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Topics - Krakajac


I'm hunting high and low for the Durham Red Black Flame novel, 'Manticore Reborn' (ISBN 1844163237) - it's the last item I need to get my 2000AD collection up-to-date.  It's proving difficult to find!

Anyone interested in selling a copy?  Doesn't matter if it's a bit rough around the edges.

I'm happy to purchase/pay postage to Oz via PayPal, etc.

Off Topic / The Goodies Reunion Tour...Aussie Shows
19 December, 2004, 09:14:54 AM
Completely off topic I know...this may be old news to most UK fans (you are certainly spoilt over there!), but The Goodies are reuniting for a series of live stage shows in Australia...Sydney dates have already been announced (check your newspaper for details).  Sydney tickets are available through  They are also appearing at the Concert Hall QPAC in Brisbane on March 11 at 8pm...not sure of ticket prices at the moment, but I've heard rumour that the good seats will be around the $70 mark and cattle class will be around $50.  Also heard rumour that Tim, Graeme and Bill will be signing programs after the event.  Tickets for the Brisbane show can be bought through or ringing Qtix on 136246 (nothing on the website yet, but apparently tickets go on sale tomorrow!)

Apologies to all non-Goodies fans...but they were my heroes when I was a kid!  Should be a great event.
Tharg's done it again.  Nice looking portable birdie/lie detector up for auction on Ebay.  Not sure if this has been posted before, but for those that haven't seen them...follow the link below.

Link:" target="_blank">

General / Information sought re: 70's toy
16 October, 2004, 09:34:07 AM
Not sure if I am the only one who remembers these...I'm trying to obtain some information about a toy I remember from the 70's that was available in New Zealand (although I am sure they were available in the UK and Australia as well).  I haven't seen them for twenty five years or more.  They were very popular as I recall.

Description is basically this...they were sold at both newsagents and toy stores.  It's a little bit hard to describe, so bear with me.

The toy was basically a folded piece of a cardboard (about half the size of an A4 piece of paper).  On the card was a painted scene from various military battles (i.e.:  Normandy Beach, Trenches, etc.)  There were quite a number to choose from.  Included with the painted scene came a sheet of decals/transfers, including all sorts of military vehicles and soldiers (i.e.:  tanks, planes, etc.).  The decals were very detailed and were in scale with the painted scene.

The idea was to place the decals/transfers over the painted scene (wherever you chose) and then you rubbed the decal sheet with a blunt pencil or similar and the decal was transferred to the painted scene.  When completed, you had a really good-looking war scene, etc.

As far as I recall the range of this toy was quite extensive - they may have even branched into other areas.  But the military ones were the most popular.  I remember buying them around the same time that 2000AD started up.

Does anyone else remember these?  If so, do you remember the brand name, etc.?  I'd like to try and track some down on Ebay, etc.

Help! / Need the title of children's book from 70's
15 February, 2004, 08:07:52 AM
Howdy.  I'm trying to track down a children's book from my childhood days.  For the life of me I can't remember the title or the author.  Here's the info...the book would have been published in the mid/late 70's (possibly very early 80's).  It was a semi-large hardback kids book (aimed at probably the 7-11 age group).  The subject matter is as follows...the story (as I remember) was about a race to get to the moon (sort of Jules Verne type stuff).  Each page of the book would have a lavish and very detailed picture of an imaginary moon-rocket ready to blast off, etc.  The art work was very reminiscent of Tintin/Herge, Scarlet Traces, etc.  Extremely detailed.  Some of the picture were cross-sections of the rockets, showing very detailed interiors.  As I recall, some of the rockets were stuck in huge cannons/guns, etc.

Not really related to 2000AD, but the artwork, if I remember was something pretty special.

Not much to go on...but if anyone has any idea of the title or the author, please let me know.  Keen to track down a copy for my nephew.  Cheers.
General / Thinking about quitting 2000AD
07 February, 2004, 06:54:04 PM
Howdy.  Not many of you know me.  Serial lurker and all the rest...yadda, yadda, yadda.  Been collecting 2000AD since I was a young nipper at school.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, I completed my 2000AD collection about two years ago (with the exception of #3 and #5 of the Judge Dredd Poster Progs which, by their very absence, continue to haunt me).  I shudder at their rarity.  Before you tell me to 'look on Ebay'...they ain't there.  They ain't been there for years.  Trust me, I check every second day.

I've also completed my collection living in both New Zealand and Australia (which is no mean feat in itself...other Australian and NZ boarders will no doubt know where I am coming from).  You boarders in the UK don't know how lucky you are.  But I digress.

At the moment I have a subscription to both titles.  Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to walk into my place of work and see the now familiar white envelope poking out from underneath the bills, junk mail, etc.  Subscription is such sweet joy.  I receive them the same day they hit the stands in the UK.  Bliss.

Yes, I also smell my prog.

However, a bit of the magic has disappeared over the last few years.

Don't get me wrong...the stories are still great and I am still heavily addicted to thrill-power.  But I miss COLLECTING my collection (if that makes sense).  I miss the thrill of entering dusty old second-hand book shops and hunting out the comics section (normally full of rubbish).  But every now and then I'd come across the 'holy grail'.  A pile of old progs.  And so the routine would be repeated...quickly thumbing through the progs...barely looking at the glorious cover art but rather concentrating on the prog numbers, hoping to find that elusive prog 534, etc.

I miss having to walk up to some old bloke in the shop (who clearly is past his own use-by date) and trying valiantly to bargain him down a few dollars.  I miss the feeling of getting home with my bounty and to then find the gap in my collection...delicately placing it between prog 533 and prog 535.  You know the deal.

So my intention is this.  I am considering quitting 2000AD and all related titles for a period of about three years.  I know what you are thinking.  Maybe a touch too drastic.

But consider the advantages...sometime in say 2007, I will make the conscious decision to start collecting again.  Like a butterfly coming out of it's cocoon.  I will have no idea what has happened in the stories during my sabbatical (i.e.:  what has happened in Dredd?  Is he still around?  Was he ever replaced? Did John Wagner bring Johnny back to life?)  You get the picture.  Complete ignorance to what has happened from 2004-2007 (maybe even longer?).

Once I have made the decision to start collecting again, it will be like dying and going to 2000AD heaven.  In three years time, there will be at least 150 progs missing from my collection (not to mention end-of-year titles, megazines, etc.)

A serious overdose of thrill-power would be forthcoming.  I cannot begin to imagine what sitting down with say 150 unread progs would be like.  I would think an experience unparalleled.  Not only could I hunt down these progs in second-hand bookstores, but I could no doubt pick up the odd prog via Ebay.

Anyway, these are my thoughts.  What do you think?  Is there method to my madness?  Or am I just clinically insane?
Prog / Orlok's Demise (Speculation Only)
17 April, 2003, 03:58:04 PM
Just had a cunning thought for how Orlok should 'bite the bullet' so-to-speak.  Have described it below under the SPOILER heading, lest my thoughts become reality and so as to not spoil any surprises, etc...then again, I could be completely and utterly wrong.








Perhaps someone else has already mentioned this, but I think it would be poetic justice if Orlok miraculously escaped custody prior to being terminated and by chance met Giant (Jnr) in a dark alleyway.  I'm sure that they would have plenty to talk about seeing Orlok snuffed out Giant Snr.

Like I said, just a thought.
General / How do I change my subscription address?
01 June, 2002, 10:36:56 AM
I live in Australia and have an international subscription to both 2000AD and the Megazine.

I am about to move elsewhere.  Can anyone provide me with the necessary contact details (preferably e-mail) so that I can change my postage details?

Wouldn't want to miss out on a single issue.
