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Books & Comics / Fear The Badge
05 April, 2010, 03:13:21 AM
Does anyone know anything about this fanzine that was supposed to launch many moons ago. I mentioned this up Hi-Ex! and so have searched through the 'Cellar of Dredd' to find the rough proofs that I was sent.

It was the brainchild of Paul Dick who lived in Kirkcaldy at the time of sending me the bits I have. It was to be a charity fanzine that would launch in 1997. It's core stories would revolve around the worlds of Dredd, Strontium Dogs and Robo Hunter.

It was to contain the following strips:-

DOGTAGS Hundreds of stronts lost their lives during the New Church Final Solution but they live on in my memories.... by TH Dix & Paul Dick
REVENANT You can't keep a good Judge down by Dean Ormston, Paul Dick & James Boswell
TROUBLED WATERS Welcome to Coastal Patrol. It ain't Baywatch creeps! by Scott Newell & Paul Dick
RAMBRO: FIRST BRUD He's one baaad black sheep by TH Dix, Paul Dick & Stuart Mack

There are many more strips but it would be pointless just doing one massive list.

So does anyone have any more info on what happened to this?
I did a search on the web and found this one mention, look at the words under Dredd's badge.
General / Cellar of Dredd blog
06 March, 2010, 01:55:33 AM
Finally (after talking to Pete Wells) I have decided to put some effort into posting stuff about what I have in the 'Cellar of Dredd'.

I did start a while back and put up a few posts but most of those are about the Hell-Trek! Now though I shall try and post something each week about something in the cellar, it may be cards, toys, badges, movie stuff, models, etc.... Who knows what I'll start with, stick around to find out.
I hope not to waffle on too much but just tell it as I see it!

I shall still be posting stuff about the 'Hell-Trek' over the next month.

Here is the link:-
General / Denise, the unsung heroine of 2000AD
12 February, 2010, 03:12:47 PM
Well I gotta say thanks to Denise, many times I have rang the 2000AD shop with questions about this and that and Denise has went out of her way to give me an answer. It may not be the answer I would love to hear (cancellations of stuff) but she always manages to find that answer.
I know that many of the boarders here have phoned up with questions about their subs and other stuff and she has always been helpfull to them as well.

Just the other day I saw something (I shall not say what) and I asked Denise about this item and she has yet again gone above and beyond the call of duty and for this reason I thought it best to thank her on the actual site.

Thank You Denise for all the help you do :thumbsup:
General / Shedcon 2010 - Is there one?
08 February, 2010, 07:24:11 PM
Having just browsed through loads of threads and enjoying some mighty fine pictures I was wondering if there is one this year.
I ask as quite a few people can't make it to Hi-Ex! due to many factors and it seems that London was used quite a few times for these gatherings.
Anyone know if one is being planned?
Well I suppose I'll have to watch this just to see if it is possible for the writers to actually find a way to tie everything up and end the thing well ::)
By the way it's a double episode opener.
Film & TV / Caprica (starts on 2nd Feb at 21;00 ON SKY1)
01 February, 2010, 03:48:31 PM
Nothing much more to add, except that I'm looking forward to it, oh and it's a double episode.
Film & TV / The Losers
29 January, 2010, 07:58:44 PM
This is the first I knew about this being made into a film, the bloody trailer. Looks fun and I love seeing a 50 cal in action!
Thanks to Rufus for the heads up on this ;)
Film & TV / 'The Pacific' by HBO
24 January, 2010, 04:28:19 PM
There I was last night relaxing in front of the telly before I went to work and up pops a trailer for this.
Now, I loved Band of Brothers and knew that the same team were going to make another 10 parter but of the battle in the Pacific and had heard nothing since. That was until last night, when this trailer came on.

I moved to the edge of the seat, turned the volume up and ushered the words "SHUT UP!" as the goosepimples started to form.
Have a look at this trailer and get as excited as me.
This will be another box set coming my way when it's released.

After you watch this one, have a look at the other two ;)
Help! / What should I buy?
01 January, 2010, 03:41:17 PM
Okay you tech heads out there, I have recently bought a PC with the following specs:-

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
Intel Core 2 Quad processor Q8300.
4 GB DDR2 memory.
DVD Super Multi Drive.
Intel GMA X4500 Integrated.
Integrated LAN 10/100/1000.

Now the last few bits mean bugger all to me but what I'm after is some ideas on products that I should buy to do video editing, photo minipulation and that sort of thing.
I might in the future think about doing some sort of comic layout with pictures I take, what would I need to enable that?
Also are there any other types of things I should be on the look out that will mean I can get the full potential out of this metal box?

Any help would be gratefully received and if you post links, all the better.
Other Reviews / 2000AD's review of 2009 and the decade.
31 December, 2009, 07:26:27 PM
It's the end of year review time over at 2000AD Review and obviously due to it being the end of the decade, the review of the decade is up there to.
So why not pop over there and have a look and see how many reviews that you agree with or not, as the case may be!
Events / 'Hi-Ex! Hell Trekkers Polo & T-shirts'
15 December, 2009, 04:15:46 PM
I've just been up to a local place that does printing and embroidery onto tops and the likes and enquired about getting some Hell Trek T-shirts & Polo tops done with a logo.

I must admit it's very reasonable and I was wondering if any of the trekkers are up for this. I feel the other mention was gobbled up in the thread and missed so decided on starting a separate thread for this.

I was thinking on the embroidered logo on the left chest, sort of way instead of getting something printed. I showed the place I went to the basic 'Hi-Ex! Hell-Trek 2010' design that Mike did a while back  (I've just emailed Mike about a slight alteration, changing it to 'Hi-Ex! Hell Trekker' This is so it's for the Trekkers and taking the date away means that if needed the place can stitch more in years to come).

The breakdown would be this for a minimum of 10 Polos and 10 T-shirts (I would be buying two of each plus one extra to send to Mike for all his hard work he has donated to the cause)

Active Polo shirt 190 gms Navy Blue       x 10 at £5.85 = £58.50
Embroidery small / 3 colour to left chest x 10 at £2.40 = £24.00
Premium T Navy Blue                           x 10 at £3.50 = £35.00
Set up charges for small embroidery       = £15

VAT total £19.88

Total £152.38

So as you can see that is extremely reasonable. We may have to go for 4 colours as I couldn't quite see the blue around the 'Hell-Trek' whilst in the shop  ::) (I noticed it when I was back home) but I can't see that being much more.

I shall await responses and questions about this project!

Events / Hi-Ex! 2010 Attendees.
08 December, 2009, 03:31:50 PM
Seeing as a few members on the forum are going to this event I thought it would be interesting to see who, apart from the Hell Trekkers, will be there!

Obviously I shall be there and for both days.
Off Topic / Your good deed for the day!
26 November, 2009, 06:38:24 PM
I was walking into town at about 16:00 today and as I was passing a garage forecourt a lady was approaching from the other direction. Unluckily for her, one of her paper carrier bags decided to drop its contents onto the floor all across the entrance and as luck would have it a car wanted to get in.
I being so nice stopped to help and scooped most of the stuff off the floor to a more convenient area. She didn't know what to do but that's when my military training kicked in. From out of my daysack I produced a bag for life carrier and handed it to her and said she could keep it and with that I was on my way.

So come on everyone I know the papers would have us all down as selfish with no time for anyone. What is your good deed today, or even this week?
General / Storage facilities
13 November, 2009, 07:26:02 PM
Whilst in my local comics emporium this week I was informed of some new storage boxes that had come in.
They can be stacked 5 high and can take the weight of a shop proprietor. You can also take the dividers out to store more comics, if needs be.
Now these are just right for the floppies that come bagged with the Meg as they just squeeze in perfectly.
This one should last me a few years yet!

Film & TV / Channel 4 '3D' week
09 November, 2009, 06:13:14 PM
This all starts Monday 16th.

I'm looking forward to, Flesh for Frankenstein, Friday the 13th pt 3 and the Greatest 3D moments ever.

By the way you can get your top of the range 3D glasses from Sainsburys ;)
Film & TV / 'V' series 2009
09 November, 2009, 03:12:37 PM
I've just downloaded the first episode of this and quickly checked to make sure it's okay before I watch it tonight (looks perfect).
Anyone seen it already and if so is it any good?

Obviously I'll post my thoughts in the wee hours.
Off Topic / Did You Know?
04 November, 2009, 12:52:09 PM
I thought that this would be a bit of fun.

Now we all know the saying 'You learn something new everyday.' Well lets start a thread and include as many facts and strange things that we know as a collective mind.
You can take it straight out of a book, from a programme off the TV or Radio, from the internet or something you heard many years ago.

I'll start with-

Did you know, that at 'The Feast of the Dead' The Igorots of the Philippines, upon the death of a family member, stage a month long banquet with the corpse propped in a chair as the guest of honour.

Over to you!
General / Trade Paperback Credits
04 November, 2009, 12:28:47 AM
I was sorting out a few of mine the other day and noticed that the letterers are not credited anywhere on the covers or inside.
Can anyone shed some light on this as it seems a bit strange. Okay I understand that their names are not as famous as the writers and artists so they don't go on the front but inside surely they should have their work credited.
Off Topic / Comic Conventions
30 October, 2009, 12:36:30 AM
Okay, with Hi-Ex fast approaching (it will soon be upon us) I was wondering how many on the forum have been to any conventions and also if any have never been to one.
I first went to a smallish one in London years ago but didn't really find that much that interested me (not enough Dredd stuff). I also went to Memorabilia in Brum to see all the Dredd props in '95.
Then came the first Dreddcon and I've never looked back.
I've found all Tharg's minions very polite and very giving with their time and skills. I've had long chats with quite few and not just about 2000ad and Dredd but any subject under the sun.
This is why I am looking forward so much to next years Hi-Ex!

If any of you have never been to a convention or just think you wouldn't know what to do, get your arse along to one and see what they are all about. I guarantee you'll not regret it.
Off Topic / Reading your Thrills each week!
21 October, 2009, 04:38:20 PM
Okay everyone, new poll.
This one gives you two votes, so you can put down your primary and secondary reading place of Thargs mighty organs!

I always read mine in the dining room and anything that doesn't take my fancy is then read on the throne at a later time of my bodies choosing!

I've included the shop scenario because I have seen loads of people reading 2000AD in Smiths and then put it back on the shelf, bag this as well Tharg, make those drokkers pay!