2000 AD Online Forum

General Chat => Film & TV => Topic started by: Noisybast on 08 April, 2004, 02:59:43 AM

Title: Batman Begins scritp online!
Post by: Noisybast on 08 April, 2004, 02:59:43 AM
Dunno if it's kosher or not - haven't had time to read it yet. I'll have a closer look when I get home from work.

Link: Get it while it's hot!

Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!...
Post by: Buddy on 08 April, 2004, 06:21:59 AM
Removed already!!
Title: Re: Batman Begins script online!.....
Post by: Noisybast on 08 April, 2004, 07:18:06 AM
It's just a shame nobody thought to save a copy of the PDF file, just in case.

Yessir, real shame...
Title: Re: Batman Begins script online!.....
Post by: Noisybast on 09 April, 2004, 03:52:51 AM
Not really a spoiler, but a small snippet from the script that made me smile:
The Batmobile SPEEDS towards the cop car-INT.
The Cops GAWP at the Batmobile, BRACING-EXT.
The Batmobile SMASHES into the cop car, huge front tires
CRUSHING the bonnet, BOUNCING the Batmobile right over the
cop car in a messy display of brute force.
The Batmobile TEARS left, and ACCELERATES down the street...
The Cops are scrunched down. One of them GRABS the radio.ഊ94.
He's in a vehicle!
DISPATCHER (over radio)
Make and color?
It's a black...
(turns to partner.
who shrugs)
DISPATCHER (over radio)
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: cleon on 12 August, 2004, 03:03:08 AM
can someone send me the script please?
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: cleon on 12 August, 2004, 03:10:12 AM
can someone send me the Batman Begins script
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: esoteric ed on 12 August, 2004, 06:25:51 AM
I was sent this last month but swore and promised not to distribute it any further, sorry :-( but I'm sure it will surface again soon.

Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: Mr D on 12 August, 2004, 06:53:35 AM
Why would anyone actually want to read it?? I wanna SEE it!
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: esoteric ed on 12 August, 2004, 07:02:32 AM
True Mr D, I haven't read it myself and will wait for the movie... if I can avoid spoilers that is ;-)

Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: Rio De Fideldo on 12 August, 2004, 02:25:42 PM
There is still a script at the following. Not sure if its the real deal or not but its worth a look any way for "educational purposes".

Link: Is this it?

Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: VampiraJen on 14 August, 2004, 06:09:06 PM
and it's gone again.  pish.  only skimmed it last time.
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: madgirl on 14 August, 2004, 07:20:13 PM
Saw the teaser trailer yesterday. It looks like we are not going to be disapointed. The end flash is a dark figure with a cloak flowing round it, obviously Batman but you only get an impression of it. The rest is quick flicks between scences of Bruce at parents funeral, falling down hole to Batcave, going round the world too Bat figure. It has a voice over with the usual "because of my parents murdered infront of me" speech, but it sounds just perfect.
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: Mr D on 14 August, 2004, 10:02:35 PM
I love the way it's pitched as though he's hunting some demon, then at the end says 'There is something out there in the darkness. Something terrifying. Something that will not stop until it gets revenge.'


And the Batman shots are then excellent.
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: VampiraJen on 14 August, 2004, 10:16:46 PM
i couldn't see it properly.  image went all funny.  will try again.
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: Bico on 14 August, 2004, 10:19:25 PM
Actually, I thought it was a bit cheesy.
What it reminded me of, more than anything else, was that bit in Futurama where Fry asks the big planet-sized brain "what killed the dinosaurs?", and it says in this deep voice "ME!"

Might be a good film, but I wonder will WB give dues to that guy who made the fan movie (Dead End) that it's based on, because there is NO WAY IN HELL that Hollywood producers would approve a minimalist* Batman project without seeing some ad or music video that they could steal ideas from first.

*if you discount the bat-tank, camp villians and a-list casting that is.
Title: Re: Batman Begins scritp online!.....
Post by: madgirl on 15 August, 2004, 04:06:55 AM
Minimalist is what the comics have been for a long time. It hasn't been based on Dead End.

Actually when I dig up the link I will put up his new endevour. Bats and Supes together.