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Topics - Dan Kelly

Off Topic / Website Hosting
17 February, 2005, 03:31:09 PM
Way off topic here, but I know there's a few people in this area around...

Anyone know a decent website hosting service that supports MySQL and PHP on the server... I would like to be running Wordpress, but don't want to spend too much cash...

Film & TV / Hitchhikers Trailer
16 February, 2005, 03:37:12 PM
For some reason Amazon have the trailer premiering">here

It has the head and the arm, so go take a looksee

Prog / Who?'s Who?
09 February, 2005, 10:43:27 PM

Are we going to raise to the bait and pick up the in jokes in the latest Kenny Who? strip?

General / Charlotte from Ash
19 January, 2005, 07:46:07 PM
Interesting article up on Aint it Cool at the moment:

New music vid, directed by Edgar (Shaun of the Dead, Spaced) Wright and :

"features artwork from Edgar's brother and 2000AD's Jason Brashill, Jim Murray and Frazer Irving!!"

Just waiting for the download to finish...


Link:" target="_blank">is it?

General / Sent to Titan
13 January, 2005, 10:26:09 PM
Well, shortly after 9am tomorrow we should start to know whether it really will be feasible to send people to Titan.

The Huygens probe is set to crash into the moon at 0907 GMT.  Whether we get any data back is another thing...

Fingers crossed hey?


Link:" target="_blank">Huygens

General / Comic Advocay redux
09 January, 2005, 07:59:52 PM
Hey all.

You might remember a while back over on 2 articles

Off Topic / Blogging question...
06 January, 2005, 03:41:37 PM
Hey y'all.

Thought about putting this on the "Board Bloggers" thread, but decided it was a necro post too far...

Just getting some stuff together on a couple of fronts.  One of which is my personal blog, the other is the UK comics thing I was talking about a while ago.

Thinking about the latter, there is a possiblility that it could be run as a blog.  Looking a blogger there are a couple of features it is missing.

I really need to be able to assign posts to different subjects or sections.  Does anyone know a blog system that allows this?  Ideally avoiding software installed at the client end...


General / Will Eisner 1917-2005
04 January, 2005, 11:05:11 PM
Some of you may have heard, but Will EIsner, one of the fathers of modern comics passed away on Jan 4th.

Some details over at the website.  But thought I'd let people know...


Link:" target="_blank">will eisner

General / Morning All... (Post smokeshed thread)
14 December, 2004, 04:13:35 PM
How are we all feeling after last nights little sojurn?

Feeling particilarly chipper, especially considering Tequila at 8pm...

Good night had I think.  So raid your memories and tell us all what we are choosing to forget...

General / Adult Comics Advocacy
08 December, 2004, 07:04:44 PM
I've been thinking a lot about the Daily Mail thread.

I've been thinking about it even more since last night when Tony Banks was doing his "ban violent toys" spiel on the Local news.  Of course GTA: San Andreas was heavily featured.

So, this is what I see as the problem.  

Comics, and by extension Manga, Anime and Animation are not seen as Adult Media.  In this country any of the above are immediatly thought of as being suitable for kids, no matter what it says on the time.

So, what is the solution?

Somehow we need to persuade the media that there is a line.  That Adult comics (etc) are more than just T & A, F & C.  We need to showcase examples of real adult media.  We need to raise the profile of the good stuff.

So, what I would propose is a website which collates reviews of the best in our media.  Lists the best examples.  Records where the "real" media mention it in a positive way.  Perhaps even release press releases.

Ultimately we need to get to a stage where Y: The last Man could be on Newsnight Review

Any thoughts

General / Spare Alan Moore ticket
08 December, 2004, 03:26:20 PM
'lo board.

Tomorrow, at 7:30pm, Alan Moore is being interviewed by Stewart Lee for a recording of Radio 4's Chain Reaction.

I now have a single spare ticket to the recording and am offering it to the board.

You will need to be able to get to Regent Street tube for 7pm tomorrow night, as I don't want to hang around too before the bar opens.  You must also be over 14.

There is a possiblity that we may not get to see the recording as the BBC give more tickets than seats.  However, as long as we are in the bar as close to 7 as possibly, we should be OK.

Right, first come first served.  On this thread.


Link:" target="_blank">Chain Reaction details

General / Top of your list - Comics
25 November, 2004, 06:57:27 PM
Most weeks I buy 4/5 comics from the local shop (excluding my tooth sub).  Normally the one that will be read at lunch will be blindingly obvious.

However, today, there was a bit of a dilemma as 3 of the usual were out together, so whats on the top of your list, one for each week, please:

Powers, Amazing Spiderman, Uncanny XMen, Supreme Power

General / Strontium Clocks
19 November, 2004, 06:05:55 PM
Just for the available pun really, but the men in white coats have developed a clock which:

"Experiments suggest the new generation of optical clocks can keep near-perfect time equivalent to one second in 100 million years."

Uses strontium.  Don't say which isotope tho' ;)


Link:" target="_blank">Here's the science bit

General / Banksy
15 November, 2004, 07:28:11 PM
Been looking at the Banksy website at lunch - some great stuff on there...">banksy

Personally, I have a version of the one on the top left of this page, as my phone background:">banksy
General / To cheer us all up...
08 November, 2004, 07:31:46 PM
I have this:


Off Topic / Technophiliacs Anonymous
29 October, 2004, 07:46:28 PM
Technophiliacs Anonymous.
Founder L.Random

Branch Meeting begins

My name is Dan, and I am a Tecnhnophiliac.

I own a 3g iPod, G5 iMac, DVD player, 5.1 Surround systems and Widescreen TV.

Today I saw the new PS2 mini.

I have a new love in my life.  She will be mine.

Thank You.
Off Topic / John Peel
26 October, 2004, 09:06:46 PM
I know its OT but...

According to the BBC News website John Peel passed away whilst on holiday in Peru.

Damned Damned Shame...


Link:" target="_blank">John Peel

General / Winterfest Roll call
19 October, 2004, 04:17:29 PM
So, we have a thread as to who is going drinking on Friday at Winterfest, but who is actually going to the Con itself?

I will be there for the whole day with sketchbook and beer money.

Who else?

General / Pimpfest (art from Dreddcon)
05 October, 2004, 04:14:29 PM
Not going to link straight to the pages, as there are far too many long treads already ;)

Instead I am going to pimp my website where I have the artwork what I've bought as well as all the sketchs from Dreddcons 4 and 5, as well as Bristol.

Art is The Sketchbook

General / Boarder photos
04 October, 2004, 11:21:25 PM
Right, NoisyBast got the two official versions on his camers (i.e. once everyone was there) thanks to Brian.

However the following two are teasers for the real things (the second one has most people):">">