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Messages - Badgers Tuesday

General / Guest Appearence.
14 November, 2006, 02:28:19 PM
Ok, so just got around to reading last weeks Tooth... Was thoroughly enjoying Origins with a cup of tea and a chocolate biccy. Turned the page to the next strip ... and saw it.

Or rather him.

Is it me or does LMS make a guest appearence? Have Si Spurrier and Smudge imortalised Mike for ever more in a 'being attacked in a Voodoo style' type-way?
Film & TV / Re: Comic Book Film Adaptations......
04 November, 2006, 03:18:48 PM
Yep, Batman Begins would be Le Grand Fromage for me also. I thought the central premise of the application of fear was broken down into several layers of dramatic genius that held the film together in a justifiable thread whilst being true to and showing through the characters inner struggles and behaviours. It almost needn't have been a superhero film at all.

Then again, maybe I'm forgetting the genius of Matt Salingers early nineties Captain America effort...Ahem... ;)
Off Topic / Re: Jimmy Carr. Why?
04 November, 2006, 02:43:55 PM
Might Boosh was damn hilarious!! "You've taught me everything you know, but have you taught me everything I know?" Awesome.

As was that mime along to Natalie Imbruglias 'Torn'.
News / Re: Judge Dredd Bust
04 November, 2006, 04:28:26 PM
Tooth range? They're making just the teeth? Or busts? Maybe both... Coming soon: teeth and busts of your favourite female 2000ad characters, collect all the pieces to come in the following months and build Judge Anderson anatomically from scratch. Free pancreas with Part One...
General / Re: crossovers
04 November, 2006, 03:02:15 PM
Perhaps after the TARDIS has left Mega-City One it leaves behind a strange wibbly-wobbly rift in the space time continuum that allows colourful beings from other dimensioanl realities to spew forth into the Dredd Universe.

Yes folks, I'm suggesting Dredd Vs... The Teletubbies. No, wait, even better and up to the minute with hot cultural references it's...

"What seems to be the problem citizen? Oh My Grud! They've killed Dipsy"
Off Topic / Re: lets have a bloody good moan!....
27 October, 2006, 10:48:28 AM

Er, ok, right. Shit. Maybe, er maybe you could, er I know, put a bit of cold water in the coffee to cool it and then eat the hob nob!
Ha haa!

Oh no. WAIT. Wait, what if you put in too much? What if it's too diluted, but still too hot and now it doesn't taste as good? Arrgghh, what if bits of biscuits fall in and make the last few mouthfuls like drinking biscuity grit???

Off Topic / Re: lets have a bloody good moan!....
27 October, 2006, 10:26:50 AM
I just banged my knee on the desk leg...

Is there no justice in the world?!!!
Off Topic / Re: What was your favourite subjec...
20 October, 2006, 08:19:38 PM

Because of the huge parts.

Heeee, heeee, heeee!!

O.K., seriously. Drama and English, as they were the two subjects I was consistently good at, I really felt my mind working like an electric knife in those lesons and there seemed a limitless scope to the things I could think up, create and play with. Hooray for playing!! Just brilliant!!! Still love writing and pratting about on stage today and am some pillock let me do it for a living. I can only assume they weren't paying attention in the interview. I know I wasn't...
Off Topic / Re: The calender of the trivial......
21 October, 2006, 01:21:42 PM
Jan 21st

The first nuclear sub, The USS Nautilus was launched. 1954. Or just before five to eight if you don't get the 24 hour clock...
Off Topic / Re: The calender of the trivial......
20 October, 2006, 08:07:10 PM
Fantastic!! Thanks, Carlsborg. That little fact may help me a great deal with something I'm planning tomorrow.. Er, not the systematic murder of a French family but a Museum Exhibition actually.

Jan 20th 1892
At the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts the first game of Basket ball is played. Although at the time bins were in the baskets and players had to climb up to get their balls out..

Balls... Hurr hur hurr... funny...
Off Topic / Re: The calender of the trivial......
20 October, 2006, 11:45:56 AM
January 6th, 1945. Battle of the Bulge ends. The Battle of the Fat was started but ended up deflating quickly...

Jan 7th 1558 The last part of France belonging to England (Calais)was lost.
It turned up again years later, on the coast :)
Film & TV / Re: Sky poaches 'Lost'
20 October, 2006, 11:34:25 AM
"...and I've had to threaten them with death."

It's true folks! He threatened to murder us all if we said anything about the plot of Lost or revealed... now, what was it... something about an under age female judge cadet or something...hmmmm...
Help! / Re: Icon help greatly appreciated!...
19 October, 2006, 11:36:07 AM
How dare ye!

Thare's nothing wrang with my spooling, you sid pafftic winker!
Help! / Re: Icon help greatly appreciated!...
19 October, 2006, 11:32:31 AM
I'm not aloud anything like that at work either!

Clear and Present Danger My Ar*e!!

It's Health and Safety Gone Maddde!!!
Off Topic / Re: The worse record evah............
19 October, 2006, 11:24:29 AM
Well sort of. Although as I got smashed in the hand with a transitional rapier yesterday the mnagement have, for some reason, put me in the 'safe' performance catergory. Tsk! Typical. I've told them I ca fight with a knife in my teeth, but OH NO! Face fighting is a danger to the public apparently.

It's Health and Safety Gone Mad!!