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Messages - dazza1008

Welcome to the board / Re: G'day mates
31 August, 2014, 01:24:42 AM
Quote from: Aztecface on 21 August, 2014, 05:12:27 PM
Thank you! :)

Quote from: Grugz on 28 August, 2014, 04:36:55 PM
Quote from: Aztecface on 21 August, 2014, 05:12:27 PM

not sure if its some sort of mild dyslexia but I cant help but read you username as "arseface"! :-[  sorry!

That's racist!
Creative Common / Re: The Death Of Dredd
27 August, 2014, 06:13:49 AM
Quote from: JOE SOAP on 27 August, 2014, 01:53:20 AM
Quote from: dazza1008 on 27 August, 2014, 01:16:09 AM
Then again, he did kill off Johnny Alpha, and is trying to recover from that - years later, Wagner said it was a mistake.

It was Alan Grant who killed off Johnny Alpha; this was after he and John Wagner went solo and split their characters between them.
Oh was it? My mistake, thanks.
Creative Common / Re: The Death Of Dredd
27 August, 2014, 01:16:09 AM
QuoteWell, like the aforementioned Superman story it would be 'canon' if you wanted it to be. Or you could take it as a 'what if?' kind of story.

You know, I'm trying to figure out John Wagner as a person, and I do think he likes to make a statement. My limited impression of him is that he'd want to make something definite. I like what you suggest, but it could be construed as wanting to cater to the audience, keep everyone happy, that kind of thing.

Then again, he did kill off Johnny Alpha, and is trying to recover from that - years later, Wagner said it was a mistake.

QuoteI don't see it as this pressing issue they need to address. Dredd's old - probably around 70, but John Wagner has already stated many times that in Dredd's universe lifespans are a lot longer thanks to medical advances, and he's already had at least one 're-juve' treatment (Dredd, not Wagner so far as I know) - with that kind of narrative hand-waving you could keep it going indefinitely.

From my point of view, the whole idea of the Dredd comic is to address real-life issues in a kind of satirical way - take something to an extreme to make a statement. If they did avoid the issue, it would be good for continuity, however, in today's society, older people arguably aren't given the respect they deserve. Considering John Wagner's aging himself, I wonder how he feels about it- being on the receiving end - and whether he would want to make a statement about it. Perhaps there's a way of tackling the issue as well as maintaining the possibility of continuing the comic, without resorting to a "what if" scenario.

[/quote]What I don't want - and what will never happen - is something like Rico II taking over the mantle of 'Judge Dredd' because A) It's too obvious and fan-fictiony and B) Rico is not the same man as Dredd.
Agree! xD
Creative Common / Re: The Death Of Dredd
27 August, 2014, 12:17:31 AM
Quote from: radiator on 27 August, 2014, 12:06:48 AM
an 'imaginary tale' that signals the end of an era. Then we immediately push the reset button and carry on as normal the following week.

Well, we want more Dredd. xD

But what you say- not that I blame you, but you don't want the death story to be canon in the sense that it affects anything else. How do you propose they get around the "ages in real-time" thing?

Personally, I think it would make more of an impact if it was a proper death, even though the series could continue with flash-backs, or through IDW. xD I think John Wagner's the one to make a statement. He's joked that it would be in his will.
Creative Common / Re: Attempts at the sample scripts
27 August, 2014, 12:01:30 AM
Shouldn't this be a sticky thread?  :P
Creative Common / The Death Of Dredd
27 August, 2014, 12:00:34 AM
I've found this idea to be interesting, mainly because I don't believe John Wagner had predicted its success, therefore, hadn't thought it was a topic that would need to be dealt with. In order to keep with the series' unique aspects i.e. characters age in real-time, eventually Judge Dredd as a character would have to die, right?

I don't like the thought of that, either.  :)

Perhaps the series itself would continue via 'lost files' or something, but the question does remain, what possible storyline could do it justice? (no pun intended)

Anyway, what I wrote ISN'T a serious ending - it's a short story, and it's more tribute to the character with some speckles of dry wit thrown in. If you want to mention points for improvement, feel free - I'd like to know what you honestly think.

But... how would you think this topic will be dealt with, or should be dealt with? Drama, action, disgrace, lack of confirmation of his death - all are themes that come to mind for me. What kind of ending would you want to see in the comic?

I mean, there is also this ending... (not drawn by myself)
General / Re: Dredd fan videos
21 August, 2014, 03:43:53 AM
Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 20 August, 2014, 12:12:23 PM
This one is quite good:

Yes, it's a breath of fresh air. :)

Quote from: 8-Ball on 20 August, 2014, 08:45:40 PM
I'm willing to be corrected on this but I think that you will have to post a few more comments before the mods are convinced that you are not a bot. Then you should be able to post everywhere. :think:

Thanks, Sentient Tea Bot.
Yeah, that's the stuff xD
Welcome to the board / Re: G'day mates
21 August, 2014, 03:42:14 AM
Thanks, everyone!  :P
General / Dredd fan videos
20 August, 2014, 06:52:22 AM
As a fan of music videos and the 2012 movie (and that forum is closed to new topics for some reason), I'd tinkered around with some myself: (simple editing in terms of effects, but I hope they are enjoyable anyway)

Dredd Randomness

Ma-Ma's Fall

And some of my favourites that I'd found:
Dredd Vs Dredd



Pulse of the Dead

Dredd music video

Feuer Frei

Russian! (I actually like the Russian voice over)


Teeth! (starring Ma-Ma)

Cry Little Sister

Judge Death animated

Dredd as Bod

Have any Dredd videos that you've come across that you'd like to share? :)

(side note: where is the search function? And it's true you can't make new posts in the "Place to waffle about the new 2012 Dredd Film!" forum?)
Announcements / deviantART Dredd fanclub - Dreddheads
19 August, 2014, 11:46:39 PM
Hey everyone,

Wanted to share the link to the deviantART club - the more, the merrier! If you have Judge Dredd art, we'd welcome it if you submitted it. If art's not your thing but you have a deviantART account, you're welcome to join as an art-appreciator.

And other sites that support the fanclub -

At the deviantART site, we get everything from highly polished professional artwork to cosplay to random and weird stuff. I'm loving it all, and hope others are loving it too. :D

We hope you can join us!  :D
Welcome to the board / G'day mates
19 August, 2014, 11:33:58 PM
Well, I'm into Judge Dredd. I'm sure there's many more interesting comics, but I don't have the time. I don't really have the time to read Judge Dredd at the moment, either - I'm halfway through the cursed earth saga. I kind of like being a bit ignorant about canon because I enjoy using these characters to explore themes in fanfiction, and as long as I can get inspiration to explore the universe, I'm satisfied. I REALLY am enjoying the comics, though!

I went on a Dredd bender with the fanfiction if you wanted to check it out

So how the hell can I call myself a Dredd fan? Because I like building communities. It's easier and more effective than hypnotizing my friends to share my interests.

At the deviantART site, we get everything from highly polished professional artwork to cosplay to random and weird stuff. I'm loving it all, and hope others are loving it too. :D

What got me into Dredd?
Well, I saw the Stallone film and loved it as it was a glimpse into an interesting universe. Then I saw Dredd (2012) in Jan 2014 when Ma-Ma was mentioned on watchmojo as one of the top 10 villainesses, which reminded me that I hadn't seen it. I thought it would be some stock-standard typical action flick with a Dredd flavour, but I was BLOWN AWAY. From the moment I saw it, I was transfixed, which is extremely rare for me. Not a cliche in sight, concise dialogue that is revealing of the characters, and the violence was there to highlight the heroism of the characters. One of my top 3 films of all time. And I was gutted to see it didn't make its money back in the box office from the Wikipedia page.

Happy to support Make A Dredd Sequel since the original film deserves a sequel, whether or not it gets one. If fans are organised enough, if people discover the film in the meantime, then hopefully it's a safe bet.

I wish more people knew about Judge Dredd, since the uncompromising quality along with the rebellious streak is a great role model, especially for young people. We need more people unrelentingly doing the right thing in the face of adversity!
Hey, I support this because Dredd (2012) deserves more recognition. I'd love a sequel, but hey - I'll settle for others being more aware of it. :D Good on you guys for taking the initiative.