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Topics - Quirkafleeg

General / Long Walk
18 July, 2006, 03:53:12 AM
Watching 'Still Game' tonight and there was a mention in passing of the 'the long walk' were a native american would commit suicide by just walking off from the tribe.

I might be a bit thick and it's common knowledge but this is the first I've heard of it and I sort of presume that's where the use of it Dredd comes from.

It's a bit hard to google further info on it as there's a 'Long Walk' that was the forcable eviction of some tribe like the infamous Trail of Tears
Games / Counting...
14 July, 2006, 04:08:30 AM
Just work out the URL for the next number...

Welcome to madness.

Link:" target="_blank">1

Film & TV / The Shield
06 July, 2006, 10:11:48 PM
The second best cop show on the box is back on Friday...
Off Topic / Give me the pig!
05 July, 2006, 05:17:16 AM
In eating contest news... that japanese bloke has won the hot dog eating competition again, breaking his own record.

Link:" target="_blank">53 3/4 hot dogs in 12 mins

Games / Playstation 3 bundle price
05 July, 2006, 04:12:32 AM
Just take a guess on what it is. Go on just guess.


Links / vid interviews with sf and fantasy authors
04 July, 2006, 06:09:53 AM
The Gibson thread reminded me of this place. Interesting interview with him here along with a load of others... (God Pratchett is such a twat...)

Link:" target="_blank">fast forward tv

Off Topic / Typing Challange
03 July, 2006, 03:51:38 AM
60 wpm

Link:" target="_blank">see how fast you can type...

General / Forbidden Planet Blog / Podcast
01 July, 2006, 03:03:00 AM
It's all promotional stuff but it's nice to see 2000AD stuff high-lighted among all the plastic tosh.

Link:" target="_blank">Blog off

Film & TV / Twins of Evil
30 June, 2006, 03:22:42 PM
Classic bit of Hammer vamping tonight...
Off Topic / History of Brit SF on Radio 4
23 June, 2006, 04:00:37 AM
Was on this morning (repeated Monday)... not heard it but as ever it's on the web site

Imagining Albion: The Great British Future

Francis Spufford charts the history of Britain - through its Science Fiction. Francis won't quite be arguing that every starship in British SF is a milkfloat in disguise but the diversity of ideas in British SF means that these novels do give startling alternative snapshots of Britain down the years. Science Fiction has always been a genre of ideas, and so, contrary to its escapist image, can provide a hugely evocative record of the time in which it was written.

In the work of HG Wells, therefore, we find Fabian dreams of a future without poverty; nightmares about overpopulation and dark eugenic designs. In Huxley, a fascination with intelligence, and how it can be achieved. In Iain M Banks, curious echoes of the benign Wilson-era Britain in which the author grew up. This series features some of the biggest names in British Science Fiction, past and present, including Arthur C Clarke and Iain M Banks.

Francis explores the sometimes sinister history of utopian dreams, from Thomas More to HG Wells to Iain M Banks.

Link:" target="_blank">imagining albion

Links / Comic Book Database
23 June, 2006, 03:15:47 AM
Some people are trying to build a Internet Movie Database for comics... the've got sod all on Tooth as yet.

Link:" target="_blank">Comic Book DB

Off Topic / Zombie! Zombie!, Zombie! Zombie!
17 June, 2006, 08:13:46 PM

Link:" target="_blank">Virus! Virus!

Off Topic / Monkey with a Hat - The Movie
16 June, 2006, 04:25:58 AM
Film & TV / Pixar's next
13 June, 2006, 08:25:57 PM
Looks really great... but why american accents for the French rats? And do they really need to tell people how to pronouce ratatouille?

Link:" target="_blank">Cheese

Off Topic / The Hoff does it again...
12 June, 2006, 05:02:01 AM
Get to hell Craig... this man was born to play Bond, a singing James Bond at that!

Link:" target="_blank">Secret Agent Man!

Off Topic / The World Cup Thread
10 June, 2006, 10:49:29 PM
Well on that performance we'll be going out in the play-offs (on penalties as usual)... I can almost here the cackling of the Scottish board members from here.

Until then... come on ENG-ER-LAND!
Suggestions / Origins countdown...
09 June, 2006, 04:57:39 AM
Can we have a big clock counting down the weeks to Origins please...
Off Topic / Bishop on the radio
09 June, 2006, 04:23:40 AM
Radio play by our very own Mr Bishop

Link:" target="_blank">Click on 'Wednesday'

Off Topic / 06 06 06
06 June, 2006, 10:38:02 PM
"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea,
for the Devil sends the beast with wrath,
because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon
the number of the beast for it is a human number,
it's number is Six hundred and sixty six"


Books & Comics / It's clobbering time!
05 June, 2006, 07:53:00 PM
A Thing costume made from real rocks!

Link:" target="_blank">It rocks! (sorry)">