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...who wants to live FOREVER??!...
...'i am a human dalek, i am your future'...

23 April, 2007, 11:18:38 AM
...does anyone know how to download and save favourite clips from You Tube onto computer for playback on ones jolly old Media Player??? ta...
...OINK! OINK!...
...whats the bet the football over-runs AGAIN and DR Who gets put back aweek as feared???...
...was in dear old W.H.Smiths the other day and noticed Commando comic by D.C. thomson was currantly at #3998, when will the 4000 issue be out or have i missed it? and what other comic series have ever reached such a high and impressive number???...
...i thought the last episode and its revelations deserved its own thread...

...lets hope its not... 'more fake than a trannys fanny!!!'...
...the world is a stage, for certain DEATH!!!...
...ive just learned from the latest Star Wars magazine that at some point some body was nice enough to reprint the original Star Wars comics produced for the UK Star Wars weekly in the late 70's early 80's, i was wondering if anyone kows the title so that i can track it down, many thanks old chums...
#50 we go again for another 13 weeks...

...welcome back to the Sontarans, opps, the Judoon!!!...
...has anyone else managed to get a copy of the 2 disc release of ths 1950's classic? i hear it has a remastered b&w version aswell as the sublime re-coloured version... the way, i love the music in these old movies, they really make you creep-out...
...i get my issue by subscription and it has arrived in plenty of time, before i opened the envelope, i thought theres something extra in here, are we getting a free gift that we werent told about?  Afraid not, no new space spinner, just another of those Abaddon booklet promo things, what a swizz, i was atleast hoping for Thargs very own little black book or something...

...never mind, congratulations to the galaxys greatest comic, you deserve it...
Film & TV / ...NEW 'LIFE ON MARS' TONIGHT. 9pm BBC 1...
13 February, 2007, 06:31:54 AM
...your nicked!!!... what is the twist at the end of the series going to be? all the magazines and papers keep going on about the coma thing and hes dreaming 1973, but isnt that far too obvious? i think something very weird is going to be revealed in the last episode, my money is on him being in a coma for the last 30years...
#54 is this good, going to be good or what???...

...not enough people in the cast to get 'chomped' as far as i can tel...
#55, what ever happened to the Comic Book Price Guide? by Duncan McAlpine? it used to be a great resource not for just prices but also letting you no how many issues of a particular comic existed and any specials annuals etc etc,last one i saw/got was from the  mid-ninties, and it was just staring to flesh out and expand the british section, my own particular interest, if this doesnt exist anymore, are ther any such lists on the internet that i have missed???...
03 February, 2007, 04:06:41 PM
...for re-newing my subscription to all things Tharg i received my 4 free Abaddon books today, namely 'The Culled' 'Spear of Destiny'  'A Kind of Peace'  and  'Death Hulk', must admint i was abit dubious about the offer in the sence that was it to good to be true, but no, Tharg comes through and kept his promise...

...which prompts my question, did anyone else take advantage of this great offer or in the past have received any other great freebies form th green one???...
...nothing seems to be up yet on this site for the up coming 30th birthday tie-in book Thrill Power Overload, ( nothing unusual there...) so had a little look round to see what prices i could find, and came up with these 2...

Amazon. Hardback £12.53 + £2.75 p+p Softback £12.64 which includes p+p

Personally i thinkk the hardback deal is slihtly better, what other others have you guys found???...
...will this be closed to the type of spin-off from Dr Who we would like?...
#59 i look bovverd???...

...why no tardisode this time?...
#60 sure weve all seen the Judge Dredd movie, hate it or love it, it exists...

...promted by the other recent J.D. movie thread, what would you change, add or even get rid of, to improve it???... change the very first scene where we see Joes feat just before he gets the call from Hershey for back-up, this scene, instead of him just sitting on his bike like a twit, should have been him kicking sum punk ass, with a day stick and blood...