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Topics - Apestrife


I'v got some of the Dredd Case files, and it hit me that I don't have the one containing Apocalypse war. The number 5.

And now when I checked the internetz I found that the most common one is what belive an american version, this one

which looks, in my opinion, a lot better than the european(?) purple one

So, colors aside. Is it as big too? I'm thinking of buying it, but I want it to be as big as the orgin. case files.

Big as in the size of the book, not the number of pages.

The same goes with The day the law died and The cursed earth saga. These editions

They aren't some sort of pocket variants are they? Small ones. Because I like them as big books :)
Welcome to the board / Hi there!
10 July, 2012, 07:53:01 PM

Started hanging out on the IMDB-forum for DREDD, but I figured this is a bit more well adjusted place to  discuss stuff.

Dredd is my fav. 2000AD, but I'm looking forward to discover more from 2000ad. I also love DC Vertigo, especially 100Bullets.

Otherwise I'm really looking forward to the upcomming movie.
