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Messages - CLOUDMAN

I think in cases like that some publishers (like Dark Horse) say you can include the cost of the stamp and they'll sort you out.

Otherwise if you can hold off for a month I'm heading to Leeds for Thought Bubble, I can get one for ya there and post it when I get back cos I'm based in Kildare myself!
Creative Common / Re: Attempts at the sample scripts
16 October, 2013, 10:49:13 PM
Anyone having a crack at the Thought Bubble contest script this year?
Creative Common / Re: Attempts at the sample scripts
11 September, 2013, 12:23:47 AM
Anyone had a crack at the Thought Bubble compo script yet? Only a four-pager this year.
10 September, 2013, 09:38:19 PM
At first I was a little disheartened to see someone else with a Rogue Trooper VS Fiends piccy but now that others are doing it I don't feel so bad. Onwards I go...  :D

Absolutely stellar stuff so far by the way lads!
I recently discovered Outcasts while thumbing through some back-issue boxes in my LCS; I treat myself to an issue everytime I head down there now! Classic Wagner stuff, and Kennedy's art is great if a little marred by the okayish inking and lacklustre colouring.

I only finished The Light and Darkness War yesterday after picking it up in one go last year, what a hidden gem! Both Veitch and Cam have crafted a world like no other; the lore is fantastic and the writer's essays into what inspired the concept only enrich it. It's great to see what the Nam vets had to say about it too.

Any opinions of Wagner's Chain Gang War? Or even the pair's Punisher one-shot, Blood on the Moors?
Events / Re: 2D 2013
21 May, 2013, 11:12:32 PM
Quote from: COMMANDO FORCES on 21 May, 2013, 03:27:20 AM
Sadly Cam doesn't do sketches or commissions due to his eyesight fading but he will sign away quite happily.
I would recommend having a chat with him, if you get the chance, as he has some great stories and not just about comics. I managed a wee chat up Hi-Ex! and thoroughly enjoyed it :D

Ah fair nuff! Will do, cheers!
Events / Re: 2D 2013
20 May, 2013, 11:50:26 PM
I'm prolly just gonna bus it up from Dublin and make a day of it myself as I've other things to go to on Saturday.

What's the story with Cam Kennedy regarding sketches or commissions does anyone know? He's the numero uno reason I'm heading up to this and while I'd love to just meet the man and have him sign some stuff, getting a quick drawing would be that little cherry on top and then some!
Books & Comics / Re: Marvel comics
29 April, 2013, 12:56:50 AM
Quote from: Charlie boy on 29 April, 2013, 12:16:22 AM
I'm not even sure what Legacy is; haven't picked up a Marvel title for some time, especially X Men (far too many titles and every other year, Marvel say there are too many X titles so they're going to kill off a load of characters. They kill one minor character and bring out a new title for every one they replace in team lineup shake-ups). Is Legacy a story I read about, where Cyclops killed Xavier and is following Magneto now (or is said story already finished and sorted)?

No idea, this is the first time I've read the book in any form, and at the moment it concerns the extremely powerful David Haller (more commonly known as Legion - the son of Charles Xavier) trying to sort the mess inside his head out and come to terms with his father's legacy. It's all very trippy and chaotic; one issue he's chasing a prophetic vision to Japan whilst fighting off the X-Men - the next he's having a date with one of them on the moon (with some cheeky Watchmen references thrown in to boot).

Quote from: Charlie boy on 29 April, 2013, 12:16:22 AM
Didn't know there was another Morbius title though. Again, I remember a short-lived Morbius title in the 90s. Maybe he's just not meant to be a leading character.

I haven't read that, kinda looks like a bit dated. The new run is about him gone fugitive after fleeing the Raft, fighting off his bloodlust and surviving the streets of the decrepit suburban neighborhood he's escaped to.
Books & Comics / Re: New Comic Book Day Megathread
29 April, 2013, 12:10:35 AM
Quote from: The Adventurer on 24 April, 2013, 12:30:43 AM
DARK HORSE PRESENTS 23 - This one on the other hand is a bit eh.

I was thinking of jumping into DHP, is it not up to scratch at the moment?
Books & Comics / Re: Marvel comics
29 April, 2013, 12:03:57 AM
Reviewers have been pretty unfair with X-Men: Legacy since the first issue, (*cough CBR cough*). It's been my favourite of the Marvel NOW titles for a while though, character development is fantastic, ideas aplenty and all with the usual Spurrier wit and charm.

Is anyone reading Morbius the Living Vampire? Art-droid Richard Elson is on art duties and doing a pretty nice job. Story's very slow to start though, which is unfortunate seeing as it's probably ripe for cancellation soon.
I think the portfolio review on Sunday was one of the highlights for me! Pete Doherty should be in stand-up.

A little annoyed I missed Minty but volunteer responsibilities called. Great to hear it go down so well though, all the more excited now!

Can't believe I missed Wagner either, considering I walked up the New Docks Hall only about fifty times you think I would'a copped him!
Books & Comics / Re: Hellblazer bites the dust
09 November, 2012, 11:58:42 PM
Quote from: Dandontdare on 09 November, 2012, 11:03:25 PM
Quote from: CLOUDMAN on 09 November, 2012, 10:24:33 PM
Welp, there goes twenty-five years of character development we'll never get back.

Quote from: CLOUDMAN on 09 November, 2012, 10:24:33 PM
Welp, there goes twenty-five years of character development they can never take away from us

I won't say FTFY - but this is more my view

I was a bit quick to comment negatively really - all that stuff still exists, you're absolutely right.
But at the same time it is definitely a shame to see it thrown away for the sake of a clean slate on a run that more than likely won't even last 1/4 of the original's duration.
Quote from: Jon on 08 November, 2012, 11:51:37 AM
Thank you both. The encouragement I've had on this has been amazing, both here and over on my FB page.

No problem! Dig your process on the FB page too!

QuoteWow! I thought I could knock stuff out quickly, but if you manage to pull off such a Dillon-esque feat I'd dearly love to see it. Amazing!

Yeah I'd surprise myself to be honest. But I won't be doing a fully-painted style like you, and I've been (sneakily) roughing thumbs and ideas out during work the last week so who knows...

Sure I'm forgetting a good few, but Threshold is pretty high up there as my most anticipated.
Books & Comics / Re: Hellblazer bites the dust
09 November, 2012, 10:24:33 PM
Welp, there goes twenty-five years of character development we'll never get back.