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Messages - AlpineNewt

News / Re: Gay Dredd
26 January, 2013, 02:30:42 AM
Massive spoiler, I read this on.. can't remember, either aint it cool news or bleedin cool news...
...Anyway, very spoilery, wish I hadn't read it, read at own peril, you have been warned etc

[spoiler]It's not Dredd, it's a gay club where people dress as either Dredd or a perp[/spoiler]
News / Re: Gay Dredd
25 January, 2013, 07:12:11 PM
Ha ha! I'm sure there will be a twist - it's so out of character - but to anyone burning comics and sending abusive messages to writers (if that wasn't just made up by the media) I say "Good-riddance!", I'll keep reading regardless.
Welcome to the board / Re: Bit annoying!
26 October, 2012, 01:21:35 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 21 October, 2012, 10:29:27 AM
Hopefully it won't be too long mate.

Well it's been a few months for me. I tend not to post unless I have something to add to a discussion or want to ask a question, so being unable to post in the prog review or film discussion areas is a bit of a downer.

I understand that us newbies are vetted manually and not by some automated post count or membership length so all it takes is one person to be ill or on holiday and a backlog can build up.
Welcome to the board / Re: OZ Release!
26 October, 2012, 11:53:21 AM
I find it kind of crazy that while I'm getting impatient for the DVD release some places have only just got it in cinemas or are still waiting. Might have to take a trip abroad for a final viewing :)
Quote from: DW2012 on 08 October, 2012, 08:34:56 PM
One of my favourite 'Mega City One Madness Moments' in the film was the bit at the start when the 'fattie' who was shot by the 'hot-shot' guy was being wheeled away, the floor cleaner was mopping up the blood and a bored sounding announcement was mentioned that the food court would open again in 15 minutes.  Clearly in Mega City One random death is about as common as a food spill in a supermarket: "Clean up in aisle 5".

Despite keeping an eye out for the fattie I managed to completely miss him (assuming it was a him). Loads of other stuff I had read about but failed to spot. Couldn't afford to see it twice so I'll just have to wait for the DVD.
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 02 October, 2012, 07:30:22 PM
By the way, did I show anyone this?  It's from my @Judge_Pal Twitter account:

Hopefully the link works!

Are you @Judge_Pal then? I've been following you for months now. Gives me a good chuckle now and again, keep it up!
Yeah Rusty, I remember that getting a big laugh (big considering there was only about 7 people in) in the cinema.
Some have criticized that scene asking how Dredd could have known she was there. Personally I had just assumed he saw her and was stalling until she had a clear shot.
I also liked when the big rogue Judge took the hi-ex to the head. Made me laugh and cringe at the same time.
Quote from: Mabs on 29 September, 2012, 08:19:26 PM

And the scenes of a skating ramp hundreds of kilometres up in the middle of the sky-scraper showed the insanity of it all. I think his decision to shoot the film in South Africa brought an air of believability to the whole film.

For me that was a pretty scary scene. Can't stand heights!
Welcome to the board / Re: hi there! newbie here...
30 September, 2012, 06:14:51 PM
Hi Mabs.
Did I really type seen instead of scene!? Doh!
Good idea adogg.

I know many don't rate the opening chase seen too highly - what with the modern vehicles and such - but I loved it. I think it set the character up perfectly, Dredd's a hard bastard who won't stop until your cubed or dead and doesn't need any help doing it. I really couldn't help but grin all the way through that scene.

Welcome to the board / Re: Hi, newbie here
27 September, 2012, 07:42:32 PM
Your lucky your folks kept them Austin, mine got resyked  :( 
The name "Kid Knee Caper" sparked something in my memory, "The Sad Case":

Been on the BBC site since 2005 would you believe!

Thank you both,

So it follows straight on from what is reprinted in 'Portrait of a Mutant"? Looks like I read them in the wrong order then.

Thanks again.

Hi everyone,

Way back in the late eighties - or thereabout - I picked up a stack of Strontium Dog comics at a car boot sale. Thinking back they seemed to be in am American style format with each issue longer than a prog length episode. The story seemed to be about Johnny and Wulf being framed for murdering the S.D controller and being on the run from the rest of the S.Ds, most notably the Stix brothers.

Does anyone know if these have been reprinted anywhere? I would love to read that story again but I fear they fell victim to my mother's comic purge of '98 and google has been no help so far.

Anyway, that got me started on the prog (and away from the ridiculous war comics of the time) and also began my life long love of science fiction.

- Alpine-Noob :D