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Topics - James

News / New Dredd/Death Screens
22 February, 2003, 02:48:12 AM
Looks good...

When's it out?

Link:" target="_blank">This probably won't  work knowing my luck(and tech

General / Mega-City Wales
19 February, 2003, 04:13:30 AM
So we've got Mega-City 1, Texas City, Hondo, and closer to home Brit-Cit, Calhab and the Emerald Isle.

What about the Wales of the future?

Come on, 2000AD let's have a future vision of the sheep-shagging contingent.

Or has it been done already and I missed it?

James(Welsh), (Obviously), (So I'M allowed to call us sheep-shaggers)
General / Last week's cover
27 January, 2003, 06:33:12 PM
I didn't come across any comments on last week's cover(Dredd/Aliens-Greg Staples). This concerns me as it is possibly the best cover I have ever seen. A classic in the making.

Greg Staples' work has evolved spectacularly over the years, and this latest effort is truly a masterpiece.

It's interesting to see all his(or anyone else's) covers all lined up to see how styles change and skills improve over the years. See link below.

Anyone care to comment?

Link:" target="_blank">Greg's progress

Links / My new desktop
23 January, 2003, 02:21:19 AM
Here's my new desktop.

It's a scorcher!

While you're there take a look at my site(very much only just started and a long way from completion...).


Prog / Place your bets!
28 August, 2002, 04:51:55 AM
Tharg mentioned the demise of a major character this week.

General / Suspicious
21 August, 2002, 05:05:19 AM
That android's logo is a bit suspicious don't you think

Help! / Harry Angel
16 August, 2002, 06:14:30 AM
I need a visual reference for Harry Angel(who?) and his flight computer. I can't seem to find one on the site, I think the powers that be are trying to pretend he never happened, so if anyone can help me out I would me forever in your debt.

Other Reviews / Here's another one
11 August, 2002, 03:46:36 PM
Inspired by the return of good 'ol Rog, I did this.

Wadda y'all reckon?


Link:" target="_blank">">
General / My new drawing
10 August, 2002, 06:28:09 AM
Wake has kindly put another of my drawings on the fan art site.

This is an invitation for comments/praise/criticism* by you lot.

I kinda like it so there.


follow link

Link:" target="_blank">

Other Reviews / test
10 August, 2002, 04:00:16 AM
News / Batman/Judge Dredd
18 July, 2002, 02:56:38 AM
I was browsing the internet today and I stumbled across an recent article which stated that Bolland was in talks to do the next Dredd/Batman Xover, but I lost the page and can't retrace my steps and find it. I remember it said that it was being aimed at being published in late 2003. Can anyone shed any light on this?

General / No Title
26 June, 2002, 11:40:49 PM
Icon test
Classifieds / Judge Death door poster
19 June, 2002, 03:51:15 AM
I have a Judge Death door poster by Bolland (b+w) about 7 foot tall, scary stuff. My missus won't let me put it up, thinks it will scare my daughter or something (come on, she's nearly three now, she's gotta start some time). I've been offered twenty quid for it, any more bets?

e-bay ripper offer type thing

I've also got a Glenn Fabry 'Constantine leaning against a doorframe holding a bloody scalpel' poster taken from one of the Ennis/Dillon story arc covers.

Again the wife...etc
General / Oy Oddboy!
18 June, 2002, 03:57:59 AM
I couldn't reply to your message in the 534 club thread(dunno why-Wake? Any ideas?)

So. No prog 1
(I shoplifted a prog 2 once but sold it or something)
Since joiningg I have always read 2000ad and as long as I can I always will.

Glad to be a member.


Link:" target="_blank">

General / Judge Dredd board game
17 June, 2002, 03:46:37 AM
Has anyone ever played the Judge Dredd board game? Me and my mates used to spend hours around the table busting perps. What a fantastic game-well deserving an update. How about it Rebellion?
General / One of my drawings
11 May, 2002, 05:04:43 AM
How do I include images in my messages?
General / No Title
23 November, 2001, 12:51:21 AM
Check out Judge Death, 'tis bloody marvellous!">
Other Reviews / My picture
21 November, 2001, 03:59:05 AM
Who likes my picture?-James Kircough