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Messages - Stephen Parry

Prog / Re: Prog 2005 - The Claw at War!
03 November, 2016, 10:22:01 PM
Haven't got mine yet.

Has the letters page returned yet? I am so much a fan of letters pages. Not enough comics have them nowadays. And those that do don't have regular ones.
Prog / Re: Prog 2003: On The Warpath
15 October, 2016, 08:06:49 PM
Not a subscriber - thanks lousy postal service around here (they lost 2 parcels of mine this year alone) - so looking forward to this.

Any letters pages this week?
Prog / Re: Prog 2002: Retaliatory Strike!
15 October, 2016, 08:05:32 PM
Add another vote for Counterfeit Girl. The themes in that are as timely as ever, if you ask me. Love the art. Really enjoying this one.

Try as I have over many, many years, Flesh just cannot, well, I must have a mental block.

General / Re: How Important Is A Letters Page?
03 April, 2016, 01:45:15 PM
I think it shows effort, too.

This forum is great - it's why I joined - but some, well...

I was on a comic forum years ago devoted to British reprints of Marvel US titles. One guy put no effort in and was told to put more effort in when reviewing comics. His posts were a sentence long and usually:

"I really liked that issue."
"I didn't think that was a good issue."

And then on another forum, one guy's 'critique' of a Doctor Who episode was:

"Absolute, stinking drivel!"

I guess being able to hit the "Enter" key on your laptop/Chromebook/Mac is all the effort some want to do. No publication would print letters with comments like those above. Writing a letter requires effort and thought, whether being positive or negative. I like to think they'll always have a place.
General / How Important Is A Letters Page?
02 April, 2016, 10:20:44 PM
Although the above question can apply to any publication, fictional or non-fictional, as it's here, I guess we'll talk more about 2000 AD.

Whether it's the magazines I buy, or the comics I purchase, letters pages are important to me. Despite the era of great forums like this, where you can instantly see what people like, I think there are two great reasons for letters pages.

Firstly, there is something cool about seeing a snapshot of opinion on a letters page. Letters selected for publication are usually the "cream of the crop" and provide a wide variety of views.

Secondly, and most importantly, it's great that you can buy back issues and get a feel for how people felt at the time. I wasn't around in, say, the late 50s, but pick up a publication from that era and it's nice to get a feel for how people living back then felt. Some modern comics that lack letters pages won't be the same for future generations.

Any thoughts?
Film & TV / Re: Captain Britain Telly show... maybe
02 April, 2016, 10:15:17 PM
Quote from: Professor Wolfgang Von Bear on 29 March, 2016, 01:45:03 PM
Even long before they got to stuff like rebranding him as Britainic, he just seemed to be a Jenga tower of stupid ideas on the verge of collapsing - like the US books taking it as gospel that the character was an alcoholic because when his sister was murdered he had a stiff drink.

Well said. You have a way with words.

Quote from: Professor Wolfgang Von Bear on 29 March, 2016, 01:45:03 PMI don't even know what Cap's deal is anymore: is he still powered by Merlin, is he still a Pendragon, or is he powered by British nationalism again?

Let me know, please, if you find out. ;)
Do Vertigo not "share" the same Earth as DC superheroes? I was never 100% clear on that.

And are Frank Miller's tales apocryphal or not? No-one has ever been able to confirm or deny either way.
Books & Comics / Re: The Eagle is Back!
02 April, 2016, 09:44:20 PM
For almost the entire 80s, I could not keep up with who merged with who. Need to write a list down, I think!
Music / Re: What's everyone listening to...?
02 April, 2016, 09:43:33 PM
Quote from: richerthanyou on 02 April, 2016, 03:00:02 AM
Quote from: Stephen Parry on 02 April, 2016, 12:52:38 AM
"The Final Frontier" by Iron Maiden.

I'd go as far as saying that this may be their best album of recent times.

Better than Book Of Souls?

Welcome to the boards btw

In my opinion, yes. And thanks for the welcome!

Pleasantly surprised by Super Collider by Megadeth earlier tonight. I hadn't heard many positive reviews of it from my social circle.
Music / Re: What's everyone listening to...?
02 April, 2016, 12:52:38 AM
"The Final Frontier" by Iron Maiden.

I'd go as far as saying that this may be their best album of recent times.
Off Topic / Re: What is Happy?
02 April, 2016, 12:50:23 AM
Being happy is a state of mind. Life will have its ups and downs always. There are no guarantees, but you can choose to be happy wherever and whenever possible.  :)
Books & Comics / Re: The Eagle is Back!
02 April, 2016, 12:43:50 AM
That's the one. Thank you!

I remember it vaguely. If memory serves me right, there was a strip called "Joe Alien".

Seem to be a lot of us finding our way from the wilderness, myself included. There is a mass migration towards 2000 AD recently - and we've all picked a great time to do it.
Books & Comics / Re: The Eagle is Back!
02 April, 2016, 12:39:35 AM
I shall be buying. I mean, come on, Doomlord! Brilliant.

Anyone remember the strip "Mask of Evil" in the 80s? Not sure how it ended. My purchases of the comic were sporadic at best. Like a lot of others, it all depended on the whims of the local newsagents.

This is going to bring back a lot of memories!

By the way, I know Eagle merged with MASK around 1988, but didn't it also merge with some sci-fi comic around 1989/1990?
Welcome to the board / Re: Lapsed Fan Saying "Hi"
01 April, 2016, 04:02:19 PM
Thanks Sheridan!

When I jumped back on board, I did try digital, but, as with other publications, I cannot get used to it. Yes, it's cheaper, I know. And convenient. But I have to have paper in my hand, have to smell the paper, too. ;)

Plus, if a wasp enters the room, I'd rather swipe my magazine at it than hit it with my Chromebook.