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Messages - Acid for Blood

General / Re: Ebay watch.
26 August, 2013, 01:49:52 PM
Those Nemesis pages are great. If I could afford it I'd be all over it but I'm sure someone will nab them. I especially like the Talbot page where he kills a busload of kids and doesn't give a flying crap.
News / Re: 3A Mongrol on sale from February 28th
26 August, 2013, 01:24:23 PM
Was Ro-Jaws not released yet? I haven't been following ThreeA that much but whenever they announce a Deadlock, Blackblood, or Steelhorn I might be tempted...
26 August, 2013, 01:13:36 PM
1. Dark Jimbo - Timothy Rex (reminds me of one time I was trying to doodle redesigns of Tyranny for fun and I tried to make her look more reptilian while balancing her femininity, it's tricky).
2. flintlockjaw - Angel Sisters
3. James Dilworth - Lady Armitage

HM: Can I say everyone? Cause I mean it.
General / Re: The Commissions Thread
23 August, 2013, 06:05:08 PM
Prog / Re: Prog 1846: The Dead Sea
23 August, 2013, 05:59:11 PM
Lady werewolves kick all sorts of ass.

I really liked the art in Slaine. I could assume McMahon's style is an acquired taste to some people but I think it's a treat.
Prog / Re: Prog 1845: Mega-City Takedown
23 August, 2013, 05:56:30 PM
I'm visiting family in Ireland so I've picked up this week's and last week's progs and Megazines. I think I could probably special order progs and Megazine in some comic shops in Boston but it'd probably be costly but I could always double check that.
It's a possibility. I think Derrick J. Wyatt does the character designs for Ben 10, and he did Transformers Animated where Prowl's design was influenced by Joe Pineapples or something (I know he said ABC Warriors was an influence).
Prog / Re: Prog 1845: Mega-City Takedown
22 August, 2013, 08:14:44 PM
This is my first physical prog (I live in America where I usually just get digital copies because 2000AD isn't sold here) and I think it's a weird point to jump on but I thought Age of the Wolf, Defoe, and Ten Seconders were interesting enough to try and start those two from the beginning soon.

Slaine and Dredd were pretty cool too.
Games / Re: Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 3DS
22 August, 2013, 08:10:09 PM
I didn't play it for a couple days and my favorite neighbor moved away. Boxes packed and everything. :'(
22 August, 2013, 07:54:01 PM
Rushed this as I'm currently on a trip and planned to have it done sooner (and with color) but at least I got it before the deadline. I call it "Deadlier Than the Male".

Creative Common / Re: The Manga Studio Q&A Thread!
04 August, 2013, 05:05:18 AM
I got a question about the drawing tools.

Are they anything like Paint Tool Sai that they're really smooth when you do linework? I'm considering getting MS but I wanna know how good it is as far as inking because Sai is really great but lacks the features that MS has as far as making comics and stuff are concerned.
General / US Graphic Novel Releases
23 June, 2013, 03:50:28 AM
Hey all.

I live in the US so 2000AD is pretty hard to come by (my progs are digital because the cost of importing physical copies would be astronomical probably). There are US releases of trade paperbacks (such as Judge Dredd), but I was curious if there were plans to release stuff like more ABC Warriors or Nemesis volumes in the US? I only ask this because I'd love to collect those books, as many of the strips aren't in print over here, and importing them would cost quite a bit.

Also I was wondering if IDW was going to be in charge of bringing 2000AD here from now on as I've noticed they've been releasing Judge Dredd collections as well as stuff like Zaucer of Zilk over here.
Beast Wars! Wait, no, nevermind.
What's the difference between the Deviant and Termight editions aside from the price? I'd like to know before I hop on with a preorder.
Creative Common / Re: HOT DANG DOODLE!
24 March, 2013, 03:14:13 AM
Doodles of Urdnot Wrex from Mass Effect and Jon Talbain from Darkstalkers: