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Topics - Floyd-the-k

General / re DC DREDD
11 June, 2003, 08:32:14 AM
Most of the earth`s population knows more than I do about most things, so this should be easy.
  Does anyone know about the (I think) short-lived DC Dredd comics?  I just caught a glimpse of them in the outtakes to the ABC of Judge Dredd.  Were they any good?  How long did they last?  etc etc
Other Reviews / Strontium Dog CD
27 May, 2003, 10:34:29 AM
 The latest Strontium Dog CD is alright but nothing to write home about.  It`s disapointing because the first one was absolutely fantastic.
  Oh and the last Judge Dredd CD, `I love Judge Dredd` was a scream, really really funny.  Probably funnier to British people who know who the various sendups are aimed at (I`m Australian but I`ve watched a bit of British TV).  They just gave up totally on the American accents apart from Dredds.  I`m sure that the rock group was based on Pulp.


Floyd Kermode
General / Sk8r Judge?
05 February, 2003, 10:15:07 AM
Why not find a place for annoying pop pixie Avril Lavigne in the next JD movie?  She could be Judge Janus.
  Does anyone else have pop stars in mind who would do well in bit parts in MC1?  TaTU as gangsters?  ...errmmm
General / the most pseudy post ever
14 January, 2003, 01:47:10 PM
20.4: day of dread are not now. A bone, a pebble, a ramskin; chip them,
24.5: for the living and he urned his dread, that dragon volant, and he
161.1: michelangelines have fooled to dread I proved to mindself as to
480.25: dread for a dragon vicefather. Hillcloud encompass us! You
528.4: niced! Bansh the dread! Alitten's looking. Low him lovly! Make

these are the sentences mentioning Dread in Finnegan`s Wake.  Just thought you`d like to know
General / more loose ends
10 January, 2003, 10:42:59 AM
in Megazine 3.14 or thereabouts there`s a fiend who gets dentists to put small nuclear weapons in people`s teeth.  He was demanding the release of all cubed criminals and he was never caught.

yours looseendedly,
