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Topics - strontium71

Classifieds / EARTHSIDE 8 FOR SALE
12 February, 2019, 12:31:19 PM
Just a link to eBay for Earthside 8 , which I've put up for sale:
Like the title says , I have Mongoose AND Games Foundry miniatures for sale , but need advice for selling.

There are:
* 50 individual Mongoose figures - all different , all still sealed in their packets.
* 10 Mongoose multi-box sets - all different , all still sealed ( aside from one which just has the cellophane removed )
* 64 Games Foundry figures  - all different , all still sealed in their blister packs.

The question is , do I sell them as whole sets because of the effort involved in doing individually , or sell them as individuals which means more work etc..
I think people may be put off by the initial high cost as I'm finding out with the Foundry ones , even though the starting bid works out at around £2 per figure.
I can provide photos if necessary , just didn't want to clog up this tread with them.

Any advice please?
Help! / Sketch books help....
21 February, 2016, 03:45:44 PM
A bit of help needed , please -

I have three sketchbooks in which I've been getting all sorts of sketches drawn over the years. From conventions like the two Kapows , Bristol , Exeter and Cardiff cons , and others.
They come in perforated A4 books , and my question is because I wish to sell them , do I sell them whole - so a buyer can continue filling the remaining pages , or shall I carefully remove them and sell them individually? Certain artists for certain buyers etc...
Any advice?
Classifieds / Collectibles for sale
29 March, 2015, 01:56:23 PM
Rather than start a new thread every time I list something on eBay , I'll just pop it in here on the day of listing.
There's so much to list , it's going to take a long time for everything - so if I stick with just a few items a week , then I won't get bogged down with it.

I know at least one of you is aware that , due to a couple of factors , I have sadly decided to sell my entire 2000ad/Dredd collection. There are literally thousands of individual items that must go , and to start the ball rolling , I thought I'd put this up here to see if there was any interest before the inevitable Ebay.

The above photos show the roughs and the finished artwork - both drawn over two large sheets to fit all the detail in.
News / Possible Dark Judges mini-series...
06 October, 2014, 10:19:41 PM
General / 2000ad sketch covers
03 June, 2014, 09:07:53 PM
After what seems like an absolute age in trying to commission artists to draw me a cover , along comes the first - The Four Dark Judges , by Kat Nicholson. I had these covers made , and they are A4 stiff card , wrapped around spare , existing Progs. And just for a certain few of you , these are for my use only , not for sale or resale , and obviously the logo is trademarked blah , blah...
There was a SNAFU involving masking tape and the printed logo , so as you can see it has been sort of mended , but I'll have to paste another logo on top to make it right.

General / David Millgate IDW Sinister Dexter covers
23 March, 2014, 05:21:03 PM
Any idea why these four covers weren't used for the IDW Sin-Dex issues? Seems a shame to have not used them.

Film & TV / GOTHAM.
12 February, 2014, 08:26:54 PM
Looking forward so much to this. I loved Smallville , and always wanted a young Batman show. While focusing on a young Gordon instead , with Bruce Wayne in the background , this is still going to be great methinks.
Some casting info here:
Just out , and a free signed photo for the first 30 to buy...
General / Lego 2000AD Part 3
19 June, 2013, 08:38:48 PM
Part 3 of Kevin Levell's 2000AD Lego commission

General / Lego 2000AD Part 2
21 April, 2013, 06:32:42 PM
Drawn by Kevin Levell to match part 1 , but...who's that Jimp?

14 March, 2013, 07:16:23 PM
Just confirmed that Ian Gibson will be attending  :o
Film Discussion / Shall.We.Play.A.Game?
28 January, 2013, 07:16:26 PM
Just for a bit of fun - At the moment of writing this , the Dredd costume is £5'900 with just under 7 days to go.
Whoever comes closest to stating the final value at close of bidding on the 4 Feb at 5pm will win a Slaine:Books of Invasions volume 2 , signed by Mills and Langley.
Just to be fair , you have only 2 entries each - with the Sunday 3 Feb being the last chance to enter. If more than one boarder wins , then I'll simply choose one of them myself to see who gets the book.
I'm going to go with a final sum of £12'500.
Selling some stuff on Ebay right now. This link will take you to one item , but have a look at the other listings.

Also selling my copy of Earthside 8 , but haven't decided on a price yet.
Off Topic / Pets corner
21 January, 2013, 10:04:17 PM
The place to show your puppies , pussies and cocks...and whatever else you may have  :P

This is my cockatiel , Tommy - or Shut that bloody racket up , it's only a pissing seagull , as I like to call him...

Classifieds / Help with pricing Film Lawgiver
15 January, 2013, 06:05:14 PM
I have a framed Lawgiver from the '95 Dredd film and I want to sell it - I paid £1000 originally and have been offered £500. Is it worth putting up on ebay as a reserve price? I have never used a reserve price option before - does it cost more than just listing? And then there are the fees of course...

02 September, 2012, 12:38:33 PM
At the London signing , they were selling early copies of this weeks prog. I picked up a copy and had it signed by all the creators that were there - Rufus , Simon and Alec didn't make it though. Molch-R and Robo-Keef also added their Hancock's as well.
I couldn't think of a decent question to pose so I scuppered that idea and went with this - If anyone wants to win the prog , just add your name here and I'll pull the name out of a Judge helmet in a weeks time.

The prog...

Help! / Help finding a Henry Flint image
19 August, 2012, 08:32:41 PM
Facebook is drawing a blank as usual so I'm going to try here. Does anyone know where this image was published? I'm trying to find a higher resolution picture of it. If it's from a prog , then I could take a photo. Thanks in advance.