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Topics - paulvonscott

News / Subscriptions - Judge Dredd T-Shirt
03 October, 2007, 07:11:04 PM
Well, I *really* had meant to resubscribe some time ago, but the cost of stale water, bread crusts and lard prevented it.

I've finally been persuaded by the very nice '30 Years Creep' Dredd T-Shirt, which is a bit more tempting than the Abandon books.

I'm still gutted about not getting a Rogue T-Shirt with my sub all those moons ago, I ended up with 2 of the (admittedly nice) MC-1 posters the way they worked it.

Also, as the prog has gone up in price, that means more money left over for crusts dipped in dripping.

Anyway, not sure what the point of this post is, but if you are thinking of resubscribing, I guess this is a good time to do it.  Save a bit of cash and get a nice T-Shirt.
General / Cliff Robinson - Top of his game?
23 August, 2007, 08:42:39 AM
There have been some pretty stunning Cliff Robinson covers lately, that have really wowed me, especially as I think it's difficult to produce a new fresh iconic Dredd cover after 30 years.  Plus the art on the recent Dredd story he did in the prog was superb.

Any other fans, and does anyone know why he largely does Judge Dredd?
Books & Comics / Marshall Law IS the Law!
05 August, 2007, 09:07:33 PM
Just recieved fom Top Shelf, making my attempts to collect all of Marshall Law a little redundant, but most welcome all the same!

Go Mental :)


BEHIND THE MASK ââ?¬â? Secrets. Secret identities. Secret lusts. Secret  
hates. The dark and sordid world of Super Heroes...

Pull down the trunks, you won't like what you see.

When supermen go rogue, you call on the Court of Last Resort...


The government has commissioned living weapons of mass destruction to
war on terror. The survivors return home broken, bitter, insane. Some
gangs, some go psycho. Some turn into 'A' list celebrities with 'A'
fists. The city is now a war zone.

San Futuro needs a Super Cop to enforce summary justice. His eyes will
reflect the rocket's red glare. He is Twilight's Last Gleaming...


A bad choice is better than no choice at all.


Top Shelf is proud to announce that it has just signed Pat Mills and
O'Neill's MARSHAL LAW, and will publish a MARSHAL LAW Omnibus next year
THE all-up one-volume, full-color, 500(+)-page definitive MARSHAL LAW

Chris Staros and Brett Warnock have been huge fans of the series since
beginning, and are elated to be able to put out this super-deluxe
collection of the entire series.

The anti-heroes' anti-hero will never look better.

General / A Rash of Good Covers
18 July, 2007, 07:46:43 PM
We've had some very good covers for the last few weeks and it got me to thinking that this has been a very good year... for 2000AD covers... a very good year... for thrill powered pics...

On the whole, they seem to have a bit more about them.  Just an observation.  In some voting for best cover I've picked between 2 or 3 faves.  It would be much tougher this time around.
Off Topic / James Redington, gone
10 July, 2007, 03:18:27 PM
It's quite a shock to the system to hear that someone as young as James, 28, has died from heart failure.

James had his own small press comic outfit called Portent Comics, he put out some really nice comics and plugged away along with the rest of us.

I met him through the stalls, where we were next to each other at one of the London Winterfests and he also filmed the awards where a comic I was involved with won, and was kind enough to send me a copy of it afterwards.  

We met many times over the years trading small chat, comics and pleasantries as many of us in the small press do.  My main regret is that I didn't know him better, or have the chance to share more than a few words with him the last time we met.  After all, I was always going to bump into him again, wasn't I?

I always thought he was a great guy and I'm sure he would have had a great future ahead of him.  Very sad.

Link:" target="_blank">The news, today.

Help! / Dredd - Which prog the Weather Concerto?
07 July, 2007, 07:17:09 PM
Hiya, I'm feeling lousy today and my prog scouring skills have failed.  Could anyone tell me which prog the Dredd story with the man who conducted weather was in?


Help! / Mega City Image Needed
03 July, 2007, 10:58:24 PM
Hey ho

What I'm after is a nice scene of Mega City one with lots of tower blocks stretching off into the horizon, and possible a few landmarks like the Statue of Judgement/Liberty in.  I'll take scans or info!  Colour would be nice, but not essential.

Be a while before I can show you what it's for but it should be fun.


Film & TV / Life on Mars Repeated from the start.
25 June, 2007, 08:00:51 PM
Just to say Life on mars is being repeated on BBC4 should anyone have missed it over the last couple of years.

Link:" target="_blank">It's 1973, almost dinner time...

60 Million Citizens, each one a potential perp...

Link:" target="_blank">Dredd would get you!

Off Topic / Strike Out His Eyes!
23 May, 2007, 07:13:29 PM
Got a phonecall from Ben 'Griefbringer' Clark to say he's in hospital with a detatched retina.  He phoned at about 4 in the afternoon, which I think was really inconsiderate as he must have known I'd be asleep at that time.  

Anyway, it all seems straight forward and he should be okay.  But as I know he can read the board but not post on it, I thought I'd wish him well here.

Get Well.


Anyway, I'm sure all you'll need is some yellow specs, but your dreams of joining the army are I'm afraid, over.">
Books & Comics / This is My Science Fiction Comic
02 May, 2007, 06:04:27 PM
Omnivistascope 3 is a 78-page perfect bound science fiction comic written by Paul Scott and drawn by a host of talented artists.

Issues 1 and 2 were voted 9/10 and 10/10 respectively and both have been SFX Fanzine of the Month.  If you like science fiction outside of 2000AD, then you may well enjoy this.

In this issue...

Art: Oliver Reading
The dead appear to be walking the streets of London, and only Quisling, Britainâ??s one man Ministry of the Unexpected has a chance to prevent the dead ruling the land of the living...

Art: Simon Penter
On the salvage ship From Beyond, Captain Woods is dead and Lubatek has been nominated as his replacement, a situation few are happy with.  She has one chance to convince them - The Tomb Ship of the Westar Clan...

Art: Ian Stacey
The Goths advance on Dirk and Sarah, unstoppable black garbed weirdoes hell bent on getting to Dirk Despair.  There is but a slim chance, and Dirk must do what he swore never to never do again

SPACE LORD          
Art: David Goodman
Space Lord has travelled to Zido for the annual 24-Kworkle comic book contest where he must battle his comic book nemesis for the prize and his reputation.  But is he up to it?

For Dave and Trish, a young married couple, the last thing they ever expected to see was an outbreak of the undead and the collapse of civilisation.  But it must be true, itâ??s on the telly.

Art: Mike Donaldson
With James Whitlock still missing, and more sightings of the post-apocalyptic Northumbrian bogeyman, The Juggerman, Frank Thorn has his work cut out for him.  And the city expects results

Art:  Duncan Nimmo
Rathbone is resigned to his fate, a fiery descent to a molten world.  But then something appears, a ghost from the past and with it the chance for salvation.  Or judgement...

KEEGAN JASK         
Art:  Leigh Shepherd
Keegan Jaskâ??s past is catching up with him, and so is an old acquaintance.  Can Keegan Jask talk himself out of this one or will he fall victim to a cross-dimensional hate crime?

Art: Simon Penter
Lubatek and her crew are in Deep Sleep en route to their next assignment.  However, while they sleep, other beings with unknown motives dwell in the depths of space...

Art: Paul McCaffrey
At the edge of human traversed space, the artefact was found, a ship from the final days of human dominated Earth.  It is the archaeological find of the millennium, but at what cost?

Articles of Gerry Finlay Day, Nigel Kneale, Rollerball, Alien Worlds in SF and a six page Feature on Hawk the Slayer featuring an exclusive interview with the film's director Terry Marcel.

It normally costs £5 + £1 post, but I'll send it post free to anyone from the board, the same applies to issues 1 and 2.  Paypal me at or send a cheque/postal order to me at Paul Scott, 13 Kiln Crescent, Bishop Middleham, Ferryhill, County Durham DL17 9AP.  The issue is out from Tuesday 8th of May and will be on sale at out stall at the bristol Expo on the 12 and 13th of May." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">">
General / 2000AD in May's SFX
21 April, 2007, 12:00:22 AM
It got two mentions in this months SFX, it came second in the SFX eaders poll behind a Joss Whedon comic, which I think is pretty good going.

Then Christopher Nolan, director of great films like Memento and The Prestige as well as the new Batman films gave it a really nice bigging up, saying that 2000AD is repsonsible for a lot of people his age in the creative fields.  He's got a point.

Anyway, I was impressed.
Help! / Ant Wars Scan needed!
18 April, 2007, 12:08:09 PM
Hey there, I need an urgent Ant Wars Scan this afternoon.  Any good picture with an ant in it will do.  My progs are on loan and I can't find my Extreme Edition.  Anyone who can help, I'd be very grateful.

My e-mail is


Hi Everyone

For a Hawk the Slayer article I'm working on, I wondered if anyone who had seen and enjoyed the movie had any questions about it as I have the chance to get some of them answered.  You don't have to be an obsessive fan, just have a fondness for the movie and have made some observation or had a query about the movie.  I'll do my best to get to the bottom of it!

Many thanks

Megazine / MEG 256 - Lethal Weapon!
05 March, 2007, 02:56:01 PM
Only read Mike's thing on the other Mike so far, but my prog isn't here.  I'm telling myself it's 'spreading the thrills'
General / Thanks for the 28 days of 2000AD BISH-OP!
02 March, 2007, 08:42:45 AM
I really enjoyed that, entertaining, informative and educational :)

And when is TPO coming out, as I've asked for it for my bithday along with the Special Edition DVD of Hawk the Slayer!
Film & TV / Trapped in Space
26 February, 2007, 12:56:13 PM
I don't know if anyone else caugh this it was on late on BBC1 I think, early morning, and I only taped it because I thought I'd watch it when bored.

Expected nothing from it as I've seen these made for TV SF things before, but you know what?  This was a really good low budget movie.  Effects and sets all okay I guess, but a really good story, had me guessing (wrongly) till the end.

It's bound to be back on so keep an eye out for it.

All the reviews on IMDB say it's rubbish, so perhaps it was just my low expectations, but it was an enjoyable once it got going.

Link:" target="_blank">Tapped in IMDB

Website and Forum / The board mail is now all but useless
15 February, 2007, 08:18:13 PM
Any e-mails sent via this board now go straight to my bulk spam folder.  I personally blame Rebellion sending out press releases by e-mail for this.

If I ever don't respond to a mail from the board, it's just because I get a hundred e-mails a day some times in my bulk folder and I don't often notice the 2000AD ones before I delete them.

Anyway, as I say, I use board mail, but for the most part it's a waste of time.
Now then, now then, now then.  Should you like a cameo appearence in the latest Dirk Despair* story, as what appears in the SF comic Omnivistascope, please e-mail me a suitable picture and we'll do our best to fix it for you, don't you know, to appear in the next issue.

Oh, and just to make things very clear, there are no payment/freebies of any kind.

*would you believe he's a depressed intergalactic hero?  
Anything, nothing?