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Topics - Krustabi

General / Clerical Cliches
12 January, 2005, 08:32:19 PM
I've been thinking of the type of cliches that come up in fictional priests (Both in 2thou and other places), and so far I've come up with these:

1). Stoical, hard-as-nails, doesn't-talk-much, fighting priest. (See Lawrence Verse, Missionary Man and "The" Exorcist).

2). Mad-eyed, apocalyptic-ranting priest. (See The Omen)

3). Seemingly respectable priests that harbor a dark secret (usually that they're a peadophile(No offence intended)).

4). Priests who suffer a crisis of faith before being thrown into a Terrible Situation that requires every ounce of faith to survive. (Exorcist again).

5). Fundamentalist bigots. (See Footloose).

Any other types?
Off Topic / The history of comics.
21 December, 2004, 07:22:01 PM
This site also has some classic new wave in it.


Link:" target="_blank">Oooh! It's all informative!

Wullie's probably handier with his fists, but Dennis is smarter and has cooler friends.

I would say Dennis would win for the reasons out lined.

I say Dennis
You say ?

Off Topic / The "Puritan" Thread
06 December, 2004, 06:33:51 PM
I hate:

Any other puritanical dislikes on the board?

A free Amish hat will be delivered to all who are sufficiently Victorian. (Although I suspect that will be none of you YOU HEATHENS)

P.S. I won't get a hat because I like pictures of nekkid ladies.
General / Who is your favourite Rogue Trooper artist?
04 December, 2004, 04:50:33 PM
Whilst I appreciate that Dave Gibbons is by far the most important artist who "made" the strip. I prefer Colin Wilson's take.

Any other controversial opinions?

General / TWO 2000AD reference in ONE magazine!
02 December, 2004, 09:18:41 PM
Forgot about this, but The Observer Magazine had an interview with China Mievelle where he said that he fancied Purity Brown, and a bit in their telly listings on "the f*lm"

That's all.
General / Most movingest bit in tooth or meg
02 December, 2004, 07:48:38 PM
What is the saddest and most moving sequence you've seen in 2thou "stuff" this year. Reprints count, as for me, it was Charley being given the Jam Lid medal, which almost reduced me to tears.
Remember that any violence or other potentially offensive elements would have to be watered down, so which would survive and still be good.

For me, the obvious answer would be Stronty, as it has a cute fwuffy liddle alien, and a fat guy with a comedy accent, and loads of cool "stuff"

I say Stront,
You say ?

Off Topic / Fordham vs. Taylor: Who won?
27 November, 2004, 06:31:02 PM
Not having the wherewithal to fork out for Sky Box Office I missed this clash of tungsten titans, and I haven't seen anything in the news about the results. Was it a good match and who won?
Off Topic / Destroy another Boarders childhood memories.
25 November, 2004, 06:48:57 PM
The aim of this thread is to take a character (fictional or non fiction) who is likely to be revered by another boarder due to their childhood memories of that person, and make an observation about them that is likely to severely test their opinion of that character.

For example:

Soapy Soutar (of "Oor Wullie" fame), Joe Broon (Of "The Broons" fame) and Desperate Dan, are all quite clearly homosexuals.

Do you see?

General / Re: Spaceballs...
24 November, 2004, 08:50:13 PM
Nothing to do with mefnjkfjkgnffjkg HELPPPPPP!!! RUN FFFOORR YOUT LIVES!!!!
General / Gratuitous T&A in supposedly "serious" stories
22 November, 2004, 06:49:15 PM

I really enjoyed the last episode of "WMD", especially the bit where all the psis had to be scanned for the disease ... in their underwear. The story was especially leer-some towards Shakta (That panel where she puts on the bathrobe, and there's no dialogue, think about that if you're not convinced), who was the most attractive lady judge (alive) in the story (Bald Anderson doesnae work for me) Can anyone think of other examples of this sort of sordid thing in 2thou?
General / Come to Chat.
20 November, 2004, 07:42:50 PM
Anyone else here posting on Sat? Come to Chat NNNAAAAAHHHHHH.
Off Topic / Peep Show
20 November, 2004, 04:35:27 PM
Does anyone watch this? The extent to which my mannerisms resemble Mark from the show is terrifying and unbearingly depressing.

P.S. I walked past Mark (the actor who plays him, that is) a couple of weeks ago.
Off Topic / Happy philosophy day!!!
18 November, 2004, 11:53:42 PM
I've just seen in the Short Cuts bit of the Grauniad that today is the Unesco Philosophy day. Anyone want to say anything?

I stink therefore I am.
General / Literary references in comics
15 November, 2004, 10:23:40 PM
I fear I'm about to showcase shameful ignorance n'yar but:

1). Where does the term "Cassandra", as in someone who sees the future come from?

2). "Rumours of my death have been greatly ... exaggerated". Was this first used by Alan Moore? And who did use it if not?

3). In the first issue of Warren Ellis's Iron Man there's a bit where he talks about his memories of Coney Island, which ends with the phrase "They don't sleep on the Beach anymore". A similar speech occured in a Godspeed you! Black Emperor record a few years back, but has this appeared elsewhere?

4). Will I ever find true love?

General / Top 5 sexiest lady judges ever?
11 November, 2004, 09:52:25 PM
Who are the most luscious judicial babes in history. Here are mine

5. Hershey - She can be Chief of me any time!
4. Hollister - I'd love to go on an undercover assignment with her!!!
3. Karyn - She's got me Raptau-round her little finger!!!
2. Anderson - Coma-ver here sweet cheeks!!!
1. DiMarco - Strangely enough, I can't make any more sexist comments.

General / Come to chat.
06 November, 2004, 06:28:28 PM
Off Topic / Very off-topic, but you'll thank me.
04 November, 2004, 08:12:24 PM
Over the past few weeks, the two Tesco Express stores near where I live have had the following amazing prices on Ice Cream:

Mars ice cream -8p
Fab - 6p
Fab 8-pack - 43p
Solero 3-pack - 42p
Cornetto Love Potions - 10p
Twister - 6p
Bounty - 10p

On holiday in Weymouth, Tesco metro had own brand Solero's (indistinguishable from "proper" kind) for 10p.

On every single occasion, they looked and tasted fine, they didn't make me ill, and it was at least a year before they reached their sell-by date.

How can this be?...
Off Topic / Wish me luck...
03 November, 2004, 09:48:14 PM
This week I have been a the sole candidate for the position of Student Union Shop Manager at the college I go to. I'm the only candidate, but I still have to go through a process where people could vote to reopen the nominations. It's highly unlikely this would happen, yet I am still feeling paranoid, as it took me 3 minutes to slip into my default class weirdo mode when I arrived here, and I fear a mass revolt by the cool kids. So please, wish me luck...