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Messages - cableface

General / Nikolai Dante: When oh When?!?!?
19 March, 2004, 12:36:24 AM
When, in the name of all that is holy , are they going to get back to the whole war thing? Dante is one of my favourite stories in all of 2000AD, but they left so much stuff hanging nearly two and a half years ago, and every story since has been fairly mediocre. Although, I took some hope from the latest episode where Lulu re-appeared, but dammit, we need more....
General / Nikolai Dante
08 December, 2002, 10:51:03 PM
The Mighty Green One mentioned in this weeks prog that Nikolai Dante will be returning soon, but that it will pretty much pick up where the last story, The Romanov Jewels or whatever, which suggests to me that it'll be another relatively light-hearted kinda thang. What I'm wondering is when the hell are they gonna get back to the war story. I know the war is essentially over, but the writers seemed to put a lot of little details in place when the story ended and that was over a year ago. Lulu is still in prison, Konstantin is running around with the Tsar, and I still have a hard time believing Victor is dead, despite that picture of him lying apparently dead in the snow. He could fly for feck's sake.... But most importantly in my humble opinion is the matter of Dimitri's disappearing weapons crest. And that subsequent look on Arkady's face..... Dante has always been one of my fav stories in this mighty collection of thrills, but I'm getting a little tired of waiting for the really big shit to happen especially when we know it's gotta happen at some stage.
General / Nikolai Dante
08 December, 2002, 10:51:03 PM
The Mighty Green One mentioned in this weeks prog that Nikolai Dante will be returning soon, but that it will pretty much pick up where the last story, The Romanov Jewels or whatever, which suggests to me that it'll be another relatively light-hearted kinda thang. What I'm wondering is when the hell are they gonna get back to the war story. I know the war is essentially over, but the writers seemed to put a lot of little details in place when the story ended and that was over a year ago. Lulu is still in prison, Konstantin is running around with the Tsar, and I still have a hard time believing Victor is dead, despite that picture of him lying apparently dead in the snow. He could fly for feck's sake.... But most importantly in my humble opinion is the matter of Dimitri's disappearing weapons crest. And that subsequent look on Arkady's face..... Dante has always been one of my fav stories in this mighty collection of thrills, but I'm getting a little tired of waiting for the really big shit to happen especially when we know it's gotta happen at some stage.
General / someone agree with me here..........
21 December, 2001, 08:28:33 PM
.........that Frazer Irving is the best thing to happen to this hallowed read in many a moon.Necronauts and A Love Like Blood were two of the best thrills through all of 2001, in my humble opinion and having read Storming Heaven, it just looks cooler than cool. Long may the Man rule.........
General / The coolest image ever........
16 October, 2001, 04:41:36 AM
Okay, I'm just wondering, what do you think is the coolest looking picture there has ever been in the hallowed pages of 2000ad? My own vote goes for the prog where Nikolai Dante is bonded with the weapons crest. Particularly that pic of him screaming in pain, and the lines in the background are formed into an image of Dimitri (who I doubt is really dead after the end of the Romanov Empire.anyone else notice how his weapons crest seemed to disappear?and that look in Arkady's eyes.....but I digress) I think that pic summed up very cooly who Dimitri is; The guy in the background, who is always in control. And in case you were wondering, this message was prompted by a few hours recently spent sitting up in my attic reading some of my old collection.And THAT pic just caught my eye again.