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Topics - Jared Katooie

Help! / Dont read this, I'm eating.
29 October, 2002, 03:09:32 AM
Well then, ye better not reply I'm warnin' yeh!

General / Reprint hookjaw!
29 October, 2002, 01:06:47 AM

At least just the one where the cop and the crazy captain both try and get him. Hilarious atrocities ensue! The meg could do it.

And so on...


General / Testing.
23 October, 2002, 10:36:18 PM

General / Bold boys
23 October, 2002, 10:32:36 PM
Natasha Henstridge. No wait... Yes. Emphasised word's in the stories. Why are they there? If it's just to stress certain words then everything the caracters say must be ridiculously dramatic.Dredd! futsie on the loose! Anderson say's thatshe's pregnant, and you're the father! What!??? ?!!!? That's not possible! For you see  Gumbo I'm a woman!


It's gone on for too long and I wont take it anymore!

Jared Katooie

" Waaait a minute.....! "
General / My blossoming comics career...
21 October, 2002, 06:19:28 PM
Is there anyway I can get my soon-to-be-written scripts on the site?

How do I go about it I mean. (I realise the scripts have to be at least half good before they'll get put on so dont mention it).

Are there any other sites offering this (somewhat unique) service?

You dont have to reply to my posts but unless you do I cry and cry.


 " While we were resetting you're bones and replacing you're blood we helped ourselves to a kidney. "
General / My comics concept.
17 October, 2002, 10:23:15 PM
 So right, my websites still under construction dudes but I'm like, considering, like, y'know stuff and junk to , like, put on it man. So anyway I was wondering – Does anyone here  have any suggestions as to what sort of web comic I should do for it? I'll be doing script (Formulaic and directionless) and art (resembling that of an 8 year old with a pen). Currently all I can think of is caveman VS caveman (That should give you an idea of my limitations) anyone else got any better ideas? (Dudes?).

14 October, 2002, 03:52:45 AM
Cheap trick I know, but you are reading this...

I was wondering what everyone thinks is the future of the megazine.

I personally find it great in it's current form. I would however like to see less stories but greater length in them. In particular I'd like a single reprint story told in full or even or two issues. So, in short I'd like less stories but more legnth.

But what about ye? Old size, new size? More stories or less?

Personally I'm just curious as to wheter anyone thinks lots of snippits of stories is better than big mouthfulls....

Have your say - and I'll try and get the pictures for next time.


General / ?
11 October, 2002, 10:10:45 PM










Spoi - OK enough....

Really wanna know?




It's Chopper.


I Juzzz mak vald punts un yiznerlis'n t' me...

S' fugyizall. Allayiz.

I don' fuginneedyiz.

Wha? Tenkwid? Fugoff....

Jusjasc Katauy.

" Speshulbroo..? "
Off Topic / Other stuff
08 October, 2002, 08:41:00 PM
We all know that 2000ad's a comic, at least we should, there's no point denying it!

Anyhow I was wondering' are there any other decent comics out there? If so I cant find any... David Xbrunt (I think it was him) recommended Bone, does anyone else have any favorites?

I like Garth Ennis most of the time but I think Warren Ellis is more consistently good. Now Transmet is over does he have anything else in the works?


General / Gave method og prog storage
06 October, 2002, 03:41:50 AM
Help me...

How do I store them without destroying them with folding......?


Heres some code....

They Fight Crime!

var a = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var b = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var c = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var d = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var e = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var f = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var g = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)
var h = Math.round(Math.random()*40-.5)

var he1 = new Array("a superhumanly strong","an underprivileged","a globe-trotting","an impetuous","a shy","a suave","a notorious","a one-legged","an all-American","a short-sighted","an otherworldly","a hate-fuelled","a scrappy","an unconventional","a jaded","a leather-clad","a fiendish","a Nobel prize-winning","a suicidal","a maverick","a bookish","an old-fashioned","a witless","a lounge-singing","a war-weary","a scarfaced","a gun-slinging","an obese","a time-tossed","a benighted","an uncontrollable","an immortal","an oversexed","a world-famous","an ungodly","a fast talking","a deeply religious","a lonely","a sword-wielding","a genetically engineered")

var he2 = new Array("white trash","zombie","shark-wrestling","playboy","guitar-strumming","Jewish","sweet-toothed","bohemian","crooked","chivalrous","moralistic","amnesiac","devious","drug-addicted","voodoo","Catholic","overambitious","coffee-fuelled","pirate","misogynist","skateboarding","arachnophobic","Amish","small-town","Republican","one-eyed","gay","guerilla","vegetarian","dishevelled","alcoholic","flyboy","ninja","albino","hunchbacked","neurotic","umbrella-wielding","native American","soccer-playing","day-dreaming")

var he3 = new Array("grifter","stage actor","paramedic","gentleman spy","jungle king","hairdresser","photographer","ex-con","vagrant","filmmaker","werewolf","senator","romance novelist","shaman","cop","rock star","farmboy","cat burglar","cowboy","cyborg","inventor","assassin","boxer","dog-catcher","master criminal","gangster","firefighter","househusband","dwarf","librarian","paranormal investigator","Green Beret","waffle chef","vampire hunter","messiah","astronaut","sorceror","card sharp","matador","barbarian")

var he4 = new Array("with a robot buddy named Sparky.","whom everyone believes is mad.","gone bad.","with a mysterious suitcase handcuffed to his arm.","living undercover at Ringling Bros. Circus.","searching for his wife's true killer.","who dotes on his loving old ma.","looking for 'the Big One.'","who knows the secret of the alien invasion.","on the edge.","on a mission from God.","with a secret.","in drag.","","plagued by the memory of his family's brutal murder.","looking for a cure to the poison coursing through his veins.","moving from town to town, helping folk in trouble.","who must take medication to keep him sane.","who hangs with the wrong crowd.","possessed of the uncanny powers of an insect.","with a winning smile and a way with the ladies.","fleeing from a secret government programme.","from the 'hood.","haunted by an iconic dead American confidante","with a passion for fast cars.","trapped in a world he never made.","in a wheelchair.","on the hunt for the last specimen of a great and near-mythical creature.","on the run.","for the 21st century.","who hides his scarred face behind a mask.","on the wrong side of the law.","with no name.","from the Mississippi delta.","with acid for blood.","with nothing left to lose.","haunted by memories of 'Nam.","on a search for his missing sister.","on his last day in the job.","from a doomed world.","who believes he can never love again.")

var she1 = new Array ("a radical","a green-fingered","a tortured","a time-travelling","a vivacious","a scantily clad","a mistrustful","a violent","a transdimensional","a strong-willed","a ditzy","a man-hating","a high-kicking","a blind","an elegant","a supernatural","a foxy","a bloodthirsty","a cynical","a beautiful","a plucky","a sarcastic","a psychotic","a hard-bitten","a manipulative","an orphaned","a cosmopolitan","a chain-smoking","a cold-hearted","a warm-hearted","a sharp-shooting","an enchanted","a wealthy","a pregnant","a mentally unstable","a virginal","a brilliant","a disco-crazy","a provocative","an artistic")

var she2 = new Array("tempestuous","Buddhist","foul-mouthed","nymphomaniac","green-skinned","impetuous","African-American","punk","hypochondriac","junkie","blonde","goth","insomniac","gypsy","mutant","renegade","tomboy","French-Canadian","motormouth","belly-dancing","communist","hip-hop","thirtysomething","cigar-chomping","extravagent","out-of-work","Bolivian","mute","cat-loving","snooty","wisecracking","red-headed","winged","kleptomaniac","antique-collecting","psychic","gold-digging","bisexual","paranoid","streetsmart")

var she3 = new Array("archaeologist","pearl diver","mechanic","detective","hooker","femme fatale","former first lady","barmaid","fairy princess","magician's assistant","schoolgirl","college professor","angel","bounty hunter","opera singer","cab driver","soap star","doctor","politician","lawyer","nun","snake charmer","journalist","bodyguard","vampire","stripper","Valkyrie","wrestler","mermaid","single mother","safe cracker","traffic cop","research scientist","queen of the dead","Hell's Angel","museum curator","advertising executive","widow","mercenary","socialite")

var she4 = new Array("on her way to prison for a murder she didn't commit.","trying to make a difference in a man's world.","with the soul of a mighty warrior.","looking for love in all the wrong places.","with an MBA from Harvard.","who hides her beauty behind a pair of thick-framed spectacles.","with the power to see death.","descended from a line of powerful witches.","from a family of eight older brothers.","with a flame-thrower.","with her own daytime radio talk show.","living on borrowed time.","who can talk to animals.","prone to fits of savage, blood-crazed rage.","who don't take no shit from nobody.","with a knack for trouble.","who believes she is the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian queen.","fleeing from a Satanic cult.","on the trail of a serial killer.","with a birthmark shaped like Liberty's torch.","in the witness protection scheme.","from out of town.","from aristocratic European stock.","living homeless in New York's sewers.","with only herself to blame.","from beyond the grave","married to the Mob.","from the wrong side of the tracks.","from a secret island of warrior women.","from Mars.","with someone else's memories.","from a different time and place.","operating on the wrong side of the law.","who inherited a spooky stately manor from her late maiden aunt.","who dreams of becoming Elvis.","with a song in her heart and a spring in her step.","in the wrong place at the wrong time.","with an incredible destiny.","with the power to bend men's minds.","with an evil twin sister.")

function randtext() {
function randtext2() {
function randtext3() {
function randtext4() {
function randtext5() {
function randtext6() {
function randtext7() {
function randtext8() {


They Fight Crime!

He's randtext() randtext2() randtext3() randtext4()  She's randtext5() randtext6() randtext7() randtext8()  They fight crime!
Alasdair Watson.They Fight Crime!

Help! / Prog storage.
05 October, 2002, 02:02:26 AM
Currently my progs are stored in a box and a box lid. Thaey are stacked upwards so it's very hard to take out past issues and read them. Also the spines gradually turn upwards, bending the issues out of shape.

I need help here! How do youse store your progs? Is there any way to avoid this?

I'm also running out of space - 200 issues cant be fitin anywhere how do the oder reader's store 1311 of them? It boggles the mind....

So... please help.


 " Dad, what are you doing down there?

Washing my fat guy hat honey. "
General / Past, present and future
01 October, 2002, 08:23:07 PM
Well, I've learnt many, many lessons. One of which is "Never trust anybody unless you've got a written contract". And even if you have got a written, signed contract don't trust them anyway because they'll just get their lawyers to change it.

Strange isn't it? Alan's unique writing style and personality were shaped by the treatment he received over the years. If he were treated with respect and decency he would probably lack the edge evident in his scripts. There also seems such a simple world that exists for comics readers and creators. We have a unique outlook because of our hobby and respect for these minor heroes who – in a world of boredom and repitition - express themselves and speak the truth.  It's not true in all scenarios but for the most part the comics industry has a heart (writers) and a soul (artrists). My conern is that the conditions present in the industry in the past are now gone and it will slowly die. Merchandising and profiteering are like poison to creative spirit.

Thus, it should be remembered that this is one industry that cannot survive without creativity.


General / The evil of Oddboy
30 September, 2002, 09:36:14 PM
Either due to arrogant smugness over the printing of his letter or suicidal lunacy induced by news of his imminent demise, Oddboy has taken to using offensive large lattering in his posts.

This act of Scojo'esque madness is indicative of the evil of Oddboy. Aready poor Arthur has been corrupted by this insidious fiend! Only together can we foil his cruel schemes!

General / HA HA HA!
30 September, 2002, 08:05:40 PM

Now Jared can do anything!

except have pictures or links....

General / Light and dark
29 September, 2002, 03:04:19 AM
I was wondering. Do users think 2000AD should have more lighter easy going stories or darker more sinister ones?

I've found nearly all of the comedy strips to be dire. Black humour is more appealing by far.

But what do you guys think? Just choose light or dark.

And remember, just because somethings dark does'nt mean it cant be very funny.

" This is a local shop for local people, there's nothing for you here! "
General / Web sites.
28 September, 2002, 01:10:57 AM

Any good MAME sites out there? I'm a big retro fan.

Also I think the scrap is the best story in ages. Spurrier need's way more exposure.

I still think there's room for new writers. Noone could do worse than this weeks future shock ( No offence if you're here )

Cheers boss.

J Kat.

" I found a moon rock in my nose... "


General / Re:
19 September, 2002, 03:19:56 AM
Damn what I do?

General / Me, me. me
12 September, 2002, 02:39:46 AM
Wish me luck with my job interview tomorrow.

The cult going through a dry period.....

Oh and my resitting of Math's, that too....

Oh and I think we should bring back Jason Brashill ( and Jim Murray )



" Ahhhh. There's nothin' better than celebrating after a succesfull heist...


AHH! We dont know anything about a trophy!!

And even if we did, a stolen one certainly wouldn't be in this bag!

Oh that's great! Now they really wont think we stole it! "