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Messages - GeorgeBernardShaw

General / Re: I got a lovely new Dredd T-Shi...
27 January, 2008, 02:55:41 AM
I am 152 and would gladly wear a Judge Dredd t-shirt if I were capable of doing so.  Certainly 36 year olds are seen wearing far more embarrassing things, such as medals from wars which ought never to have been fought. Wear your Dredd shirt with pride sir!
Off Topic / Re: My new arrival
27 January, 2008, 02:51:53 AM
Very belated congratulations to you, Vzbuzz! You've done something I always meant to get around to but never quite managed. You will be privileged to help a young mind develop
General / Re: Judge Dredd Chronology...........
27 January, 2008, 02:50:08 AM
Perhaps Mr Callahan could shew us a list of biscuit-related threads, with this one at the top.
Film & TV / Re: Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd........
27 January, 2008, 02:44:02 AM
I would like to see this principally because Nightmare Before Christmas was so good; so full of zest that I overlooked the relentlessly 'cute' horror characters.  
  Dead Man, whilst far too full of self-assurance for its own good, certainly was replete with 'soul'. Usually, I find the quality of soul overrated and would prefer a film to have 'mind', but Dead Man had that too
Off Topic / Re: Daily Reading
03 November, 2007, 09:00:13 PM
it's not exactly weekly, but the London Review of Books always has something good. Especially easy to read, smart and interesting are the 'short cuts' and 'diary' sections. Go to and have a look around.

I read 'doonesbury' daily, still my favourite strip cartoon

cheers to you,

Off Topic / Re: SNAKED - My new mini series.....
03 November, 2007, 08:50:55 PM
the art looks terrific. Are you influenced by Mort Drucker at all?

I couldn't get to any previews on the site - it must be a problem with my "web fu" (my favourite neologism), which is however good enough to put the link here


Link:" target="_blank">

Off Topic / Re: Stupid Journalism
03 November, 2007, 08:39:50 PM
I am probably the only Spectator reader on this board. I notice a tendency for them to give headlines which either contradict the article or are not supported by it.
  For example, since I can't remember any instances and don't want to hunt around their website for interviews, the headline might say "Our Birthright Up for Grabs" with a sub head "the shadow minister for Europe says that new EU regulations mean that any Austrian bureacrat can override decisions by British parliaments". Excited by this, one scours the article only to find that it is the usual careful bland waffle and that the closest it comes to the headline is that the MP allows that "there is concern over the demarcation of powers"

I'm exaggerating in this example, but not by much
Books & Comics / ebooks
03 November, 2007, 09:44:24 AM
What ebooks are you reading? I'm part way through Tolstoy's 'The Cossacks', a charming read, with all of the wisdom Tolstoy shows in Anna Karenina and War and Peace, but written much more economically (and without all that meandering 'aristocrat bonds with the peasants stuff). I'm also reading a Dr Who ebook called 'the well mannered war'.
  Does anyone else here have any ebooks to recommend?
Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who/2000ad Connection.....
03 November, 2007, 09:05:28 PM
I too enjoyed the Frobisher stories, although I didn't care much for Baker's character in the show
Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who/2000ad Connection.....
03 November, 2007, 09:40:19 AM
Are the Alan Moore Dr Who stories available? Are they any good?
Off Topic / Re: Lonely Star Trekking
02 November, 2007, 08:18:18 PM
My wife won't watch Trek, but since I'll only watch it if there's nothing else available and all the paint has already dried, I'm not too fussed about it. She will watch Dr Who, although she thinks it's silly and doesn't see the point of Rose
Help! / Re: It's my birthday tomorrow......
09 August, 2007, 09:35:22 PM
Garth Ennis Punisher collection in hardback is what springs to mind.

happy birthday for tomorrow! You are lucky in your friends
General / Re: Worst stories of the last few ...
09 August, 2007, 01:07:27 PM
It is a negative thread, but the positive side is how many fanbloodytastic stories there have been recently. Origins! Malone! Invasion!'s a whole other thread.

Anyway, for mine:

Synamon without any redeeming features

That space opera thing that never really got started (memory has been kind and I've forgotten the name...about a woman who joins up with the mutineering slaves etc on a space ship)

Bec n Kawl

David Bishop writes really good audio dramas and very good Phantom comics, where he's successfully introduced some new characters

I'm both, but the computer won't let me respond to the poll.  Cats are good for those who like inertia, since they interfere with other activities (for example sitting on the part of the newspaper one is reading). Dogs are good for walking whilst carrying a small trowel and a plastic bag
Books & Comics / Re: Marshall Law IS the Law!...
06 August, 2007, 06:11:21 AM
Super-deluxe thrills ahoy! I find Marshal Law utterly addictive and will be queueing up for this one.
  I don't think it ever goes off, but have a friend who finds the books after the first collection disapointing. Does anyone else agree with him?