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Messages - Gothmog

Games / Re: Dragon Age Origins
13 March, 2013, 03:46:22 AM
If you've managed to get it reinstalled and still having problems with the cheat:

bin_ship is one of the installation folders and daorigins.exe is a file within it.  A windows search should find daorigins.exe but if you need to find it manually it depends on what drive it's installed on and whether you're 32 or 64 bit windows but it'll be vaguely similar to my installation folder which is:
E:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe
But it could be C: or D: with or without (x86) after Program Files.

Once you find it make sure you can see your desktop behind your open window then hold down the right mouse button on the daorigins file and drag it to your desktop.  Release the mouse button and select create shortcut from the menu and it'll create a shortcut icon.

Right click your new shorcut icon and select properties.  There'll be a box marked target, add -enabledeveloperconsole to the text in there after the speech marks.  Mine would look llike:
"E:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole
Click ok to save it and use that shortcut icon to launch the game whenever you want to use the cheat console.

If you use Steam and have it in your games library it's a bit easier.  Just right click the game in your library, select properties, then select launch options and enter -enabledeveloperconsole into the box that appears.

When you're in game the tilde button will open up the developer console and you enter the cheat codes there.  Press tilde again to close the console and return to game.
Games / Re: Tomb Raider
09 March, 2013, 02:48:46 AM
It's certainly a good looking game and there's plenty of enjoyment to be had even though I've never been a fan of QTEs but I'd be enjoying it a hell of a lot more if there was an option to turn off the shaky cam.

It's kind of de rigueur to have the camera attached to a helium balloon in a draft effect for cut scenes nowadays but having constant camera bob/weave during gameplay in 3rd person perspective is a step too far in my opinion.
I'm sure it's all intended to give it a gritty, intense feel but  it's just giving me the feeling of impending motion sickness that's never been a problem for me before.

Also some of the death scenes feel like I've stumbled upon somebody's private snuff movie collection as Lara moans and feebly flaps against the instrument of her doom while her life inexorably slips away.  Kind of unsettling for a game but maybe I'm just getting old.
Games / System Shock 2 is back!
14 February, 2013, 02:17:28 PM is spreading the love this Valentine's Day by making System Shock 2 available to buy again after years of drowning in a legal mire.

The spiritual predecessor to Bioshock and IMHO one of the greatest games of all time. 
Graphical it's obviously dated but it wsan't necessarily the prettiest game when it was first released anyway.  It supports modern screen resolutions/dimensions but I'd rebind the controls before you start as default movement is QWEX with ASD for leaning.

So go on, treat yourselves to a nightmarish battle of wills with a psychotic AI.  It's what Valentine's Day is all about.
Games / Re: New Judge Dredd game?
10 January, 2013, 12:22:36 AM
Not Ipad as requested but for PC gamers Blood Bowl and Dungeon Bowl have been around for a while courtesy of Cyanide Studios and a single player version of Talisman was released by Nomad Games the other month with a 1-4 player version to follow.

And as for Space Hulk, get your wallet ready:
Games / Re: Assassin's Creed 3
02 November, 2012, 02:04:05 PM
On last mission of sequence five, free roam has well and truly kicked in and the wilderness areas feel very Red Dead Redemption (which is a good thing) and I'm starting to enjoy it now.  And it's usual Assassin's Creed gameplay so you know what you're in for and can get into the groove nicely.

But my couple of hours playing stopped at the end of sequence two and if that had been my first Assassin's Creed experience I imagine I'd be feeling pretty confused in places.  It's all pretty slow for over the opening sequences which is fair enough as they're intorducing the player to the character, setting and story so it's the standard tutorial-ish start.
The problem being that they miss some of the tutorial bits out.  You get the movement and basic combat controls but they don't tell you how to change weapons via the bumpers or d-pad until sequence five.  There's a mission with an optional objective to kill three enemies with sequential attacks which still hasn't been explained yet, another is to do three corner assassinations which also hasn't been explained yet.
There is an actual in game manual over to the left of the options menu which probably has all the details in there but you're not told about that in game either.  So although new players will probably figure these things out it'd be make more sense to give an in game tutorial iwhen the game gives the player the option to try and do them.

Seen unsynched attacks where my assassination victim drops to the floor and slides away as I'm still doing the attack animation.  Weird climbing bug where part of my body sticks to a wall or tree and stretches.  And the rifle firing animation is just awful, don't know if it's particular to my game but my character just seems like he can't be arsed, he sort of fires it from the hip but pointing slightly up and 45 degrees off to the right.

To end on a positive note there's some lovely animations for the critters running around.  During the winter I saw a fox jump up and drop into snow while chasing prey.
Off Topic / Re: RIPs
16 October, 2012, 12:06:05 PM
Game creator/programmer Mike Singleton whose credtis include two of my all time favorites Lords of Midnight and Midwinter.
His creations certainly helped mold me into the geek I am today. I spent many  a happy hour just blissfully skiing across the landscape and crashing hang gliders in Midwinter.
Games / Re: Sleeping Dogs?
21 August, 2012, 02:45:22 PM
About 8 hours in myself (mainly roaming around collecting pickups and stealing cars).  Story's pretty good so far with some good voice acting along with some humourous stuff for the vendors and pedestrians.

Combat works mostly.  It's heavily melee based, I only found a gun about 5-6 hours in.  As above the counter system is the easiest way to win fights, obviously going for an Arkham Asylum/City style.  One odd thing I've found with it are the grappler enemies who you can't grab without stunning and aren't affecting by normal attacks.  The idea is to use heavy attacks against them which work fine if I meet them in the open world but in scripted events they seem strangely resilient to heavy attacks, even a combo you can learn that seems desgined to take them down more easily

Driving's good, cars/bikes have a nice change in handling as you go up/down the ranks and I certainly prefer it to the bouncy feel that GTA4 had.

Negatives so far:
If you get a side mission where you have to chase someone down they're basically scripted so you can't catch them until they get to their mates to trigger a fight.  I found one where you chase a guy through a park area where you can actually get in front of him but the game won't let you interact with him until the designated fight point.
Relationships seem to be something that were intended to have a bigger role but were cut back.  They're basically a small event, not even really a date then the game acts as if both parties have a long standing committment.  Some misogeny in there as well because you can date/sleep with as many women as you want but when one of them finds someone else that's not allowed.
Some of the story seems to have bits cut as well.  Eight hours in and I've just got a mission from my boss to help out with his wedding preportations that he's really stressed about but has never been previously mentioned even in passing.
Games / Re: dragon's dogma armours and weapons?
18 June, 2012, 02:15:57 PM
If you do the quest to clear out the quarry a trader moves in and sells some stuff that wasn't available in Gran Soren when I did it.
The monsters don't come back either so you can use the quarry as a safe shortcut to the SW portion of the map.
Games / Re: Diablo III
15 May, 2012, 06:56:11 PM
There's a flood of Nerd rage drowning the score on Metacritic.  Plenty of zeroes being given because people can't login or because it isn't an HD reincarnation of Diablo II.

You'd have to try and wade through to the more objective reviews from people who've actually managed to play the game and review it based on it's own merits not on it's predecessors.
Personally I enjoyed the beta, the direction they gone with skills is totally different to I & II but does benefit from not gimping your character because you put a skill/stat point in the wrong place. 
Graphic style has also changed to a more Warcrafty feel but that doesn't really bother me.

The server issues I have sympathy with as I can't login myself atm and you still have to be online even if you want to play solo.  European server go straight to a busy message, slightly more luck with American servers but stuck at retrieving character lists  :(
It's not like Blizzard are new to this online gaming malarky so you'd think they'd have been able to forsee lhe massive impact on their servers at launch and have something in place to alleviate it even if it was just more servers to shoulder the load. 
At the moment it just looks like "Oh we weren't expecting so many people, please try later".

One for the fans of oldschool games.  During a video conference with CD Projekt for their Witcher 2 Xbox launch yesterday evening announced they're making the original Fallout free to download for the next couple of days (think the offer will end on Saturday around 19:00 BST).

It should work on modern versions of windows (using windows 7 myself) so no faffing about needed to get it running.
All accounts also automatically get six free games including the classics Beneath a Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress and Ultima IV.
So if you're too young to remember how RPGs used to be done, fancy losing countless hours down memory lane or just want to laugh at 1990s graphics give it a go.

GOG are also starting to release newer/indie games and there's a homage to Dungeon Master/Eye of the Beholder style dungeon crawlers called Legend of Grimrock which caught my eye, being released 11/04/12.
Their homepage is
No-one wants to take a wild guess?  :(

Ok I've PMd the Diablo III key to Mudcrab as they were the only response to either of my threads (Mudcrab let me know if you have any problems with it).

Posting the Path of Exile key below so first to use it gets it.  Path of Exile is having a stress test this weekend though so the beta will be open for everyone to have a try for a couple of days if you're interested.

Hi all.

I managed to snag a spare Diablo III beta key, it was for a friend but he's suffering from some kind of befuddlement and doesn't actually want it so I thought I'd do a little competition and give it away here.
I've also got a beta key for Diabloesque Path of Exile -

Got a couple of lucky guess questions based on my Diablo III experience which started on Saturday, closest answers wins.

1) For the Diablo III key:
As of this moment what is my "played" time for my highest level character in the Diablo III beta?

2) For the Path of Exile key:
As of this moment what percentage of achievements have I unlocked in the Diablo III beta.

Games / 1000 Diablo III Beta Keys @ Eurogamer
23 March, 2012, 05:04:36 PM
Eurogamer.Net has 1000 Diablo III beta keys up for grabs if you're interested.
Might need to be quick.
Games / Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO beta keys
15 November, 2011, 01:39:43 PM is giving away beta keys for the next stage of testing for Star Wars: The Old Republic if anyone's interested.  Need to setup an account but it's free.

Around 17,400 left as I type this.
Games / Re: Skyrim
11 November, 2011, 04:35:20 PM
Had a what was supposed to be a quick go in the early hours this morning when Steam finally allowed me to play.  Only just got past the tutorial bit which took far longer than it should've because I was massively overburdened by the armour and weapons I looted (well I couldn't just leave it lying around for anyone to steal!) and was limping along at a snails pace.
On the plus side it meant my helpful guide ran ahead of me and dealt with any early enemies well before I got into combat range.

The good side: Looks purdy and plays like every other elder scrolls game so you know exactly what you're getiing.  Nice voice acting so far.  Like the lighting effect that give minor light blindness/darkness as you look from bright to dark areas and vice versa.  ore realistic than lens flare.
On the down side I need to fiddle about with the FOV.  The melee combat still doesn't feel as it could, there's no real sensation of weapons impacting enemies.  And the PC menu screens don't have mouse control (except the options menus) but you get used to it.

So far so good then.  Now to pawn my stuff and go looting and murdering or saving the world as it's known in more polite circles.