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General Chat => Off Topic => Topic started by: Pyroxian on 12 May, 2004, 07:03:41 PM

Title: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 12 May, 2004, 07:03:41 PM
OK, the Playstation and Nintendo are getting coverage in this forum, so lets even the field.

Halo 2 multiplayer videos can be found at the link below.

Please note, I am not responsible for the state of your trousers after viewing these.


Link: Halo 2 vids

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 12 May, 2004, 07:05:50 PM
(which James posted up earlier and I forgot - sorry James)

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Mr C on 12 May, 2004, 07:15:07 PM
Damn it, after the Zelda vid, that's two perfectly good pairs of trews ruined!
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 12 May, 2004, 08:42:30 PM
I know - there's a more hi-res video at Gamespy.com (which is 353 mb). They also reveal the street-date, which will be November 9th (Aargh, too far away!)

Also watched a Doom 3 trailer, which looks... atmospheric...

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: WoD on 13 May, 2004, 04:26:20 PM
The Halo thing was nice looking, but I hope they improve on the multi-player game content, as the current on-line game on Halo is boring.
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 13 May, 2004, 05:26:36 PM
There's a lot more in it now, new weapons, improved old weapons, better vehicles. Oh, and you can play as Covenant Elites in MP.

I dunno how much they've improved it in terms of the different type of game. The video shows that the maps are more interactive and the CTF level they show seems more like Unreal Tournaments Assault mode (lots of destructable terrain, switches to open up vehicle bay doors and access secret areas)

I thought Halo Multi-player was pretty good though, although I've only played X-Box multiplayer and not the PC Multiplayer (which I assume you've played as you mention on-line).

Multiplayer on the X-box is a different thing though when you've got 8 of you squashed into the same room all shouting abuse at each other...

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: WoD on 13 May, 2004, 05:33:53 PM
Pryo - Yeah, I've only played on-line (no Xbox for me) and it doesn't compare to some of the mods I've played.  It doesn't seem well balanced enough, but that's my opinion.  Nothing can beat being in the room with the people you're playing against though.  Years ago (we may have been playing doom2 so that dates it for you) a mate managed to get us into his works where they had 5 PCs linked together and they played this sort of thing after work, and it is the best way to play.

I like the team fortress (Q3F) or Urban Terror type mods myself.
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 13 May, 2004, 06:33:10 PM
>where they had 5 PCs linked together

  Yeah, when I was a student we had our whole house networked (4 PCs) and played much Command & Conquer / Doom / Quake. Even better was when we got friends to come over and bring their PCs so we could have 8+ player games...

  I hope there's some more team-based games in Halo 2 (Something like Battlefield 1942 mode where you have to capture and hold objectives) as I prefer team games to every-man-for-himself games, which is why I'm playing lots of Savage at the moment.

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: WoD on 13 May, 2004, 06:58:40 PM
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 13 May, 2004, 07:04:12 PM
Savage is a online multiplayer FPS, with one person playing the commander, and playing the game like Command & Conquer - constructing new buildings, which enables the players access to better weapons etc. Players can also help construct buildings, mine for resources, repair etc.

The commander can also issue orders to the players on his team, so he can co-ordinate attacks and build forward spawn points, so it ends up being a more tactical game than most FPS's.

The demo's downloadable from their web-page and contains two maps and the entire human faction to play with.


Link: Savage

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: WoD on 13 May, 2004, 07:08:11 PM
I'll have a look when I get chance.
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Devons Daddy on 14 May, 2004, 01:41:38 PM
i have seen this.HALO 2 trailer.
and just know i made the right decsion when i purchased an XBOX.

halo was outstanding. this looks like its about to set the standard all over again.
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Noisybast on 14 May, 2004, 04:00:58 PM
It does look pretty sweet, doesn't it? Almost tempted to buy an XBox...
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 14 May, 2004, 04:34:21 PM
>Almost tempted to buy an XBox...

   It's a nice console (despite the Microsoft branding...) - although I'd wait a while, the prices are looking like they're going to come down (they've been reduced in the US)

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: test 4 echo on 14 May, 2004, 05:01:28 PM
I loved halo on xbox, havent played the pc version yet as have only recently upgraded to current game specs. is it worth getting, or would anyone care to recommend an mutiplayer FPS on pc? havent done much online since Q3 and UT. looking for deathmatch stuff rather than team based. always liked the lone sniper type role, instagib style mod.
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Mr D on 14 May, 2004, 06:23:39 PM
Halo was so frickin overrated. The single player game was nothing special AT ALL. The only reason I seriously loved it was the genius co-op game on the X-Box. One of the most satisfying co-op games EVER...
Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Pyroxian on 14 May, 2004, 06:58:43 PM
Yeah, the single-player was fairly bog-standard, and didn't compare to Half-Life or Goldeneye.


It created a _very_ cohesive gameworld that made it feel that you were an actual part of the world, and not just going through the levels. I didn't feel like I was just trying to reach the exit - Halo made me feel I was a part of the human faction trying to survive on this alien world - and yes, I cared about my li'l marine buddies.

And Halo 2 looks like it's going to improve on all of that... :)

Title: Re: Halo 2 vids
Post by: Steamboy on 15 May, 2004, 11:14:53 AM
Test4echo-if your after a new FPS for the PC I dont think you can go past Farcry, not only has it got some of the best Graphics I've ever seen(draw distance of over 1.5kms, providing your PC's up to it) its got cool level design(a whole bunch of Islands that you can see between) and absolutly top AI on the Bad guys, if you kill one with your sniper Rifle from a distance his buddies will tringulate where the shot came from and try to hunt you down even to the point of swimming, using rubber dinghies and choppers to get between islands. It does need some seriouse grunt to run though ignore its minimum specs listed, need at least a 2ghz proccesor, 128MB radion9600 atleast and lots of memory to run it properly.
The original Halo is awsome on the legendary difficulty level when fighting Covenent they pyut up such a fight, Flood suck though as do most of the indoor bits, lets hope Halo 2's a bit more refined when it goes inside(please no more repeating rooms).

CU Krestel