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General Chat => Help! => Topic started by: Adrian Bamforth on 07 March, 2004, 07:51:26 PM

Title: Anyone ever...
Post by: Adrian Bamforth on 07 March, 2004, 07:51:26 PM
Hello friends, I usually try and stay on-topic but I figure what the hell, people have shared far more personal things here:

Has anyone ever suffered from an inner ear problem?

Apparently it's quite common, symptoms are dizzyness and nausea (the inner ear is what does your balance for you), but thankfully no hearing loss. Got an appointment with a specialist in about 15 weeks, until then I just have to sit it out and try and carry on as normal, which is tricky when it feels all the time like you've just got off a theme park ride.

Anyway, if it's happened to you I'm just wondering what was done to fix it, whether it was effective etc.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: stront692 on 07 March, 2004, 08:03:49 PM
is this similar to tinnitis or something completely different, inner ear problems of the kind u mention can be caused by a severe ear infection (of which i have had several) but never with the efects as bad as u state
Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Queen Firey-Bou on 07 March, 2004, 08:18:12 PM
ouch, hope it gets fixed soon, ears probs can have a bigger effect than we'd imagine. no suggestions sadly......
Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Valhalla on 07 March, 2004, 10:18:51 PM
I had one once. It was about 8 years ago. It' messed up my balance really badly. You feel like your smashed. I mean really really smashed. Not the sort of drunk that makes you all happy but the drunk where the whole room spins and you throw up. Not much fun at all.

It came on really fast. Within about 45 minutes I went from a little nausous to unable to walk.

I stupidly drove home from the train station in this condition. It was a pretty hairy ride but I was so scared that I would just drop dead on the spot that I panicked and drove home.

The doctor gave me some sort of anti-biotics and it dissapeared fully after about 3 days.

I feel for you Ade.
Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: thrillpowerseeker on 08 March, 2004, 01:52:25 AM
Ade..you might have to have the water treatment..they blast a fine jet of water at any build up of wax on or near the drum ..the resulting treatment is often prone to leave you with an ear infection..my worst case lated a month on anti-biotics..the first 3 days left me incapable of walking on totally dizzy..

Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Steamboy on 08 March, 2004, 08:29:39 AM
wait till you see what thgey pull out of your ear, I had no idea so much shit could build up in such a small space.

CU Krestel
Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Valhalla on 08 March, 2004, 11:54:16 AM
Heya ADE,

Just reread your post. 15 weeks!! Please tell me that's a typo. If not your health service has some problems!!

Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Devons Daddy on 08 March, 2004, 01:28:31 PM
wow 15 weeks. thats outragous.

to have to put up with those symptons for so long. then expect them to take a whiel to fix the problem is not acceptable.

thats crazy.
Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Jared Katooie on 08 March, 2004, 02:37:10 PM
Whoah! 15 weeks is rough, Ade.

Ear disorders should be easy enough to treat though. Medication and the like.

Plus, if you pretend you're crazy you'll get free anti-depressants!

Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Priv8eye on 08 March, 2004, 02:46:17 PM
15 weeks is too long to wait Ade, but thats the sad sorry state of the nHS today.

If it was an ear infection would they be sending you to an easr specialist?  Perhaps they are thinking its something else - not trying to panick you as medicaiton does normally help with this kinda stuff.
Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Dudley on 08 March, 2004, 03:51:32 PM
Hi Ade -

Not had an inner ear problem, though I have had the wax removal and infection others are describing and that's bad enough.

From what I know, there's precious little comfort available for sufferers of this condition until the doctor can get to see you.  Just don't get drunk, do make sure you moan lots because unless you do no-one will actually know you have a problem, and DON'T DRIVE.  

Feeling for you mate.

Title: Re: Anyone ever...
Post by: Adrian Bamforth on 08 March, 2004, 07:50:15 PM
Thanks everyone for the advice and sympathy.

15 Weeks: Well people wait longer for for more serious operations so I'm not complaining. I hesitated far too long before seeing a doctor last year while trying to figure out if it was a vitamin deficiency/allergy or something (it started gradually).

Rest assured, it's not as severe as some people experiences here, I can walk/talk fine and I'm never actually sick, just feel nauseous, the worst thing really is it's harder to concentrate on things like reading and drawing (only drawn a couple of things this year and my 2000ADs were just piling up unread so I'll renew my sub when I feel better). Fortunately I'm not in a position that I need the work so I'm just trying to take it easy. Might ask for anti-depressants, though since I'm a pretty maudlin person anyway I think it's more opportunism on my part. If the worst I can expect is someone squirting water in my ear that's not such a bad thing.