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Topics - Steven Sterlacchini

General / Another commission for the pot.
01 April, 2011, 11:02:23 AM
Here's a scan of the pencil work for my new commission by... Mick McMahon!

When I received this scan, I have to admit, I felt a little emotional. It brought back memories of why I first started reading comics in the first place.

There are so many superb details, that I can sit and enjoy it for hours.

It's of my son as a sort of Judge Cadet, though he's obviously quite advanced as he has already been awarded his full eagle badge ;)

Thanks again to Mick for agreeing to do this commission and for-filling a life long dream of mine. I'll post up the finished piece when I get it.

Creative Common / Messing around with Digital Colouring
03 November, 2010, 02:25:24 PM
After PJ sent me a high res file of the Jango Fett sketch he drew for me, I had an immediate desire to do some Photoshop colouring in!

I imagine many people are already up to speed on this subject, but I thought I'd post my experiment in case it is of interest to anyone.

1. At first I simple created a new layer which I brought to the front and set to multiply so I could work underneath it.

2. I roughly blocked in the main colours with the lasso tool.

3. I added a highlight and shadow to each colour.

General / Dredd Damage
24 August, 2010, 08:16:25 PM
Sorry if this has been discussed before, I did have a quick look before posting. I was just trying to get a rough idea in my head of how much damage Dredd's body has taken, not including minor stuff.

These are the main ones that spring to mind, and others? Sorry if I've remembered any story titles wrongly.

Bullet through head - The Day the Law Died
Trident fork through shoulder - Judge Death Lives (or is it the Dark Judges?)
Both eyes poked out - City of the Damned
Burnt to a crisp - The Dead Man

I suppose Dredd might consider the trident a minor inconvenience and a bullet through the head as something that could be 'run off', but they were the ones I thought of first.

Books & Comics / In the Shadow of The Sun
13 August, 2010, 02:51:33 PM
This is not a Rebellion property, but is in desperate need of a complete English translation.

Colin Wilson's - In the Shadow of The Sun.

I recently got hold of the first book 'Rael' in a very old translation and was told, don't get too into it, as they didn't translate the other two books. Superb artwork (of course) could be a good fit for the Megazine?

Not really a re-print as such. Just something I really want. :D
General / We don need no stinkin badges...
14 May, 2010, 04:09:41 PM
But in case you do...

Just for fun I've recently tweaked the badge artwork I created ages ago, so that the type is live and easy to change. It's not the best badge render out there, but it's easy to do.

If you want one, stick the exact name you want in this thread and I'll sort them out every so often, when I get a chance.

- Monday December 14th at a Sheffield Location

- Required, 6 Mega City One Criminals (The Kovaks Mob)
- Please provide a simple picture of yourself for reference and rough measurements (to tailor the costumes)
- Please let us know any relevant experience, though not essential (amateur dramatic, futuristic criminality)
- We would like to keep your details on file as other parts will become available later (or sooner)
- Plus there will be a chroma key studio session in London, scheduled in 'pencil' for January Saturday 16th.

- Make-up
- Wardrobe
- Grips and other location personnel
- Crew will not need to commit to the London studio shoot

Please send your details to:

Hopefully we will not have to reschedule, but if we do, we will understand if you can't re-commit.

For more information about the project, check out the links below:
2000AD Forum Thread,24248.0.html
Facebook Group
Director's Blog

General / Judge Minty (Judge Dredd fan film)
17 February, 2009, 10:04:28 AM
I can't find the original thread about our film, but it was so old that I thought I'd start a new one anyway.

If you don't know, we are making a Judge Dredd based fan film. It's based on a character called Judge Minty who appeared many years ago. Created by John Wagner and Mick McMahon. An aging Judge who is forced to 'retire' from the streets, mainly it seems because he has become too compassionate. He chooses to take 'The Long Walk' into the Cursed Earth, there "to take law to the lawless". The film will be based around his first experiences in the radioactive wastes.

Amongst all the fun of Hi-Ex! meeting great people and long chats about Dredd etc.we managed to take some snap shots of our Judge Minty costume test. McWild has now sprinkled some magic over them.

Plus, here is a new Mega Cityscape by McWild.

After my first convention in a decade, at Bristol, I've really got a taste for it again.

The Birmingham Comic Show web site seems to be a little slow at getting into gear, anyone one know if it's going to be any good? The details are a bit blurred?
General / I'm doing a fan film.
15 February, 2008, 03:34:14 PM
I'm doing a fan film. Very, VERY, early stages. Probably scheduled for production next year. It's a Judge Minty story.

There's a Facebook group at:
and a web site to follow.

I'll try to keep this thread updated with any significant developments.

Link:" target="_blank">Judge Minty Fan Film Facebook Group">
General / Spotted on another forum
15 October, 2007, 02:57:56 PM
Spotted this on another forum.

Excellent proportions. Cool style. Solid design. Nice finish. Not forsale. I want. Must find way of owning.">