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Messages - Snuffers

Commemorative Justice Department Synthi-Caff Mug for the store?
*flutters eyelashes*
Just finished reading the first story. I am bought with the partnership of T.C. and Boo. Just a perfect little Dredd there. Art was perfect, Dredd lookin' right. I enjoyed how colourful it was. I'm fed up with so many things set in grim futures making the colour palette grim too.
Please bring more of these two. Looking forward to red the next story by them in this very issue! Cheers, Matt.
Games / Re: 2000AD Server?
14 May, 2013, 10:05:15 PM
Quote from: Zappanalé on 11 May, 2013, 02:41:30 PM
Any TF2 players around? That's my main game, but I have various versions of CS as well.
Yes! I am TF2 player.
Do you have Gmod?
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
14 May, 2013, 09:45:06 PM
Just finished The Complete Alan Moore Future Shocks and starting on Strontium Dog Search and Destroy Agency Files 01.
Before I read any 2000AD whilst talking about my interest on it with a few people I knew who read it in the past, one said they were not so keen on Strontium Dog. This was the only story I had heard anything negative of in 2000AD and just from this one fellow. After noticing the legacy of Johnny Alpha on the comic I had to read it. I'm not far at all in it but I like it so far. I like the gimmicks with the weapons and the advantages of being a mutant being displayed for once. It's fun. I really love the early issues of the Prog (or Starlord) in this time being more focused on the novelty of science fiction and the adventure within. Yet there's still some darkness in there with the prejudice involved with mutants.

Alan Moore was fantastic. Goes without saying. Abelard Snazz = Extremely Fantastic. It's good to read something more comedic from him. Some very funny shocks!
Games / Re: 2000AD Server?
10 May, 2013, 07:48:08 PM
Quote from: El Pops on 10 May, 2013, 07:14:48 PM
Signed up, but I'm not going to tell you my username, you'll have to guess

Seems like you're this Nimeous fellar to me. Not sure...
Off Topic / Re: Sovtastic Awesomeness
10 May, 2013, 04:51:43 PM
Games / Re: 2000AD Server?
10 May, 2013, 03:05:03 PM
OK, I've created this:

Git joinin' and git postin' and we'll see about PLAYING A VIDEO GAME.
Day of Defeat sounds a good place to start.
If you have Gmod then we must play some Trouble In Terrorist Town. Purely to play as JUDGES.
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
08 May, 2013, 12:05:44 PM
I remember when I was a tiny human I saw a glimpse of Jason and the Argonauts on this documentary on a more modern film. They showed that clip as an example of what inspired them with their effects. My mind completely switched interest to those skeleton warriors. Seeing a skeleton army rise from the ground like that and their motions just enthralled me like no one else's effect work has done since. Every now and then I would remember that clip and have this surge of excitement just wanting to find that film. The joy  that day of watching the full thing.
I'm really going to miss ya, Ray.
I can't wait till Judge Dredd: The Complete Ron Smith comes out.
Books & Comics / Re: Whats everyone reading?
02 May, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Robo-Hunter: The Droid Files Colume 01
Slade, where have you been all my life?
Just finished the first arc Verdus. [spoiler]May sound a bit corny but; I was actually a little touched from Cutie's sacrifice. The loss of the closest friend whom is a robot says something to me.[/spoiler]
I'm truly looking forward to reading the next story and buying the next volume after tanking through this one.

I bought myself Day of Chaos: The Fourth Faction today so I can make some sense out of a lot of the Megazine stories and this new one in the Prog. I have also bought Insurrection to get joy out the new stuff which I'm mighty interested in. Finally subscribed too. I'm in this for the long run now. However, my wallet may have to take a couple breaks every now and then. (survival purposes)
Games / Re: 2000AD Server?
02 May, 2013, 10:47:15 PM
Sundae spoons are especially nice.
Games / 2000AD Server?
01 May, 2013, 10:25:59 PM
Would any of you wish to play together online on something?
I had the Minecraft thread recently looking to see if we could get a server up where we can mingle. There wasn't much interest so I'm curious if any of you would be mighty interested in having an online gaming group or something?
A steam group or something. I just looked up on Steam and there's a small one.
I just reckon it'd be a right laugh to play with you lot. Getting a response from Al Ewing on the Minecraft one made me think if we had an open server somewhere means we could get fans and the artists together which would be amusing.
Any preferred online game?
I'm currently playing a mix of Team Fortress 2, World of Tanks and Minecraft. A very silly mix.
L4D would be good.
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 07 August, 2012, 07:07:41 PM
I think this needs one of the Peach Tree photos to bump the thread  ;)

What's the story behind this one?
Prog / Re: Prog 1830 - Gunheadz
01 May, 2013, 06:28:57 PM
Now then,

As I've said, I'm still fairly new to 2000AD but have the first ten of the complete case files. So I'm not filled in on the Chaos Day story. After reading this issue though I'm grabbing myself a copy of Day of Chaos. Especially looking forward to not only read recent strips from Wagner but to see recent MacNeil work and seeing Flint on Dredd.
So I didn't get the benefit of knowing Dolman and such but I still enjoyed this strip. Seeing the coldness of being a Judge from the cadets view was refreshing.

This is my favourite of this prog. The contrasting artwork of an old prog and 'reality' was very fun. Much excitement to see where this goes which is exactly what I want to get from reading!

I loved the last Prog with the scientist with tapes for his brain.
It's interesting to see the negativity towards Dandridge. I quite enjoy it but even just knowing of Nikolai Dante without reading I feel a similarity of characters. The body humour is stellar when it comes to Shelley.

In all honesty, as I've started from 1824, Stickleback is what I've least looked forward to reading. It looks great but I can't make much sense from it. I feel I must read the previous story. This isn't a good feeling.

I loved Zombo since I laid my eyes on that decaying fine bodied fiend when I first visited the 2000AD site. Despite not reading the volumes that remain in older Progs (CANNAE WAIT FIR THE PAPERBACK RELEASE IN OCTOBER, THARGY-BABY!) my love remains strong for this thing. Henry Flint really is one of my favourite artists. I love how he colours the flesh of humans in Zombo. He makes them more red, something more food like about that...EHM...YES....great work Flint!...The returning child dialogue from Zombo here is very comforting to read again. As well as the dialogue of doubtful Missus Lawyer. Just like the first volume. Thanks, dudes.  :thumbsup:

Overall, a fine Prog. It's nice to know there's others of you who want to see the Survival Geeks back. Whilst writing this I got myself my MEGA subscription. I'm going to be bothering you with more letters Tharg. I love it here.
Prog / Re: Prog 1830 - Gunheadz
01 May, 2013, 05:06:27 PM
I just got my copy and instantly turned to the back page. One of them is a letter from myself and being very new to the 2000AD universe and getting this just feels fantastic. Thanks, Thargy-baby!
Now for the real treat. *sings a Zombo theme tune in head*