.  3-4 people inside, hurt quite badly, and trapped by the torn and twisted metal, screaming for help.  Fire brigade arrived in about 15 minutes and over the next 1/2 hour they carefully prised off the roof of the car, extracted the people, one of whom really was quite badly hurt.  They then had to cut the car completely in half to get it off the lamppost.  

Why do I know all this?  Because our Managing Director stood at the window of his corner office the entire time, staring at the crash, and occasionally shouting back news updates to us po' working stiffs.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: stront692 on 04 February, 2004, 04:00:46 PM
hmmm... oh, to be a managing director

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Jared Katooie on 04 February, 2004, 04:01:51 PM
This is my OPINION...

In case you missed that or just ignored it: M Y  O P I N I O N. I am not always right, I am frequently wrong. I am human.

First off: RC, you're new. You've been made welcome by many here and if the vast majority say you're being annoying then you should stop or leave. I hope you stop and stay because I like talking to new people.

Paul, you're a smart guy. You've organised artists and writers and produced an excellent fanzine. I cant even work up the effort to type a message here most days. You dont need to reduce yourself to participating in childish arguments here or anywhere.

If you've stated your point rationally and calmly and still someone refuses to listen then, odds are good they'll never listen to you.

I think Wake said it best by not saying anything. While everyone on the thread about debates ignored Pauls point and had a big childish debate of their own he simply added the debate tagto the list and left us to it.

I know you guys have much more stressfull lives than me but please, it scares me when I have to be the one who talks seriously about it.

So come on lets all stop fighting and be friends okay?

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 04 February, 2004, 04:02:48 PM
well duds, you see the firefighter that crawled inside the mangled mess & does the initial first aid & hold necks in place til the paramedics get collars on?  Thats my job, cos i'm small & can wriggle into small places .altho i have done plenty of the roof cutting off thing too. Its supposed to be all done in under an hour "the golden hour" from accident to operating table , ensures better chance of survival, but with multiple casualities things get complex..

our worse so far was the head on with lorry..
our longest was the poor sod 100ft down a bank with crushed vertibray, took 4 crews over 4 hours to get him into the helicopter cos he was screaming so much.
amazingly i walked out of both mine this year. thankyou grud.

there thats much better to read about than bikkering isnt it.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dudley on 04 February, 2004, 04:25:33 PM

Tough job - someobody's gotta do it, know I couldn't.

Would just like to re-iterate, though - I didn't "see" the firefighter, because I don't slow down at car crashes.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Generally Contrary on 04 February, 2004, 04:42:59 PM
++I don't slow down at car crashes.++

According to 'Days of Thunder', you are meant to accelerate through accidents.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 04 February, 2004, 04:44:11 PM
Look Max, I can put up a solid argument against all of that, but there are two problems.

Firstly it just carries this on, and it's not just me who is sick of it.  

Secondly, while this attack has come out of nowhere, you done this before on several occasions.  Whatever I say it's going to happen again in six months time.

So I'm going to leave it. Instead I've just made an official complaint to the webmaster.

This argument/stalking/attack is over.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 04 February, 2004, 05:03:04 PM
Thanks for the people who have put some sort of defense in for me, not sure what Logan was trying to say though ;), but it's just not neccesary as Max is wrong in basically everything he's posted.

As already said, I didn't make this thread to have a go at rc, I haven't had any argument with him on this thread, I initially tried to stop other people provoking him on this thread and killfiled him when it got too much, rather than go through it all.  As far as I'm concerned it's not an argument for this thread.

If we can just let this thread die now, I'd be grateful, I started it with the best of intentions.  It's done it's job, there is a debate tag, there's no reason to be here, let's go!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 04 February, 2004, 05:10:21 PM
I know its hard to resist being drawn into these arguments, and I'm pretty prone to it myself, but sometimes you've got to realise that other people are unreasonable idiot's that deserve nothing but your contempt and killfile them. Then complain about them in the chatroom where reasonable people don?t have to put up with it. Of course, they'll bleat on about how unfair it is for the rest of eternity, but who cares? They're losers.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 08:15:43 PM

It's sentences like these that are causing problems, can't you see that yet?

Perhaps you do not realise it, but such personal behaviour-recommendation statements are bound to be inflammitory - and for what reason? To stamp your authority on a bickering episode [or two] that I have already made clear I have no interest in stoking for the sake of it, unlike others have been.

Don't talk to me about dissecting posts until you've read all the replies to mine. No time? Then don't post authoritative instructions based on prejudiced and unreliable retorts accusing me of harming the status quo.

Again: incorrect mud thrown in my direction will be countered - if it is not liked then the slingers know what to do.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JimBob on 04 February, 2004, 10:18:15 PM
RC, a name which is becoming phonetically accutate, this whole spoiling for a fight thing isn't doing anything other than putting peoples backs up. I'ld hate to see this place end up a waste land like the alt-message board, maybe if you wind your neck in a little bit now people may be a wee bit more willing to accept some of your comments,

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 11:15:57 PM
"RC, a name which is becoming phonetically accutate"

Thanks, Jim - but that line is just too irresistible!

Tuppenceworth noted, but doesn't really change anything, does it?

I think I may have been called "arsey" before... as well as "troll", "cock-like" (or "cocky", if ye will) told to "fuck off" and "killfiled" - all very publicly I might add.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Trout on 04 February, 2004, 11:21:20 PM
That was friendly advice, RC, but it was responded to in the way I suspected it would be.

You genuinely are a troll, it appears.

However, I'll refrain from getting trapped into tit-for-tat battles with you in the same way others have.

I suppose this post qualifies as a personal attack; if so, I apologise to the rest of the board for dragging the debate down to such a level.

However, I'm approaching this from the point of view of a reasoned opinion. My reasoned opinion is one of our number is a troll.

Either way, I don't care what he says.

I'll be ignoring RC from now on, until he reforms, and I call on others to do the same.

- Trout
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 04 February, 2004, 11:30:09 PM
Troll baiter!!!


Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 11:35:14 PM
I expected more from you, Trout.

"Friendly advice"? What, by jumping on the "stop causing problems" bandwagon?

Do me a favour.

I can see it's parked outside your house now so you'd better rush out and get on there yourself.

As for the rest of your post, another burst of namecalling, condescending retorts snowballed from the wails of fractured egos [hey, it's a long description - yet true!] and ANOTHER "well I've had enough of you anyway" yelp. Crem.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 04 February, 2004, 11:35:44 PM
I think I may have been called "arsey" before... as well as "troll", "cock-like" (or "cocky", if ye will) told to "fuck off" and "killfiled" - all very publicly I might add.

Why do you think that is?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 11:37:19 PM
I think it's the smoldering rage of a few very fragile people, Art.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Matt Timson on 04 February, 2004, 11:39:08 PM
Oh my sweet Lord- is it *still* whining?  I don't get it, Art- you're usually the first to reach for the killfile...
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 04 February, 2004, 11:40:49 PM
No, it's because you're a contemptible troll who either has mental problems or enjoys winding people up. Either way the sooner you're ejected from the board the better.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 04 February, 2004, 11:41:46 PM
On what grounds?
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 04 February, 2004, 11:59:03 PM
Sooner or later you'll slip up.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 05 February, 2004, 12:04:20 AM
In reality [i.e. with a non-biased, non-egotist view clouding judgement] many boarders - including yourself I might add - are guilty of [a] Troll-ism and, worse, flaming.

The posts speak for themselves.

So I'd be careful what you are saying, if I were you.

But that's only my opinion.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Art on 05 February, 2004, 12:11:11 AM
Ah, good, you?re getting weird and threatening, and calling everyone else trolls. Won't be long before you get into a frothing rage and do something unforgivable so we can have you kicked out then.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Richmond Clements on 05 February, 2004, 12:16:14 AM
He'll be mentioning his scripts next.

(I've tried to resist... but it does draw you in...)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 05 February, 2004, 12:17:28 AM
Be cool.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dunk! on 05 February, 2004, 12:25:31 AM
RC, a quick direct question with no ulterior motive, bar curiosity - at least I hope so.

How did you hear about this board?

Have you known about it for ages but only recently decided to join, completly new to it or did someone recommend it to you.

I ask 'cos, to me that is, you've come out of nowhere with have a lot of opinions about 2000ad which you are obviously passionate about. And I'm surprised you haven't been here before or aren't a long-term boarder?

Are you new to 2000ad or the web as well?

I'm a luddite newbie to answer my own question.

(I won't be offend if you ingnore this it is a bit off tangent, but i knew this was thread you'd be reading)
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 05 February, 2004, 12:35:27 AM
Ah, on the couch!

I heard about the board through the comic, and just decided one day to take a look.

I've found a lot of fellow 2000AD fans having discussion about the Galaxy's Greatest - it's pros and cons, and other related subjects. And, intriguingly, some non-related subjects.

I've read 2000AD for about 15 years or so, but never got round to checking out the website until recently.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 05 February, 2004, 12:37:10 AM
Thank God I did!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Valhalla on 05 February, 2004, 12:42:10 AM
G,day RC.

I've really only spoken to you once. Which was during the shoplifting part of the "just Cos" thread. It that instance I definately didn't agree with you but i certainly appreciated your point of view and your ability to construct a reasoned debate. Soon after that I waded into an "Australia Sucks...travel" debate with spookythecat. Hmmm certainly a very different style. This went downhill very fast. Sure I could have counter argued but whats the point? I don't think Spooky could construct a reasoned nonimflammitary debate. And I daresay he thought the same of me. So I turned the other cheek and didn't reply or try to get the last word in (No!this is not trying to get the last word in ;)   )

My advise RC.....walk away from this thread. Turn the other cheek. Ignore it. Take a breather.

This really is out of hand and the only way things will get better is if you stop posting to this thread.

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Dunk! on 05 February, 2004, 12:49:53 AM
Cheers RC, my stupid, illogical, working late curiosity is sated.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 05 February, 2004, 01:04:38 AM
Perfectly reasonable suggestion Valhalla - more digestible than similar advice recently received from some boarders with other agendas; i.e. getting in their latest catty retort thinly veiled by mediating overtones.

I'll keep looking in the thread of course - 'tis only human nature - and hopefully there will be no need for any further unpleasantness.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: MaxNormal on 06 February, 2004, 02:05:09 AM
"If we can just let this thread die now, I'd be grateful, I started it with the best of intentions. It's done it's job, there is a debate tag, there's no reason to be here, let's go!"

Well, with an online translator similar to babelfish, i managed to come up with this rough translation..

"I don't want to play anymore, it's my ball, if I'm not playing , no-one can etc. - all my friends who want to play with the ball, come with me now etc etc."

I may be exagerating somewhat for effect, but essentialy, that's what you're saying.

Don't you get it PBS, the whole point is this - there are those amongst us who object to your moralising.

There are those amongst us also, who think you are a splendid chap, that's fine, however it's not your place to point out where and when any posts are to be made, regardless of their content.

And the only reason my so called 'flaring' is bi annual, is because I don't actually spend every day of my life on this board.

(If I did, I'd probably disagree with you a lot more often)

And as for your 'making an official complaint to the webmaster' ....

jeez, how much more of a school playground analogy could be made here ?

MaxNormal was the greatest informer in the history of JD, suck eggs grandma !

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JTurner on 06 February, 2004, 04:07:07 AM
I think that this thread is one reason why Rebellion want a proper message board with threads that can be A. Locked, B. Destroyed forever by a Mod Missile.

Come on, we may read comics, but let's not act like it.

As an outsider to this argument, can I please make a plea that...


I hate watching you all regress like this (though it has the same fascination that came with the year of the scojo). It's bad enough sharing a board with two grown me who think they're fish, and countless bloody monkeys in bloody hats.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Woolly on 06 February, 2004, 04:17:54 AM
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 04:23:17 AM
The freedom of this board is what makes it so worthwhile and interesting.

Though freedom is not suited to all types.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: JTurner on 06 February, 2004, 04:26:58 AM
Judge Dredd is my hero, he has plenty to say on the subject of freedom.

Bow down before Dredd.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 04:29:12 AM
Good job this is not Dredd's world, eh?

Imagine the message board then!
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 06 February, 2004, 05:44:48 AM
RC !! understand i'm ignoring you because youre too stupid & smug to discuss anything with, BUt what the hell to you get out of being here? all you do is critisise & make smug little comments, or in the case of woman, dumbarsed juvenile sexist ones, of course you'll retort that i'm uptight & have no sense of humour.. But how would you know?

why are you here if everyone is so crap in your fantastic estimation, what the hell do you get out of causing arguements & friction?

why don't you go & pull the legs of spiders like normal twisted..going to grow up to be serial killer psychopath little boys ?

not that i'm here... i'm boycotting things til you cut the fucking crap.

oo don't forget the smileys  ;-))

old chum.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 05:48:13 AM

What did I just do to deserve all that rollicking???
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: BlackThrash on 06 February, 2004, 05:56:25 AM
well, a catalogue of shite ever since you arrived would be a good answer
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 06:01:22 AM
Don't worry your greasy little head about it.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: BlackThrash on 06 February, 2004, 06:02:32 AM
hehe greasy...
how does shaved equal greasy?

Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 06:04:46 AM
That's twice you've flamed me in front of everyone.

You're a disgrace.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: paulvonscott on 06 February, 2004, 06:21:50 AM
Max, first of all I'd like to ask your real name, I'd also like to know who has a problem with me.  I'm in no way intimidated by you using 'we' or 'us'.  Because I know you've attacked me under at least two pseudonyms.

The very behaviour you charged in to accuse me of (falsely), is exactly the behaviour you're involved in yourself.  Surely you can see that?

Not only that, but your two main complaints, arguing with rc and asking the thread to end, were done by people before me and after me.  So I have to ask, why me?

I'm not involved in a current argument with rc, and I made a reasonable reply on his clint langley thread.  Lots of other people are having an argument with rc, go bug them.

I *asked* for the thread to end.  I didn't demand, I didn't insist, I didn't complain when people people ignored me, as usual.  I asked for it to end, because the debate had ended, other board members and rc were using it to carry on a destructive argument and you were using it as a platform to compose an innaccurate and misguided attack.  All on a threa with my name at the top which is pretty annoying.

These are irrational and malicious attacks bordering on the unhinged.  I'm childish at the same time as being unreasonably mature?  I can pretty much point out the innaccuracy of every attack you've made.

I think I've dealt with all your serious complaints, the rest is just insult.  So have you finished and can we leave it at that?  And not just for six months this time.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: Mr D on 06 February, 2004, 06:30:33 AM
Gods, it's flaring up again... please people, can we please let this lie?? Try to accept rc, rc try to see that it isn't TOTALLY everyone else, though it may well partially be, and Max... well I won't bother, as you aren't worth the time. Leave him alone you prat.

PLEASE can we try to get peace back??
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 06:31:56 AM
Fine by me, Drib.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: W. R. Logan on 06 February, 2004, 08:50:14 AM
Freedom - power to the people - Democracy... The Great American Dream.
Don't kid yourself. We tried it before. Believe me, it didn't work. You can't trust the people. So dream on Creep. But just remember - That's all it is, a dream.
America is dead.
This is the real world.
Title: Re: The Debate Debate
Post by: rc on 06 February, 2004, 06:23:28 PM
What a sinister post that last one was....?!