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Film & TV / Re: Sherlock
13 January, 2014, 11:06:06 AM
Quote from: Theblazeuk on 13 January, 2014, 10:45:41 AM
[spoiler]Shooting someone in the head[/spoiler] was a very elementary solution. Good job they had a genius along to do that, eh? Perhaps it would have been better to just leave that to the [spoiler]assassin who wanted to do it in the first place.[/spoiler]

But it wasn't til that point that they knew it was [spoiler]all stored in his head[/spoiler] as earlier there was the danger that [spoiler]after his death all the damaging information would be released[/spoiler]

If you've read the original story, your solution is [spoiler]exactly what happens![/spoiler]
Film & TV / Re: Sherlock
09 January, 2014, 10:09:21 AM
The original Milverton was a one-off character, like Moriarty- and, like Moriarty, Conan-Doyle suggested he had this vast backstory (as a blackmailer) that only Holmes seems to be aware of. I'll be interested to see if Moffatt follows the plot of the original at all as it's hardly Holmes' finest moment....
Film & TV / Re: Sherlock
02 January, 2014, 01:51:30 PM
The new villain is played by Lars Mikkelsen, brother to Hannibal's Mads!
Prog / Re: Prog 2014
15 December, 2013, 03:55:29 PM
Quote from: Proudhuff on 14 December, 2013, 12:04:50 PM
Quote from: Mabs on 13 December, 2013, 10:47:38 PM
Starscan: Slaine - by Mike Collins. Really great job by Collins, I love the colour work!

Oh I GET it now, that outragously camp black leather outfit, the teeth, the bright shiney colours!
Do those images really spell out J. O. H. N. ?

In the background a Barrow in the Foreground a Man

like the Masquerade book the clues are all there to who will play Slaine in the movie.

Ha! There was me thinking I'd finally got the Irishness of Slaine's face and you trump it with seeing a Scots/American show tunes star :-)

One of the refs Pat gave me back when I drew Slaine originally was actually Marty Pellow... he thought the guy's smile just looked like that of a killer...
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 18 November, 2013, 07:03:29 PM
2013 was an enjoyable event and it looks like next year will be another fun event. It's not as full on as the other film/comic events at the EXCEL, so you won't get quashed ;)

The website is live LSCC 2014 and they have a Facebook page LSCC FACEBOOK

There are already some creators lined up and I know that Chris Weston is taking Convention Commission/Sketch orders already, as Pete and myself have ours on order. If you've seen his Convention sketches you'll realise why it should be classed as a commission!

And I've opened my LSCC show list too :-)
Daughter has seized the TV gun, so now we have The Valleys (filmed all around where my studio is- they even have 'scenes' set in the local greasy spoon, the magnificent Gorge With George) and last night the sheer unadulterated horror of Celebrity Four Weddings. TV has eaten itself.... I slunked back to the home studio for the evening shift and put a James Lee Burke Dave Robicheaux audiobook on, very, very loudly....
Quote from: SKD on 25 June, 2013, 10:30:52 PM
Quote from: MIKE COLLINS on 24 June, 2013, 11:45:21 PM
As me'n'Ian are both West Midlands lads, and we both used to go there a lot as kids, we thought it'd be a cheeky in-joke to use Dudley Zoo-- a lot of the architecture I've drawn is based on the place but obviously scaled up for Mega City One.

Nice one Mike. I knew Ian was from around these parts, but I didn't realise that you where too. I had a big grin on my face when I turned the page and saw that familiar entrance. I recognised the curved section from the old bear enclosure too. Considering that the zoo was designed and built in the 1930's, it sits very well in the future setting of Mega city One.


Ta! Yep, the architecture works fine in MegaCity One!

I'm from West Bromwich originally (home of John Byrne too!) tho live in Cardiff nowadays. If you go back through my work, every so often the Rotunda from the Bull Ring turns up in city shots-- in Dredd and in my US work. Always nice to have a tip of the hat to the old home :-)
Quote from: SKD on 24 June, 2013, 08:30:16 PM
By the look of it, the Alien Zoo's art deco entrance was designed by Berthold Lubetkin's Tecton Group. Just like Dudley Zoo. :D   

As me'n'Ian are both West Midlands lads, and we both used to go there a lot as kids, we thought it'd be a cheeky in-joke to use Dudley Zoo-- a lot of the architecture I've drawn is based on the place but obviously scaled up for Mega City One.
Update: going through the loft, the issues go way back at least to 400 or so, also I've found runs of Revolver and Crisis. Price still same, but as before, collection only :-)
Hi folks, a friend who's been widowed has a massive collection of 2000ADs, StarLords (from no.1), annuals going back to 1980, Eagle annuals, Best Of 2000AD, Judge Dredd Megazines, and Summer Specials. She's nit really interested in much money, just wants to clear her loft. £200 the lot, but you have to collect.
Events / Re: 2D 2013
04 June, 2013, 04:58:27 PM
Quote from: Mikey on 02 June, 2013, 07:41:25 PM
Nice! Had a good time meself, and I meant to get back to you David to pick up some stuff after I left the Fabry line.
I couldn't find Mike Collins either!


I was sat facing Glenn's table, you must've been within metres of me :-)
Film & TV / Re: Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
16 May, 2013, 02:25:48 PM
No one's complained that the Klingon homeworld is spelt Qo'noS, just pronounced 'Kronos'- JJ's on screen captions are dumbing down Trek! etc, etc, etc.... :D
Film & TV / Re: Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
13 May, 2013, 01:16:41 PM
I thought it actually did a fair job of addressing the basic themes of Star Trek through the various versions- I saw some DS9 and Next Gen tropes in the plot.

Urban as before IS DeForrest Kelly. Pine I thought was totally Season One Shatner, all swagger and poise. Quinto had a lot to do as Spock, and did it well, getting a satifying arc for his character.

Cumberpatch has a great career as a screen villain ahead of him after this.

Interesting that the trailers, for all they show, don't spoil the story.

I'm a life long Trek fan, and I loved it.
Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who - Season... Spring 2013
20 April, 2013, 11:59:49 PM
Quote from: Richmond Clements on 20 April, 2013, 08:38:26 PM
Quote from: Daveycandlish on 20 April, 2013, 08:36:21 PM
QuoteAnyone else wince at the mispronounciation of Metabelis Three? 

Previously it's been pronounced Meta-bee-liss, this time around they pronounced it Meh-tabble-iss (something I guess you would never be aware of, Goaty) but it really threw you out of the story, hearing it pronounced differently

Well, I suspect it will mean nothing at all to the majority of the viewers who will not be aware that it's been in the series previously.

Annoyed me too! I wondered why Moffat didn't pop by and correct em... oddly, by setting it in 1974, doesn't it actually co-incide with Planet of the Spiders?
Film & TV / Re: Fringe The End (Black out spoilers)
21 January, 2013, 02:08:11 PM
QuoteWell that has got to be one of the most satisfying ends to a SciFi series in a long time, I have absolutly loved every season of Fringe from when it started out as a X-Files rip off as it delveloped and blew through 3 magnificent Arc plots through its run.  Im gonna miss you Fringe and dont think anything currently running can take its place.  Congratulations to Fox for finally seeing a series through even though last couple of season ratings were very low (maybe it had a big oversease audience but you certainly cant find it on any OZ channels.).  Who new that kid from Dawsons Creek coupld put in such a good performance and Noble deserves Emmy's for Walter Bishop in all forms truelly one of the best mad scientists created today.

Totally agree- and I was one of those who stayed up til 3am to watch it same time as America... fingers crossed, saying 'PLEASE don't screw it up like Lost!'

And they pulled it off. Damnit, any show that can have you teary eyed at the goodbye to [spoiler]a cow [/spoiler] is a stone cold classic in my book!