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Topics - The Adventurer

General / One more step toward living in Dredd World
26 March, 2008, 06:22:28 PM
Flying Cameras are GO!

Link:" target="_blank">Star Wars was right!

I finally managed to track down a copy of this, been meaning too for quite a while.

I'm going to be honest, it was better then I expected. I mean, yes, its got some serious problems when you consider the source. But it was visually more impressive then I expected. Aside from obviously plastic armor*, weapons, etc...

*it bugged the hell out of me that the very first moment of movie is an extreme close up of obviously plastic armor.

I also found it interesting, if not a bit baffling, in the number of Dredd stories, characters, and set pieces they crammed into it. They got pieces of Block War, The Return of Rico, The Angel Gang, and The Day the Law Died all squished together. Hell, Chopper's logo was up on the face of the Statue of Liberty.

Its really too bad that its got such fundamental flaws. Most notably in the movies damn title character. There are moments were you can almost believe Stallone's Dredd. The dry wit, the dedication to the law, the lack of personal emotion. But then they went and made him learn the meaning of "Wuv" with Hershey. (That whole last moment of the movie, with the kiss? If only Dredd had just driven off, that almost could have saved the movie. Because then Dredd would still be the emotionless hardass he's suppose to be. Instead its just a cliche action movie ending.) And it just kills the whole Dredd personality. Dredd's suppose to be a force of nature, a rock in a storm, he's not suppose to go through emotional growth.

Oh and he doesn't wear his fucking helmet through 60 to 70% of the movie. God damn.

Overall, it would probably be a good 90s sci-fi action movie, not quite as good as The Fifth Element, but close, if not for the fact that's its Judge Dredd based. That fact just makes it tragically mediocre in comparison to the source. There was potential, you can see it in the set (and non-Judge character) designs, but it just falls on its face. Still, worth watching as a good "bad movie" when drunk with friends I suppose, its got some great moments to make fun of it. "LAAAAAAAAAWHAH"

Oh yes, and sidekick Rob Schneider. What the Fuck.

PS: This is some god awful end title theme music.
Which version will I get? The original Hardcover edition or the new softcover reissue with the current trade dress?

I'm looking to order overseas for a bunch of GNs I missed due to shipping errors on this side of the Atlantic (Storming Heaven and Cabs Inc: Creepshow never arrived anywhere, EVER, over here. And Rebellion never solicited Durham Red: The Vermin Stars when it was reissued*. Also, Bad Company: Kano never showed up, but I'm less worried about that) and I want to be sure its the paperback reissue version I'm ordering(so it matches everything else on my shelf)

*speaking of which, if I order Durham Red: The Vermin Stars from the 2000AD Shop, will it be the reissue or the first (Hardcover?) edition?

Just wondering. Because I recall it being said that the 2000AD Shop was only selling the Hardcover version of Incubus, and Amazon.UK was selling the softcover, which baffled me a bit. But that was a while ago.
Something I just thought about, the Meg hasn't ran a non-Dredd-World strip (that isn't a reprint or a Small Press offering, mind) since December 06 when Fiends of the Eastern Front and Black Siddha wrapped up. Maybe that's by design, it is "The Judge Dredd Megazine" after all. So keeping it Dredd centric kinda keeps it in character I suppose.

Personally I'd like to see another installment of The Bendatti Vendetta. I only got to read the latest offering back in '05 but I liked what I saw. And Morrison/Burns is a combo I could read all day.

What about you guys? Any notable Meg strips that you'd like to see again soon? Or do you like that the Meg is All Dredd All the Time now?
News / 2000AD Books Site Update
08 January, 2008, 03:52:08 AM
New Books have Appeared over on the 2000AD Books site.

Some interesting choices coming up...





The Judge Death book interests me, I really enjoyed My Name is Death.

Interesting that we're starting to get the Megazine Grant/Ranson Anderson stories before getting some kind of Anderson Casefiles for the early Anderson stand alones.

And more Dredd and Slaine.

I'll be buying them all because I am a consumer whore.

Link:" target="_blank">2000AD Books - Coming Soon

General / 2007, a Year in Review
10 December, 2007, 09:39:54 AM
Well it's that time of the year, Prog 2008 should be getting into the mitts of most of your Brits by now (personally I've still got about a month before I see it) which means the 2000AD publishing year is officially at a  close. So that leaves only one thing left to do, talk excessively about the best and worst of 2007 in 2000AD, The Judge Dredd Megazine, The Extreme Edition, and the TP line.


Personally I think this was a fairly impressive year all around.

2000AD itself was chalk full of my favorite strips, Judge Dredd, Nikolai Dante, Sinister Dexter, Savage, Red Seas, Low Life, The 86ers, Robo-Hunter, Caballistics Inc, and Stone Island and hit us with some great new strips like Kingdom and Stickleback. It was also my first go around with Button Man, and The Hitman's Daughter was fantastic, can't wait to get a chance to read the rest.  But with all the good, there were a few steaming turds, ABC Warriors is better then it's been, but still crap. Defoe was uninspired, and Graysuit was just terrible.

Anyway, The Megazine was a bit of an enigma this past year. It started out great, with a solid line up, Devlin Waugh was back, so was The Simping Detective, and a great new strip in Black Atlantic. But it quickly turned into a great steaming mass with the absolute worst comic I've ever read in Judge Dredd: Blood of Satanus. And the less then inspired Judge Anderson: Big Robots. Both of which just dragged on and on throughout most of the year. At least the lead Dredd strips were mostly great. In particular Judge Dredd: The Gingerbread Man, which I think was the best Dredd strip of the year. I also really enjoyed the Angel Gang stuff Spurrier and Roberts brought us. If that's an indicator of where the Megazine is going in the future, I can not weight. Things are looking really rosy for the beginning on next year.

Anyone notice a pattern above? About the worst strips Tooth and Meg offered us this last year? Interesting that Pat Mills, who seems to have put a number of new and old ideas into the fire this year completely failed to impress me on any of them (except Savage of course, I still can't figure out how the man who brought us Blood of Satanus can continue to write a masterpiece such as Savage). Too bad.

On the Judge Dredd front, things looked pretty solid all year. Origins wrapped up in a satisfying way, Judgement was great, Mutants of Mega-City One put a lot of irons in the fire to build off in the near future, Mandroid 2 is over all excellent, though not quite as good as Mandroid 1, and as I said, I think Gingerbread Man was the highpoint of Dredd's year.

In all 2000AD is still my favorite title on the stands, there is no other place I can find such balls-to-the-wall scifi action/adventure anywheres else.

Keep it up in 2008 Rebellion, I know you can do it.
It just came to me while rewatching Battlestar Galactica Season 3 tonight. It just hit me like a gong that the perfect choice for playing a live action Dredd (in TV or Film) would be...


AKA: TV's Col. Tigh

He's got being a crotchety old grouch down pat. He's got the perfect perpetual frown. And his gravelly voice is commanding. I can almost hear him saying "I Am the Law" perfectly in my head.

Granted he's a bit old, but since Dredd's supposed to be fairly battle worn (plus most of his body is covered in uniform) that's not such a big deal, and in fact might work to the film's advantage.

What do you think? Have I gone insane?

Link:" target="_blank">Michael Hogan on IMDB

Series 3 of Marvel Legend's Legendary Comic Book Heroes action figure set debuted at San Diego Comic Con. Among this series... is Mean Machine! Who looks smashing if I do say so.

Also, the Vanguard/Wally figure has got my attention (I do so love Savage Dragon and his cast, nearly as much as the Dreddverse.)

Link:" target="_blank">Marvel Legendary Comic Heroes Series 3">
Back in January both Caballistics Inc: Creepshow and the Storming Heaven SC both solicited in Diamond Previews Catalog as shipping in March. Since then neither book has arrived in the US to fill those preorders. As they have never appeared as shipping on Diamond's weekly final shipping lists. This is bugging the heck out of me because since both books failed to arrive all other book solicited through Diamond have arrived without a hitch.

Does Rebellion have any intension of filling the preorder? Or at the very least resoliciting the books at a latter date? Because I sure would like to have them. But ordering them overseas from your store or Amazon is soooooo expensive.

Thank you for any explanation you can give.
Several covers have a Lawmaster racing towards me, but none have the bike in profile. Anyone got a good pic for reference?
Just a reminder, Marvel's Annihilation "event" is back this week (in the US at least, not sure what the UK release schedule is) with the Annihilation Conquest Prologue. And good GOD, does it fire on all cylinders. This is the kind of space based superhero soap opera I crave. Can't wait to see where the Starlord, Quasar, and Wraith mini-series go as they lead up to the Conquest main series. And where Nova is left in all of this.

This Prologue is written by Dan Abnett (and Andy Lanning)so I figured Tooth fans might be interested. The first series was amazing, the only good series Marvel has put out in YEARS IMO, if you missed that I highly recommend it.
News / 2000AD Books site updated
08 June, 2007, 09:06:13 AM
New Books for October

By Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison

Awakening after 1,200 years in suspended animation Durham Red found herself worshipped by the mutants as Saint Scarlet. Persecuted by the human iconoclasts, the mutants entreated her to lead them in a galaxy-spanning holy war against mankind, but Red refused the responsibility. Instead, together with her iconoclast lover Godolkin and follower Judas Harrow, she entered the mysterious region of space known as the Vermin Stars to free the physchically powerful mutant called the Offspring to stop the war by destroying both mutant and human armies, but the Offspring betrayed her and released a pathogen that would exterminate mankind foreverâ?¦

96 pages (paperback) | £12.99 | ISBN: 978-1905437450

By Peter Milligan, Brett Ewins and Jim McCarthy.

In 2210, raw recruit Danny Franks joined the rag-tag guerrilla platoon known as Bad Company. They were led by the psychopathic Kano, whose brain had been experimented on by the evil alien Krool. The war ended when Danny became the Krool Heart, the guiding consciousness of the Krool Empire. Now tortured by guilt over what became of Danny, Kano is hoping to find peace at leastâ??by destroying the monster he helped createâ?¦

96 pages (paperback) | £11.99 | ISBN: 978-1905437467

I'm fairly happy to see Empty Suns, and I did enjoy Scarlet Cantos. Unfortunately I've not read Vermin Stars as it did not get solicited when it was reprinted in the new Trade Dress. Going to have order that from 2000AD store at some point...

Not sure about Bad Company: Kano though, I found Bad Company 2 to be rather meh, and word is everything after that is worse anyway. Still... completest. Going to buy it anyway.

Link:" target="_blank">Coming Soon from 2000AD

News / 2000AD gets reviewed on Newsarama
29 May, 2007, 08:26:48 AM
Just thought I'd point out that 2000AD got a favorable review by regular comic reviewer Troy Brownfield on the front page of Newsarama (

Wonderful, as 2000AD could use more mainstream exposure on the major news site IMO.

Link:" target="_blank">The Best Shots Review column

News / 2000AD Books site updated... new upcoming TPs
24 April, 2007, 08:58:26 AM
Lets see, says here August will see the release of The Complete Nemesis The Warlock Book 2 and Judge Dredd: The Carlos Ezquerra Collection

And in September it's The Simping Detective and Strontium Dog: Search/Destroy Agency Files 3.

Gotta say the Simping Detective book has got me really excited, I've been wanting to read that from the beginning. Though the lack of a subtitle makes me wonder if it's a "complete" volume and if there will be any more Simping Detective in the Meg. You'd think they'd leave room to do a Volume 2 TP some day.
Books & Comics / The legality of "Fanzines"
16 April, 2007, 06:08:38 AM
I'm just generally curious about how fanzines like Zarjaz and Dogbreath get away with self publishing IPs that Rebellion owns. Not that I'm against it, I think it's really cool that there's a strong enough fanbase to put out books like that. But you don't see that kind of thing over here the US, I assume because Marvel and DC would come down on anyone who'd try like a flaming bag of legal bricks.

So... just wondering how that works.
General / TP trouble in the USA
26 March, 2007, 11:16:53 AM
This week will see Judge Dredd Case Files 7 and Slaine: The Time Killers arriving in the US for me to savor and devour. And this is great. But there's one problem...

Storming Heaven The Simon Frasier Collection and Caballistics Inc.: Freakshow NEVER CAME IN LAST MONTH!

This is bugging me something fierce as Diamond is really the only way to get any of these books reliably over here.  And it's not that they never got shipped to my shop. They never appeared on the Diamond Shipping lists over the last two months and I know for a fact they're A)Out in the UK and B)Were solicited in Previews the month before Slain and Case Files 7.

I hope it was a shipping mixup and both books will show up soon, I just don't want to see them get passed by and never show up over here at all.
Solicited in May's Previews cataloge...

GUTSVILLE #1 (of 6)
art & cover FRAZER IRVING
32 PAGES FC MAY 30 $2.99

GUTSVILLE is a town living in the belly of the beast, literally. 150 years after the ocean liner HMS Daphne was swallowed at sea, its passengersâ?? descendents cling to life in Gutsville. All is not well among the slippery streetsâ?¦ As revolutionaries, sadistic priests and frothing psychos clash in the psychedelic innards of an impossible creature, itâ??s left to one scared RatCatcher to consider escapeâ?¦

Well I'll certainly be ordering this. Looks wonderfully twisted.">
General / Ok... tell me, what exactly is Munce?
12 February, 2007, 09:17:45 AM
Munce seems to be a fairly commonly mentioned foodstuff in the big Meg, but reading through the Casefiles it never explicitly states what Munce is. Hell, with it being such a Dredd world staple I kind of expected an entire early episode all about it. But it doesn't, it just kind of shows up at some point and sticks around.

So, tell me, what exactly is Munce?
Film & TV / Fun with Video Editing - Battlestar Macross
13 January, 2007, 10:00:27 PM
I've had this idea in my head for months and months,  so I finally decided to sit down and get it done.

Basically I ripped the first 3 episodes of Super Dimension Fortress Macross(not Robotech) off my DVD (which took freaking HOURS btw, having to run the file through two different conversion programs is a bit of a hassle) and then recut the scenes to fit the opening music of the new Battlestar Galactica (first season US opening theme, I just prefer it over the UK theme) on Microsoft Movie Editor. I'm a regular Steven Spielberg over here.

Honestly it didn't come out half bad for a first try if I do say so myself. I wish I had more episodes to draw from but I think I did okay with what I had. I might take another hack at it latter, but for now I'm going to throw it up for input.

So... without further chatter... Here's BATTLESTAR MACROSS. Enjoy

Link:" target="_blank">Battlestar Macross

General / Question about the Judge Child Quest
11 September, 2006, 05:43:39 PM
Just got done with Case Files 4 and a few questions pop into my head.  First off, the prophecy that sends Dredd on the quest to begin with, does the catastrophe of 2120 ever happen? If Dredd is real time, whatever it was must have been 10 year ago or so in the Prog or Meg.  Also, does the Judge Child ever come back? Since he's left quite alive on that alien world at the end of the quest.

Just wondering if it ever comes up again, as Dredd has some lovely continuity, as Volume 4 starts to really bask in, with numerous plots building out of each other.