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Topics - Noisybast

Other Reviews / Button Man II @ Ain't It Cool News
21 August, 2008, 05:53:28 PM
AICN continues to push 2000AD in the states with another glowing review:

So, er, does this breach the "Don't flog your tat" clause of the Rules of Conduct, then?
Links / What's better than a monkey in a hat?
29 May, 2008, 09:28:44 AM
A cyborg monkey with a robotic arm protruding from its head!

Link:" target="_blank">Tomorrow - THE WORLD!

General / Gaiman to write Doctor Who?
28 May, 2008, 08:35:39 PM
Rich Johnston seems to think that Neil Gaiman has been approached to write an episode for the upcoming Moffat-helmed series of Doctor Who.

Could  be good if it's true.

Read all about it...

Link:" target="_blank">...HERE!

General / El Perro Strontium?
28 May, 2008, 01:58:21 PM
Looks like Rebellion have finally bitten the bullet and licenced their books out for European translations. Whilst on the scrounge for new content for (all-new, all-improved, tell your friends!), I stumbled across this page:

Link:" target="_blank">Ediciones Kraken">
Links / NIN give fans The Slip
07 May, 2008, 09:09:06 AM
Nine Inch Nails are giving away their new album "The Slip" away for free. This is the second NIN album to be released in this way since March. Good times for NIN fans.

I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but you can get it from...

Link:" target="_blank">...HERE!">
Links / London boarders!
01 April, 2008, 03:11:01 PM
Want to take part in a viral campaing for The Dark Knight?
The first person to go to the Tavistock Hotel Basement on Bedford Way and ask for a package for "Mooch" will get... something.

I dunno, it's all here on this site:

Link:" target="_blank">Click on the letter!

Links / The Schicklgruber Grab
14 March, 2008, 02:21:45 PM
Just found this here webcomic, which adds an extra dimension to the aforementioned Strontium Dog story. Made me chuckle, anyway.

Yes, I am bored today. Why do you ask?

Link:" target="_blank">More here">
Off Topic / Remember that bit in X-Men 2...
14 March, 2008, 12:32:40 PM
...where Professor Xavier "stops time" in the museum, cauing everyone to freeze in place?

Link:" target="_blank">Familiar?

Off Topic / See, now that's just weird.
13 March, 2008, 09:12:31 AM
Woman spends two years on the bog. How?

Link:" target="_blank">I'll be out in a minute!

Help! / Image needed
14 February, 2008, 01:36:02 PM
Tall order: I'm after an image that may or may not even exist.

I need a desert/mountain landscape backdrop by Carlos Ezquerra, to be used as a footer image (ie wide and narrow) on a web page. If it contains one or two of Carlos' funky sci-fi buildings, all the better.

Doesn't really matter if it's B&W or Colour, as I can always colour it myself.
I'm thinking there'll be something suitable in Strontium Dog or a Cursed Earth-based Dredd story. Possibly even Third World War?

Before I start wading through back progs, can anyone tell me where I'd find a suitable image?
Other Reviews / ABC Warriors: Hellbringer @ AICN
30 January, 2008, 08:11:01 PM
Another day, another 2000AD review from Ambush Bug.
Pretty positive stuff.

Link:" target="_blank">Linkage

Help! / IrfanView vs The GIMP
30 January, 2008, 10:11:31 AM
So, I've managed to talk my mate in IT into sneaking a small freeware image editor onto my PC so I can fiddle with my website at lunch time.

Anybody know which one I'm best using? I'm guessing one of the aforementioned apps will do the trick, but which one?

I only really need to be able to resize existing JPEG images for the time being. A small install size is essential.

Any suggestions?
Other Reviews / Judge Dredd: Mandroid @ AICN
24 January, 2008, 02:24:00 PM
Ambush Bug provides another positive review over at Ain't It Cool News:

Link:" target="_blank">"...a well written and gritty piece of sci fi"

Links / Droid Life reviewed at AICN
16 January, 2008, 04:25:03 PM
Er, like the title says, really. Ain't It Cool News have a review up for the Droid Life collection.

Link:" target="_blank">Clicky linky">
Website and Forum / Whatever happened to...
16 January, 2008, 04:18:00 PM
...the monthly art compos?
They were great fun (even if I generally didn't find time to enter them).
Links / Rogue Trooper weirdness
20 September, 2007, 01:50:28 PM
Found this Rogue Trooper, er, "homage" whilst browsing through's latest image challenge thread.


Link:" target="_blank">b3ta">
Off Topic / eBay security shenanigans
01 September, 2007, 01:24:11 PM
I haven't used my eBay account for over 12 months. When I have used it, it has been for buying/selling comic/sci-fi/geeky type stuff.

Imagine my surprise, then, to learn that over the past two months I've sold literally dozens of dodgy mobile phones, as well as buying several phones that I've not paid for.

Well, I say I did. actually, it was this guy:
Mark Bennet
322 Kingston Road
United Kingdom

Yes, he wisely chose to leave his name and address in my account. When I regained access to my account, I found out who I have to maim.

Now, I'm not sure I have much of a case to take legal action against the guy, as I haven't actually lost any money and the matter was sorted out pretty quickly and efficiently by eBay.

Does the Hive Mind have any suggestions for an appropriate course of action?
"These are two absolutely entertaining and beautifully rendered science-fiction stories, featuring heavy character development and growth"

Link:" target="_blank">More here!">
Apologies for yet another Who thread, but I couldn't find the relevant old thread. Here's something that occurred to me:

1. David Tennant's Doctor is about to have an adventure on board the Titanic.

2. In the first "New Who" episode ("Rose"), crazy conspiracy theory web-geek Clive mentions that Christopher Eccleston's Doctor was spotted on board the Titanic, amongst other places.

So, what's the chances of a cameo from Eccleston in the new ep? Probably bugger all, but even if he was just hanging around in the background, that would be a pretty cool nod to continuity. Bet they forget...