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Topics - paulvonscott

Film & TV / For fans of The Mighty Boosh
31 January, 2007, 11:46:55 AM
A fun 10 minute film from BBC Films.

I was only dissapointed because when I first heard about it I thought they were making a full length film :)



Link:" target="_blank">Sweet

Film & TV / Life on Mars
15 January, 2007, 05:58:14 PM
Just to say that though I've heard series 2 stars in Feb, you can see series one starting tonight with episode one on BBC4 at 10:30pm.

My favourite show of last year (but hey, I liked Dracula, so don't listen to me).
Prog / Prog 1520 - Killer Queen
15 January, 2007, 09:54:47 AM
May I just say two words...



May Grud have mercy on us all.
Film & TV / Diverting Adverts
06 January, 2007, 11:03:23 PM
Just browsing some of the films I taped over Christmas and one advert caught my eye amidst the tide of blatant misandry.

It was an advert for IAMS cat food.  Oh yes, thought I, with a jaded eye, selling the lifestyle dream to lonely lesbians are we?  When suddenly...

"I can't get up without my furry alarm clock"


I also spluttered out my beer.  It was most undignified.
Off Topic / Grot Pot Creator Dies...
06 January, 2007, 04:45:57 PM
Is he really dead or could he be revived with boiling water?

Link:" target="_blank">Grot!

Film & TV / BBC's Dracula
02 January, 2007, 11:40:02 PM
Not sure if anyone saw this over Christmas, I expected the worst, but actually thought it was rather good!

The story was changed considerably, which made it much more interesting to see.
Help! / Calling any World War II enthusiasts!
13 December, 2006, 12:02:02 AM
I need help on some uniform and other advice on WW2, so want someone who has a good basic knowledge of British and German forces during the second world war.  Any help appreciated.

Cheers :)

Film & TV / Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny
26 November, 2006, 02:13:03 PM
If you are an old heavy metal fan or like the various buggering abouts of Tenacious D or Jack Black this is an entertaining trip to the cinema.

Some very good stuff, some very embaressing stuff and it's pretty cliched at times.  But some real laughs.

There is a bit with some cartoon characters (a bit like the Fucking her Gently Video) at the start that is really fucking terrible, don't leave the cinema, it gets better.

I have the album as well, not as good as the first one.

Bit of an ambivalent review I guess, but the movie wasn't as bad as I feared or as good as I hoped.
Off Topic / Thalium Chic
20 November, 2006, 11:56:37 PM
So, are the Sov block guilty, or are such claims just 'ridiculous'?  Could a country that killed a million people building a canal, switch salt sellers on a suspicious spy?

Link:" target="_blank">Lose weight and gain friends, with Thalium

Off Topic / Live Fom Hell... it's Freddy Mercury...
20 November, 2006, 12:30:49 PM
They say they know the steet, well, presumably they could come up with a list of suspects if they have the census details?

Link:" target="_blank">The Face of Evil... will rock you!

Film & TV / Battle Royale 2
16 November, 2006, 06:51:25 PM
On Channel 4 ton ight, I'm going to watch it unless I get warned off.
Prog / Prog 1513 - Werewolf in London
06 November, 2006, 10:02:51 AM
Okay, went with the prog title, though Secrets of State is more exciting!


Doesn't Fargo look the business in that helmet?  He looks meaner than Dredd!  It's all looking good.
Books & Comics / Great Britsh Comics
03 November, 2006, 12:51:35 PM
By paul gravett, gives full props to 2000AD and a host of other comics.  Looks amazing.  But it has to go away as it'll be a christmas present... sigh.


Books & Comics / Great Britsh Comics
03 November, 2006, 12:51:34 PM
By paul gravett, gives full props to 2000AD and a host of other comics.  Looks amazing.  But it has to go away as it'll be a christmas present... sigh.


Books & Comics / Solar Wind and Omnivistascope Sale
01 November, 2006, 06:29:16 PM
In order to clear the decks for Volume 2 of Solar Wind, I'm reducing all of the Solar Wind goup comics to £2 each, that includes the £4 issues 1 & 2.

This is your last chance to get them as there are no plans to reprint them again. As you can see, I'm running out, fast.

All comics £2 each plus £1 post per comic.

SW Issue 4 and 5 - SOLD OUT!
SW Issues 1,2,3,7 and Big War Comic - SINGLE FIGURES!
Sunny for Girls 1 and 2 -

Link:" target="_blank">Visit ye shop

Help! / Anyone in the 'DVD' industry/retail?
22 October, 2006, 02:49:44 PM
I bought some DVD's from a guy in the states, and they were copies, not originals.  To get my Paypal claim through I need someone in the 'industry' whatver the hell that means to write a 3rd party letter verifying the goods are a crock of shit.  How the hell am I supposed to do that?  Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here thought they might qualify as someone in the indutry, even vaguely.

Anyway... it's more effort than it's worth trying to get compensation through paypal is my experience.
"Live from his luxury apartment in London's glittering East End, Dean Learner, club owner, celebrity manager, restaurateur, entrepreneur and publisher of high-class gentlemen's magazines (including Flesh Wrangler and Skin City), invites you to meet some of his closest friends."

Well, the rehersal show I saw was pretty funny and I can't wait to see some of the Darkplace characters again.  Can't help but wonder if the spoof chat show has been done and ill just put people off, but I'm looking forward to it.
Film & TV / Bafta Game awards
18 October, 2006, 12:03:21 AM
On E4+1 at the moment.  Not sure if I want to stay up all night to see Gordon Rennie collect an award, but we'll see.
Help! / Anyone got The Sweeney Series 1 on DVD?
16 October, 2006, 09:56:07 PM
I picked up series 1 and 3, but Series 1 has discs 2 and 3 missing and they have been replaced with discs 2 and 3 from series 3.  And no, the discs weren't just mixed up in the two sets.  

Anyway... would anyone be willing to copy me Disc 2 and 3 of series 1 to replace my missing ones?  You could probably have my spare series 3 discs in exchange, as I don't need two copies.  I wouldn't normally ask for copies, but I have the box sets, just the wrong discs in one!
Film & TV / More Star Wars spoofery
16 October, 2006, 09:36:58 AM
I know, there's a zillion of these things, but I quite enjoyed this one.

Link:" target="_blank">You see Vadar's a brother, y'dig?