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Topics - stront692

General / judge dredd daily star collections
27 January, 2004, 02:58:20 AM
are these in any way rare or hard to find???
General / voting on specials covers
27 January, 2004, 02:56:42 AM
this cover to hte 1983 dredd annual only needs 1 more vote to make it straigfht in to the top of the all time top 20 specials covers

while u are there we only have a top 14 at the mo too, so take a moment out to vote for a few others??

Link: Covers&Comic=specials&FirstProg=&LastProg=&MaxProg=" target="_blank">1983 judge dredd annual cover

General / new top megazine cover
27 January, 2004, 02:52:54 AM
a new megazine cover has been voted straight in at no 1, its one of the early greats from the first volume of the megazine when nearly every story was great

(apart from the odd filler)

the top 3 is now

young death - follow the link below

shimura - an excellent rendition by the sorely missed mr QUITELY

JUDGE MORTIS - a recent cover by mr jim murray no less

if u disagree then put a vote in for this and your fave while u are there

Link: Covers&Comic=megazine&FirstProg=&LastProg=&MaxProg=" target="_blank">young death

News / NEW TOXIC????
17 January, 2004, 07:38:16 PM
i was looking thru the news stands when the old toxic logo poped out at me, but its on a... (wait for it)

kiddie comic aimed at under 5s, with free gift attached and next to nothing in it

also the name is very odd, they seem to be using it in a 'cool' way

(as opposed to teh way mills used it), which is not even correct

has the title been sold on possibly, or just pilfered
Help! / who the art for AXA in 2000AD SHOWCASE 5/6
15 January, 2004, 06:48:54 AM
anybody know (this may have been issue 3 and 4 , i cant remember but its the early issues of the fleetway reprint title anyway


Help! / BILLY THE CAT in beano 1968???
14 January, 2004, 08:34:59 AM
there was an old brit superhero in a cat burglar strip in buddy weekly,

my question is when buddy folded into victor did this strip continue,

a number of the strips in buddy are new adventires of much older strips like the IRON FISH

i sem to remember billy the cat being in the beano in 1968 as well, am i correct (or was it some other comic at the time)

also has he appeared in any other comics
Help! / is trout trying to poison us all???
14 January, 2004, 06:21:47 AM
it has been discovered that salmon from scottish salmon farms contain high levels of cancer causing carcinogens,

so is this the trouts latest dastardly plot to kill us all (or is he still recovering after being wiped out in whistler strip)

General / what happenned to credo???
12 January, 2004, 03:57:59 AM
i have just re read the 'boom tube and 'killer watt' nemesis stories and was just wondering really

what happenned to credo, the organisation that nemesis used to run, it sort of fades out into a slight background piece of scenery by book 6 as pat mills gets more an more cynical

i used to like this idea and part of the story and i think thats why i find the last 2 books boring really

book 4 was the high point ( but i liked the revelation that nemesis and deadlock both are lorsd of chaos)
General / the man who painted the future...???
12 January, 2004, 03:53:48 AM
ok there has just been a documentary on channel 5 about some guy called david wotsit (cant remember surname) who believes he has dreams that predict the future - im sorry about the length of this post but im just going to recap for anyone that missed it

he paints pictures (crap childlike, very open to interpretation) then takes them to his local barclays branch and phtocopies them in front of the clock but th clock has no yaer on it

he does this once a mnth and has over 200 paintings of which only around 37 have failed but they are open to interpretation (his own) and picked out by him, some are very loose and the others havent happenned yet

his most famous famous are a picture of 16 kids dripping in blood and their teacher with a bad man behind them (dunblane), 2 young boys in black underwear by side relating to gunmans fetish for young children

a concorde plane crashing over france with french flag at bottom
(which had the biggest plausible other explanation as there was a crash of a russian hybrid called concordeski in france in the 70s, so he could've pseudo remembered it)

a picture of man with lots of words around it which he says was a dream about the tube in tokyo and it suddenly became hard to breathe (saren gas attack on tokyo underground)

words include 'religious cult', 'tokio', hills, train,, tube station (but could have been added later or distorted as a photo is not always clear from a distance, tokio could have been 'too' or 'to')

the twin towers exploding and one tower falling into the other (which is not actually how it happenned anyway, both towers collapsed indepently, no planes in the dream or picture just them exploding and collapsing)

a picture of a massive storm at sea which killed lots of people off the coast of some island (waves were red?? open to interpretation as a fire or anything)

he had a dream about a plane crash into an airport by hte thames uder hypnosis while he was doing the program, then went back and said that london city airport with water either side of it could have been the location

it was very interesting, and i found the whole thing raised a few issues particularly as he is going about it in a unique way and seems very honest

the guy passed a lie detector test and as far as we know has never had government training to 'fake' one of these

a psychologist statistician stated that he was under the impression that he would think he was producing 1000s of pictures to get the kinds of results he is doing, when all his pictures were shown to room of graduate professionals in this field they all came to the same conlusion in most of his paintings that were predicted (70%) and his interpretation was the most obvious

he does need to adjust his practices slightly, maybe seal the painting after the photo is taken and get the cashier to witness and sign/date it ( he could be going into a number of barclays branches, and the date is a problem unless the clock used has it on, a newspaper with that can be obtained afterwards and witnesses are open to bribes)

one of my friends i used to work with (who was a born again christian but surprisingly not very preachy and quite grounded considering but u know the type), hence very spiritual and seem to believe in that kind of stuff had a similar dream about a plane being crashed into the thames around xmas time or some big celebration and the houses of parliament being wiped out etc

so if a lot of people have had the same dream, does that make it more likely and should we all stay away from the thames in the near future

a lot of people have dreams like this, fight club saw the twin towers blown up so its part of general thought and could be subliminal - there are lots of comic stories and movie stories from before september 11 that use this as a plot device (or he could have just watched the towering inferno at the cinema years ago and remembered it sublimimally)

we all have dreams or circumstances like this, i myself was unable to get my holiday flight to usa on september 11 when i was supposed to go and we perhaps give them more importance after the event

travellers ontrains on the day of train crashes are down according to figures even when u take out bad weather etc as other factors - suggesting we have a psychic sixth sense

one thing that was not questioned was the state of is mnd, my friends wife did not 'obsess' around the fact that she has these dreams and stop everything else building her life around them, he has

surely his subconcious mind is actually just dreaming nightmare scenarios all the time now - these scenarios are all popular in modern day fiction as we tend to be shocked into a reaction these days and these are all most distressing

he is obsessing about it and just thinking nightmare scenarios all the time, if he truly believes that hes predicting these things he was never asked how he feels about them and not being able to stop them

also the fact there is no date prediction means that its also not a lot of good, he cant help or stop them from happenning

but if he gets so many right, is this the beginning of the psi division - maybe we should make 3 clones of him a la 'minority report' and stick them in a coma when all 3 have same dream wet ourselves

maybe if we put all these precogs in touch with each other, then when there is a high concencus about something we could sort of say that something is going to happen there

maybe if thats all they think about all day, people can actually predict events and refine or hone the skill

just thought it would be intersting to share that with u - maybe see if anyone else has ever had a strange prediction or premonition and as i said before sorry about the length of this post
General / friday night chaos???
10 January, 2004, 04:01:28 PM
well i went out last night ...

and just happenned to choose the slowest weekend of the year (the taxi driver told me so on the way home), town was dead and everyone was heading towards the 2 main clubs and nowhere else

there were 2 police men following these 2 guys around and we saw them 3 times

in 1 of the pubs i went in a small fight broke and everyone did that sad thing where they pretended to break it up but egged it on in the process

then i decided to go home as i could see that there was very little talent out...

and this trouble was bound to get worse, it was only 10pm and half the people that had come out didnt have any money

then walking past the townhall all hell broke loose as the fire alarm went off and there were 4 or 5 fire engines which had to break into townhall to see if it was a fire or not

as we were waiting several scallies turfed out of macdonalds started a fight and the black mariah pulled up

luckily so did the taxi ad we were off

i think i will leave my local town for a while, maybe try liverpool and manchester again (at least all the trouble isnt concentrated in a very small spot)
News / voting top 20 stories 2000AD
08 January, 2004, 06:56:06 AM
hi there,
 thought i would update my last post on this topic as not much seems to have changed since

in a surprise shock i suddenly realised i had gorgotten to vote for flesh and the second i did they appeared in the top 20, hows that for coincidence

i have now voted for all main characters and am attempting a re-read from prog 1 to cover the smaller stories as well

judge dredd is neck and neck with rogue trooper for votes but confusions over his 3 incarnations seems to have given the battle for to second place firmly to strontium dog (he has been there for months now)

we have a new top cover, prog 339 (although 369 is more deserving, the sd wanted cover), along with bollands judge death and bryan talbot classic nemesis in 2nd and 3rd

the specials and gns could do with a few more votes as we dont have a top 20 yet

07 January, 2004, 02:04:26 AM
now that the master has passed away, this will be his only ever contribution to 2000Ad

its credited but im not sure if it might be a partial credit

anyone know

Link:" target="_blank">prog 18 cover

General / what is your favourite 200AD era
06 January, 2004, 02:43:55 AM
hi there, just wondering what everyone thinks of as the golden age of 2000Ad

i cant do a poll yet, but just wondering everyones favourite era is

prog 330 to 700 is about my absolute bcos thats when i was really reading

in back issues its prog 1 to around 200 onwards (i had prog 90 onwards when i was a kid) but only really certain stories, robohunter, vcs, rogue trooper, mean arena (original), meltdown man, ace trucking and general stuff really

is the era that u were reading as a kid your favourite as well

just wondering really
Help! / when i vote on a creator...???
06 January, 2004, 02:15:50 AM
am i voting for him and all the work that person has done - in general
Help! / who is scojo???
31 December, 2003, 01:10:19 AM
just been flicking htru the polls, and am rather confused by the one that says - should we unban scojo now???

also a couple of others from him that say should i submit my script etc,

is he a writer???
General / why is mean machine still in top 20
28 December, 2003, 07:15:22 PM
i know mean machine is a cool character but every solo story he has ever been in has been well...

not good

why is he stll in the top 20, max normal and walter the wobot are deserving of their positions but this is the only anomaly remaining
General / MY NEW JOB...
23 December, 2003, 05:46:14 PM
heh heh - been busy for a while but these things have to be done

Link:" target="_blank">the postman

General / MADNESS
08 December, 2003, 06:39:45 AM
i have heard of a disc 403 prog that was given away with a madness record thru 2000AD,

is this true???

or just a hoax
General / PAY IT FORWARD...
08 December, 2003, 06:37:20 AM
haveing just watched the movie, it has reminded that i first about this idea when i was about 12 in school - so if it has become so popular that they made about it, does it really work

when they show this movie does the number of random incidents of kindness increase, what do u reckon???

it works on the same principle that by buying a tramp food instead of giving him money, u are actually helping him more (most homeless people are mentally ill, thats why they are in the position they are - thru depression, they cant help themselves)

but obviously it has to be 3 things really difficult or it doesnt class as a pay it forward

POST YOUR RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS here (any u have heard about or engaged in)
06 December, 2003, 05:18:01 AM
finally (and with a little help from blackthrash),
in all honesty my prog no 4 is still not very good but other than that im sorted

its taken 4 years since i started collecting again

has been a long and arduous task, an up at dawn daily struggle but i have finally achieced it - hurrah

and i will be going thru my doubles soon, so keep your eyes peeled for some mad offers