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Messages - chrisr

Megazine / Re: MEG 219
06 May, 2004, 07:55:23 PM
Cover: Ok, nice composition

Dredd: Somebody get John Ridgway away from that computer!

Middenface: Enjoyable if a little forgettable, needs more distinctive artwork. The muties don't look interesting enough.

Mean Machine: Ok story but the artwork is a bit on the shoddy side.

The Gribligs: Very funny, this must set some sort of record for amount of sex acts being performed on a single comic book page:) Great art from Steve Roberts and nice to see his version of Dredd.

Black Siddha: Beautifiul art and I'm steadily getting more in to the story. A grower.

Reprints: Quality stuff all round.



Prog / Re: Prog 1343
01 April, 2004, 02:19:14 AM
Been age since I last posted anything but here is my tuppence worth of opinions on 1383:

Dredd: Really enjoying this so far its got a great 'men on mission' vibe that gives the story a classic feeling. The art is nice and clean and a bit more flashy than Adlard usual work.

Sin/Dex: Nice straight forward story clean artwork, overall Sin/Dex is still going strong in my opinion.

Rogue Trooper: The story is chugging on nicely but the art, considering it is black and white laks a little detail (too many blank backgrounds and headshots for my liking). But the overall package is still an enjoyable one.

Bec&Kawl: Welcome back! A real stand out in the prog for me, witty script and BEAUTIFUL art from Steve Roberts, it's full of detail and humour (the colouring is quality too).

Durham Red: This has a nice epic feel about it with a good large scale story and suitably widescreen art.

Overall a top prog that is so varied in it's content and art styles it looks a bit like an issue of Heavy Metal:) Long may it continue!

General / Re: Dredd pinball
23 January, 2004, 03:15:31 PM
Cool, I'll check it out, I work for Criterion on the Burnout team.

General / Dredd pinball
23 January, 2004, 01:56:49 AM
I work for a game developer and one our directors is a serious pinball collector and he's just got in the Dredd pinball game. I don't know if anyone has played it but it's a pretty top table, lots of depth, great sound fx and music and lots nice refrences to Dredd's world. I wasn't even aware there had been a table made, but it's one of the best games I've played based on Dredd much better than Melbourne House game on Spectrum and C64:)
Prog / Re: Prog 1354 - I'm not embarresse...
19 August, 2003, 03:10:52 PM
Cover: I really liked it, its a nice graphical image and will stand out on news stands.

Dredd: Still enjoying this (really like the art) but I kinda wish Anderson was along for the ride.

B&K: Fantastic! Its a shame this had to end, nice witty script and some beautiful art for all four episodes. Great ending as well, more please.

Leviathan: This all seems a bit clunky and heavy handed at the moment I hope its all set up for some genuine shocks. The art is a little uneven but stylish.

Slaine: Not bad, the art is too photoshop for my liking and it lacks drama.

SD: Funny, fast paced and with some nice art.

another great prog
Prog / Re: PROG 1352
06 August, 2003, 12:08:38 AM

Dredd: Enjoying this and Adlard's art suits the tone of the story well.

Bec & Kawl: Loving this the wicker slug was genius and the french exterminator guy is a cool character. The art is lush I'd really like to see Steve Roberts do Dredd.

Leviathan: Plodding along nicely feels a little like an extended Future Shock but the art is very stylish.

Strontium Dog: This is the best SD story in a while I'm enjoying it far more than Roadhouse.

Prog / Re: Prog 1351
28 July, 2003, 07:46:15 PM
I haven't posted anything ages so I thought I'd post a quick 1351 review now I'm back online.

Dredd: Nice story and I'm enjoying a more thoughtful Dredd and Adlard are is nice.

Bec & Kawl: Witty script with some great use of media refrences, nice to see some new characters introduced and the artwork by Steve Roberts is beautiful I'd really like to see more of his stuff in 2000ad.

Leviathan: Interesting start and some nice art, too earlt to tell whether I'm going to like it though...

Slaine: Slightly over the top story that seems to be out to shock rather than entertain and I find Clint Langleys art to be a bit messy and confusing.

Strontium Dog: Nice if a little slight story and Esquerra art is always nice altough I think I prefer it in black and white rather than computer coloured...

Off Topic / Re: PS2
03 July, 2003, 12:44:30 AM
Burnout 2 is a great game, well worth getting. Great racing, amazingly fast and it's got some awsome crashes.

Nice one Wake! That's really cool:) I'll be sure to send in any other sketches I get. It would be nice if we get a load of sketches in there, always interesting to see cahracters out of context or in an early state.

Any luck with getting enough sketches sent in?

Will do, thanks for the assist.
