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Messages - carefree

General / Re: The Galaxys greatest artist!.....
28 February, 2007, 07:35:08 PM
Ron Smith
Simon Davis
Peter Doherty (For Jonni Kiss Art)
Greg Staples
Glen Fabry
General / Re: The Galaxys greatest thrills!....
28 February, 2007, 07:38:01 PM
Button Man
Other Reviews / The Complete Case Files Cover Galleries
09 February, 2007, 07:33:02 AM
I have noticed that the cover galleries at the back of the case files are getting less and less comprehensive. eg CF4, 20-odd, CF5,just 7 and CF6 a measley(sp?) 2!!!!
Now, i enjoy looking at the cover galleries and i want them all to be reprinted in the CF's, so why are they being cut down? to save money?
I think we should be told. So come on Jonathon Oliver, spill the beans
General / The Complete Case Files Cover Galleries
09 February, 2007, 07:33:02 AM
I have noticed that the cover galleries at the back of the case files are getting less and less comprehensive. eg CF4, 20-odd, CF5,just 7 and CF6 a measley(sp?) 2!!!!
Now, i enjoy looking at the cover galleries and i want them all to be reprinted in the CF's, so why are they being cut down? to save money?
I think we should be told. So come on Jonathon Oliver, spill the beans
General / Re: Subscriptions
07 March, 2006, 08:41:08 PM
I also got the letter urging me to re-subscribe before the prices went up, which i did. I also got the poster that i already have from when i re-subscribed the last time. Sadly, no fridge magnets.
It all seems a bit odd. As well as not getting a letter about the price now going DOWN, i also had to call and ask where the last 2 megs were as they
were never delivered!!
Denise sorted it straight away but i still have no idea what is going on. ie when will my subs now expire, where is my t-shirt(surely long term subscibers should get these automatically?) and does anyone want the second copy of my poster?
General / Re: Subscriptions
07 March, 2006, 03:54:48 PM
Not to me
General / Subscriptions
07 March, 2006, 03:52:05 PM
I note that the meg cover price is being reduced from ?4.50 to ?2.99 next issue.
I am a subsciber who paid in advance some months ago at the old cover price, therefore i will be overpaying.
What the bloody hell is that all about?
Will we get refunds? etc etc
I think we should be told
General / Re: Gues what i watched last nigh...
07 March, 2006, 03:57:23 PM
No chance, at least not from me :-)
You can have Ichi the Killer though if you want it
The year is 2018
General / Re: Guess what i watched last nigh...
03 March, 2006, 03:49:52 PM
FFS, you lot are far too good for me.
Send me your address Buttonman and i will send the dvd tonite

Well done
Ok, the previous have been far too easy (so it seems) therefore this , i hope, is harder.
This is for the uncut version of the 1980 classic Japanese slash movie which spawned a hit comic.

That's it

General / Re: Guess what i watched last nigh...
02 March, 2006, 03:18:46 PM
You knowledgeable swine you!!!
Well done Wils, if you want it, send me your address and i will post tonight.
Hmmm, i will have to make this hard tomorrow
OK, i didn't really watch this last night as the footie was on, but nontheless i have watched it.

First line " Are you Henry?"

1.Cult horror from 1977
2.In black and white
3."A nightmare excursion into the subconscious that is at times unbearable to watch"
Again, first correct answer wins it.

Good luck, this is tougher than yesterday
General / Re: Guess what i watched last nigh...
01 March, 2006, 05:33:19 PM
I think its only fair that Mr D now wins it.
Please e-mail via this site and i will send out today.
General / Re: Guess what i watched last nigh...
01 March, 2006, 04:12:56 PM
Matt is correct, it is the Wicker man.
Just contact me and i will send it to you today.
Well done that man