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Topics - The Doctor Alt 8

Help! / Word program Advice
12 December, 2014, 05:10:00 PM
As I can't afford Word For Windows and don't have the luxury of the internet at home...

Can someone recommend a good word processor program that would be compatible with word for windows documents.

Don't need anything very fancy... just something tat will enable me to continue with work I already have and stuff my Drama group will send me.
Help! / W H SMITH Gift cards
10 December, 2014, 07:51:09 PM
I have been given a couple of these cards but being over 2 years since issued they are not valid even though there is money on them. There is no contact number on the cards and I cannot find any contact details to discover what balance is on these cards and how to get the money transfered to another card. They can't just keep what is on these card can they?
Off Topic / Cleaning keyboard myth
09 August, 2014, 03:07:40 PM
There was an urban myth going around a few years ago that the best way of cleaning your keyboard was to but it in the dishwasher.

Apparently the keyboard survived the process and still worked afterwards.

"thousands" of secretaries swore by it.

Has anyone actually tried this Did it work ?
Help! / Yap App.
08 August, 2014, 09:21:48 PM
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3...

Is  possible to download the PalTalk App on this so that I can re join the Rowdy Yates Yap Shop?
Help! / What Have I Done?
02 July, 2014, 05:04:59 PM
Last night something happened....

I ended up on the committee of my drama group... As publicity officer.
And as social secretary.
Basically because the previous post holder didn't want to do it AGAIN this year... and after waiting to see if anyone else more qualified would step in... bravely  or rather foolhardy put my hand up and said... "Alright... I'll give it a go as no one else will

I think I am still in shock.
(Why do I DO these things to myself?)


Games / Puzzled
28 June, 2014, 04:32:21 PM

OK can someone please tell my why even second hand... reasonable condition Star Trek PC games are so damned expensive on E bay even though they have been out for some time?

£12 for a used game? Daft! Yet people seem to think that it is the correct market value.
23 June, 2014, 03:53:43 PM
I have a I pod.

It is a wonderful little thing except... it seems to have lost most of the tracks I had stored on it. How the hell can that happen? I have only ever attached the device to my old PC to recharge it....
Help! / contactless payment.
18 June, 2014, 11:21:25 PM
Can someone please advise me on how to install contactless payment to my mother's phone. It might make life a little easier for her. I looked up websites but all they seem to do is advise..
I need to download the app itself.
Help! / Vodafone Smart Tab 4
18 June, 2014, 03:41:11 AM
[colour=18]Help! A friend got this for me as an early Christmas present.

I changed it up
I inserted the Sim card and pressed the restart button so it would acknowledge the card.
it then turned itself off.
It will not turn back on again no matter how long I press the power button or wherever I touch the screen.

What the hell have I managed to do to it?
[/colour ]

A campaign has been launched to get late comedian Rik Mayall's "lost" World Cup song "Noble England" to number one.

DJ Jon Morter, who calls himself the 'charts hijacker', has started a Facebook page in tribute to The Young Ones star who died yesterday aged 56 for as-yet-undisclosed causes. To date, almost 3,000 people have "liked" the group.Mayall's track, which includes famous lines "respectfully taken" from Shakespeare's Henry V ("Once more unto the pitch, dear friends"), set against a football chant ("Come on you England, you noble Englishmen") and motivational music.

The video, which has racked up 310,500 views, stars Mayall in traditional Henry V get-up inspiring the footballers to bring home glory for their country and "win for St George".


It closes with the trophy being held aloft and, somewhat poignantly, shows Mayall disappearing into a glowing walkway, an English flag draped over his shoulders, as the crowd cheers. "I am the lovechild of Britannia and St George," Mayall said upon the anthem's release. "That is why they gave birth to me, so that I could release this single.

"I'm doing my bit, just like every other Englishman, as we stand shoulder-to-shoulder, doing out bit, stiff upper lip – apart from when you're screaming out the lyrics to 'Noble England'."Unfortunately "Noble England" failed to chart, but if anyone can bring it back from obscurity, it's Morter.

The social media campaigner was behind the successful effort to take Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name" to the 2009 Christmas top spot, in an outcry against Simon Cowell's commercial juggernaut, The X Factor.

Speaking on his new project, Morter told the Evening Standard: "It would be great thing for Rik's memory. He was a comedy legend. Rage Against the Machine was more of a protest whereas this campaign seems to be a way of displaying respect.

"It's a cruel irony that on the eve of the World Cup we have lost him. It's now time for everyone to wake up to this fantastic song."

The World Cup kicks off on Thursday but there is no official England song as yet. Gary Barlow and Michael Owen's take on Take That's "Greatest Day" was sidelined, while unofficial contributions include Monty Python's "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life".
Games / Has anyone ever played Lords Of Everquest?
09 June, 2014, 05:14:53 PM
Because I just stared this game and I am completely stuck. I am playing on the alliance side

But i just can't seem to complete a quest because I can  never either find where the objective is.... OR I get there and you cannot enter the area. At the moment I am outside the gates of an Ice Giant palace with no way to get in.... 
Games / The Wolf Among Us
16 April, 2014, 04:20:35 PM

Check Out This Hilarious Bug where a principal chareter just can't stop.... grinding/ poledancing (without a pole)

Watch the entire bug in action here (Warning: Some minor spoilers):
Games / Alright..
08 April, 2014, 04:04:24 PM
What game dose this come from and has this happened to any of you guys?

Games / Obliv oh bollocks I'm dead again...
04 March, 2014, 02:27:39 AM
Help trapped in Kavatch can't get Martin out.... Keep getting killed by goblins... Stuck at level one....aghhhhh
Help! / HELP THE PCs and Croydon are doing it again
22 February, 2014, 03:28:33 PM
Somebody explain this and tell Croydon Library staff how to stop it.:
The server ipv4.138.204.248. at Filtering Proxy requires a username and password be sent in an insecure manner (basic authentication without a secure connection.)


Only it keeps popping up when I open more than 1 tab... restricting the amount of work I can do. It seems to have infected all the PC's now.

I even tried registering.... the confirmation e mail did not arrive so even that didn't work...
Help! / Etiquette...
20 February, 2014, 09:35:57 PM

I have invited a friend of mine to a meal at my home.

I offered him a choice of two main dishes...

Is it polite to eat the same or can I eat the other choice I offered?

Games / Apple Laptops... are there any games?
12 February, 2014, 05:18:40 PM
A friend has acquired an apple laptop (Don't ask me specifics... I only saw the distinctive logo and the fact that it seems rather.... THIN)

Are games made for these machines?

Any recommendations?

It's his birthday soon.
Help! / Inappropriate
05 February, 2014, 04:25:06 PM

I am writing a Pantomime and I am a bit stuck..

I need a funny line of dialogue.... something totally out of context or inappropriate ... but OK for a family audience.

the dialogue it is interrupting goes like this....:

Falafel:    You know I have a recurring dream about "The Hooded Scourge" (Ominous boom) ... I am lying in my bed... in a diaphanous nightgown...

Ali:             Sounds like a nightmare already!

Falafel:          A gentle perfumed breeze is wafting from...

Ali:             The local chippy...

(Mustafa Leakie and Slow enter during this next sentence. Mustafa is carrying a purse wallet  and his wife has a large scroll. A number of body guards stand behind them.

Falafel:    And suddenly my bedroom door bursts in and this powerful man strides in and says....

I might even be able to come up with a prize for the best line...

Film Discussion / Dr Who: Daleks vs Mechons
28 January, 2014, 04:21:50 PM
the Third Peter Cushing film trailer...

the Third Peter Cushing film trailer...
Everyone knows that there were two Dalek films in the 1960s starring Peter Cushing. It's not generally knwon that there was a third film made in 1967, based on the Doctor Who TV serial 'The Chase'. The master print of the film was lost in a fire in the Aaru / Amicus archives before the film was officially released. In 2009, in a box of dusty, charred old film canisters in the basement of a church in northern England, I located the last surviving footage from this film.

All that survived was the trailer...
Help! / Other map site recommendations
19 January, 2014, 08:44:33 PM
A friend of mines address ( including post code) can't be found on Google maps  and I need to do so to provide directions for a friend. Where else can I go?