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Topics - broodblik

When you visit this forum, we can all assume that you love two things: comics in general and 2000AD as your favorite comic publisher. Simple question who are your "second" favorite publisher of comics is?
-   DC
-   Marvel
-   Dark House
-   Dynamite
-   Image
-   Ahoy comics
-   IDW
-   AWA
-   Cinebook
-   Boom
-   Valiant
-   DC Thomson
-   I have one son only thank you
-   You missed my second favorite son his name is.........

John Wagner is one of the great masters of comics creating some off the best comic characters ever to grace the pages of comics on third rock from the sun. One of his creations outside the prog "Rok the God" is a self-published graphic novel series. Now here is our fantasy vote, what should happen with Rok:
-   Tharg should get the rights to publish a new series in the prog
-   Tharg should get the rights to publish a new series in the meg as a floppy
-   Tharg should only republished the two existing series as graphical novels (HC please)
-   Tharg should published the third series as graphical novels (HC please)
-   Tharg should show them the money and buy the whole nine yards
-   Nope, not my cup of tea people
-   What John created a character and I know nothing about it!!!!!!!

PS - in no ways am I shamelessly promoting this title or endorse it anyways but to be honest if you have not bought this shame on you
The anthology can be both a curse and a joy, one week you like nothing and the next week it is spectacular from first to last. Quite simple question around this round: what is your tolerant level making the prog acceptable for you? What is your level of acceptance?
-   Only a strong Dredd is required
-   At least one strong thrill
-   2 out of 5 thrills minimum
-   3 out of 5 thrills minimum
-   Thor, I mean four
-   I am a 5-star general, so I want a fiver
-   The knowledge that something better is arriving tomorrow
-   I am more of an anti-pumpkin man I love my broccoli

PS – for an extra bonus name and shame that despicable piece of vegetable that ruined your plate
Welcome to the seventh knockout round where we will choose our favorite story arc.

We already have eight story arcs that has qualified.

Whom is the next to do a takedown? The best ABC Warriors book is naturally The Volgan Wars:
-   Yay, you are spot on
-   Nay, surely you are mistaken it must be .................................

So far, each issue of the regen prog we had a Cadet Dredd story. My personal feeling is that it has been a mix bag of stories. Do the regen need a Dredd to anchor the regen prog as well? Do the regen prog still need such a story?

Now my question is what should happen with the Cadet Dredd strip in the regen prog?
-   What a silly question we need our weekly Dredd fix even if is in a small package
-   Just drop the whole Cadet Dredd idea from the regen prog
-   Replace Cadet Dredd with a new character that will become the feature character of the regen issues
-   Maybe keep Cadet Dredd but not in each regen issue
-   Why not try Judge Dredd but just change the tone slightly?
-   Regen, regen never heard of this before

"A room without books is like a body without a soul." — Cicero

I have always been reading and my love for reading started when I started with comics. I cannot see a world without books. I still find it quite strange that it looks like people has just stopped this "art". Now this question is more about why children do not read comics anymore:
-   It is a culture thing parents don't and the children followed
-   Some parents still believe comics are "junk"
-   Too many distractions NetFlix, PlayStation, Switch etc.
-   The paper media is dead (and many of the comics are only available in paper format)
-   Too expensive
-   It is more to do with the distribution networks (availability)
-   Only nerds and weirdos read comics my children are in the first team of any sport
-   No way my children love comics
-   A combination of the above......
-   Something else people.......
General / Sideshow Vote II: Does it tally up?
27 June, 2022, 05:00:23 AM
In the prog we can have a short story a story than ran for weeks or even two or three parts. So, how do you prefer your stories?
-   Small bursts of 1 to 3 parts
-   Between 6 and 8 episodes
-   10 to 12 parts
-   I like the long run
-   Just tell me a story I do not care about the length
Welcome to the sixth knockout round where we will choose our favorite story arc.
We already have seven story arcs that has qualified.

Whom is the next to do a takedown? The best Zenith book is naturally Phase III:
-   Yay, you are spot on
-   Nay, surely you are mistaken it must be .................................

In all stories you get the main protagonist that leads the roast and then you can the sidekick (supporting cast). Off the support cast that we had over the years in the prog who do you feel the most interesting character will be to get an own series:
-   Ukko
-   Midnight Indicating Shame
-   Colonel Kovert
-   Purity Brown
-   Thrax
-   PJ Maybe
-   Judge Maitland
-   Rico
-   Wulf
-   Someone else....

He is "man" travelling through time and space who gets resurrected every now and then. His surname is Who and his name is Doctor it is Doctor Who. Simple question - who is your favorite modern incarnation of Doctor Who:
- Christopher Eccleston Ninth Doctor (2005)
- David Tennant Tenth Doctor (2005–2010)
- Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor (2010–2013)
- Peter Capaldi Twelfth Doctor (2014–2017)
- Jodie Whittaker Thirteenth Doctor (2018–present)
General / Sideshow Vote II: Slippery Jim is my name
20 June, 2022, 04:36:20 AM
One of the greatest properties that was license in the prog is The Stainless Steel Rat by Harry Harrison beautifully adapted by Kelvin Gosnell and Carlos Ezquerra.  Now we all know that not all off Harrison's novellas was adapted so do you believe that another attempt must be made to adapt them or not? and who is best fitted to draw this?
-   Yes, do it Tharg it should be drawn by..........
-   No way, this was part of Carlos legacy
-   Stainless Steel Rat is too much 70s and will not work in today's demographics

Welcome to the fifth knockout round where we will choose our favorite story arc.
We already have six story arcs that has qualified.
Whom is the next to do a takedown? The best Brink book is naturally Book 3:
-   Yay, you are spot on
-   Nay, surely you are mistaken it must be .................................

Megazine / Meg 445 - Case of Questions
15 June, 2022, 04:45:55 PM
Cover by Rachael Stott:

Let's go back in time to the time of the 80s. The 80s "big hair", New Wave, punk rock, funk, breakdancing, some of the most memorable movies or just plainly awesome music. We were also introduced to 8-bit home computers. A time of discovery amazed a time of awesome colour palettes mesmerizing soundtracks and tantalizing sound effects our 8-bit wonders.

This is a battle of two crowd favourites the C64 vs ZX Spectrum (for the 8-bit nerds only). What was your favourite one or the one that you hard earned cashed purchased?
-   C64 all the way
-   ZX Spectrum man
-   I was more of a businessman doing some fancy negotiating with the smaller folk in the school yard. You know your lunch money for your protection.
-   My folks believe this will bring the end to the society as we know it, like smoke is better for your health than these darn contraptions (hell spawn) 
For a very long time we had TB Grover penning and leading the direction in which the Dredd was headed. One day and I am not always sure if it was the T or the B that went away but then John Wagner decided on Dredd's fate. So, a simple question of the current Dredd writers whom do you believe should take the new lead:
-   Kenneth Niemand
-   Rob Williams
-   Michael Carroll
-   Rory McConville
-   Arthur Wyatt
We all like a good war story and hopefully you think like I do and believe that war should be left for books, comics, or movies. We are currently being treated to another great collection of war stories, shamefully promoting Battle Action special. Back to the vote and this one is quite simple? Charley's War is the greatest war story ever to be published in comics.
-   Yes, it is the greatest ever
-   Nope, I am thinking about...........
-   No way dude I am in lest make love and not war, peach bro

Welcome to the fourth knockout round where we will choose our favorite story arc.

We already have five story arcs that has qualified.

Whom is the next to do a takedown? The best Nemesis book is naturally The Gothic Empire (Book IV):
-   Yay, you are spot on
-   Nay, surely you are mistaken it must be .................................

When a movie becomes a blockbuster, everyone wants a sequel (especially those movie moguls). In most cases the sequel to put it bluntly sucks. When was the last time we had a sequel that was worthy of its predecessor? When was the last time a sequel surpasses its predecessor?
This is a simple question which was the best sequel ever?
-   The Empire Strikes Back
-   The Wrath of Kahn
-   Aliens
-   The Dark Knight
-   Superman II
-   Terminator 2
-   Top Gun Maverick
-   What about? <Movie Name> (My Little Pony: A New Generation does not count people)

Long after I have read certain stories, I might not remember all the details and intrigues but there is something that resonates with me and stuck in my mind is a specific phrase one of characters said.
So, what is your best phrase/expression out of the prog?
-   I am the Law – Dredd
-   Spread the word – ABC Warriors
-   He didn't think it too many – Slaine
-   Shakara! – Shakara
-   Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave! – Torquemada
-   Gaze into the fist of Dredd – Dredd

This is another of those fantasy votes. If it is up to you which of the old classic titles owned by Rebellion, will you revive as a weekly title:
-   Crisis
-   Roy of the Rovers
-   Starlord
-   Scream
-   Tiger
-   Battle
-   Action
-   Battle Action
-   Buster
-   Whizzer and Chips
-   Tornado