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Topics - Pete Wells

For a few years now, Mabs of this parish has been contacting 2000AD artists and getting them to fill his sketch books with all manner of goodies! He's got some amazing pieces and has started a superb blog to show them off, check it out here:

Keep us informed when you update it Mabs!
General / MEGAZINE cover of the Year 2013 RESULT!
02 February, 2014, 09:10:51 PM
A real two horse race this, with the top two flip flopping over and over again as the vote went on.

So, in reverse order...

In FIFTH place:

Clint Langley's wickedly creepy American Reaper cover of 337:

It was a real tussle between third and fourth place, with only one point separating them. In fourth place, it's American Reaper again, this time it's fay Dalton's beautiful cover of 335:

And in third place, Lee Garbett's wonderfully kinaesthetic 336:

Right then, a real battle of the giants for first and second place. These covers were far and away the most popular, getting twice as many votes as third place. So, in second place we have... Alex Ronald's sexy nun!

So congratulations to the winner, the god like genius that is, MR HENRY FLINT for the cooler than cool Dredd sequel cover of Prog 340!

Thanks to all for voting! See you next year!
General / Megazine Cover of the year VOTE
20 January, 2014, 10:57:10 PM
Right ye bastards, here's the Megazine cover vote too! Same deal as the Prog cover vote, 3 points for your favourite, two for second, one for third! I've got to say, there's some frigging amazing ones here, this is going to be hard...

Voting closes at midnight on SATURDAY 1ST FEB.
General / Messageboard Cover of the Year 2013 WINNERS!
19 January, 2014, 01:05:26 AM
Okay, sorry these sizes are all over the place, I tried to put 'em into photobucket to resize them but it's going mental. So, the votes are in and counted and not even I could mess this one up!

In reverse order...

In FIFTH place we have the quite literally ZARJAZ cover of 1854 by Cliff Robinson and Dylan Teague. A real fan pleaser this one:

In FOURTH place, the esteemed Mr Brian Bolland with prog 1821. Nice to have him back...

In THIRD place is the brilliant, nostalgia drenched Gunheadz cover of Prog 1830 by Maurice Aitken (with a little help from Boo Cook...)

In SECOND place (for the second year running) we have Chris Weston's wonderful painted masterpiece for Prog 1827.

Aaaaand, the WINNER, by a country mile, was the amazing piece of design that was Leigh Gallagher's Defoe cover of Prog 1836. Congratulations to Leigh, what a brilliant year it's been for him!

Thanks to everyone who voted!
News / Dredd vs Alien vs Predator?
14 January, 2014, 12:12:43 PM
Just saw this  :o Is it new, or a reprint of Dredd vs Aliens and Dredd vs Predator?

General / COVER OF THE YEAR VOTE 2013!
04 January, 2014, 08:45:33 PM
Hooray! It's time to cast your votes for your favourite covers of the year, and what a year it's been! You can see bigger, 'clean' versions of all but two of the covers on my blog, as well as artist commentaries for each one - not bad eh? You'll find the relevant posts beneath each set of covers.

So, I'd like you to clearly list your THREE favourites, in order. THREE points will be awarded to your fave, TWO points for second and ONE point for third. I will try not to mess the maths up this year!

The closing date is midnight on SATURDAY 18TH JANUARY 2014...

Before we start, I'd like to once again thank all the artists, especially Simon 'Pye' Parr, for their help over the year. Fine gentlemen all!

And so, the contenders are:

1813 -
1814 -
1815 -

1816 -
1817 -
1818 -

1819 -
1820 -
1821 -
1822 -

1823 -
1824 -
1825 -
1826 -

1827 -
1828 -
1829 -
1830 -

1831 -
1832 -
1833 -

1834 -
1835 -
1836 -
1837 -

1838 -
1839 -
1840 -
1841 -

1842 -
1843 -
1844a -

1844b -
1845 -
1846 -
1847 -

1848 -
1849a -
1849b -

1851 -
1852 -
1853 -
1854 -

1855 -
1856 -
1857 -
1858 -

1859 -
1860 -
1861 -

Phew! Remember, you have until Midnight on Saturday 18th January!
Games / Ryse: Son of Rome
30 December, 2013, 06:38:59 PM
Despite middling reviews, I bought this out of some Christmas cash I got. It's a comparatively short game, though certainly about the right length, as some games really DO go on a bit. The story is fucking excellent, think Gladiator mixed with 300 and a touch of Slaine - lots of Horned God/Wickerman/Earth Goddess action.

Graphically, it's an absolute stunner. Rome looks beautifully opulent whereas Britania mixes lush greenery with scary, misty bogs. Each level boasts some truly breathtaking vistas which play host to some spectacular set pieces. My particular favourite being a Saving Private Ryan style beach assault at Dover. The character models are similarly supoib and darned sexy in places!

On the downside, the gameplay can be quite repetitive however I was so taken with the story, I didn't mind too much.

One last thing to mention is the Smartglass integration - while playing I was able to see my rewards and suchlike which was canny I suppose. What really impressed though, was a lovely making of book and best of all, an interactive comic on the xbox website which goes into the backstory of one of the characters. When reading the comic on my ipad, there are gold pouches hidden in some of the panels - tapping these adds gold to your inventory in the game which can be used for power ups, etc. I'm really digging this cross platform approach to gaming and am excited to see where this goes in the future.

I've dabbled with the multiplayer which was ace - I was expecting simple Gladiator fights but ended up doing fantastic recreations of historic battles in the Colosseum. I'm looking forward to exploring this further.

So, in summary, I'm really rather happy with this. As an introduction to next gen gaming, the future is looking frigging marvelous! Praise to the Goddess!
30 November, 2013, 11:19:53 PM
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, thrills in every store! Oooooooh, it's here, the highlight of the year, welcome to the FIFTH 2000AD advent calendar!!!

Last year, we kept this thread comment free and full of juicy Thrillpower so I'll start a new thread for comments here:,39691.0.html

Right! December 1st and I have TWO treats(?) in store for you! The first is my annual shitey film with horrible singing, this year I've chosen to do my take on "Winter Wonderland." This takes place in Pete Wells Block on Chaos Day and you'll find it here - apologies in advance...

Secondly, my equally terrible attempt at a comic strip. Please enjoy the sequal to last year's Oor Burdis (with apologies to Dudley D Watkins...)

Thanks to everybody who signed up to the calendar, I can't wait to see what you come up with! Also, a massive thanks to all the folks who've contributed to the board this year, you all make my day! Real life means I can't get on as often as I'd like but I do try and get on at least once a day.


Oh, and if you want to see last year's advent calendar, it's here:,37527.0.html

Also, here's by back catalogue of shite 2000AD Christmas films - dire!

2012 - "Death's Nuts Roasting on an Angry Fire":
2011 - "Christmas Alphabet":
2010 - "Joe Dredd the Lawman":
2009 - "Twas the Night Before Christmas":

Merry Christmas!
General / 2000AD Advent Calendar 2013 COMMENTS thread.
30 November, 2013, 11:19:08 PM
Please post your comments to the wonderful entries of the 2013 Advent Calendar in this thread. The calendat itself is here:,39692.0.html

Merry Christmas everyone!
General / 2000AD Advent Calendar 2013 SIGN UP thread!
01 November, 2013, 09:03:36 AM
Oooooh, it's November 1st which means it's time to sign up for the annual 2000AD Messageboard Advent Calendar!!! Every year these have been absolutely magical, providing a real treat every day on the run to to Christmas, so PLEASE sign up guys!

The way it works is like this, folks sign up and promise to produce something on a given day as a little prezzie to the board. It can be a picture, a song, a short story, little film, photos, anything you like.

You can see last years' here:,37527.0.html, 2011's here: and 2010's here:

So sign up my lovelies, here's the list, just choose a day - there can, and hopefully will, be multiple people submitting per day. Like last year, Everyone is invited to sumit stuff on Christmas Eve and I'll try and get a few pro's to do something too (I'd appreciate help here from those in the know!)

2013 Messageboard Advent Calendar

1st - Pete Wells
2nd -
3rd -
4th -
5th -
6th -
7th -
8th -
9th -
10th -
11th -
12th -
13th -
14th -
15th -
16th -
17th -
18th -
19th -
20th -
21st -
22nd -
23rd -
24th - EVERYONE plus the pro's!

Merry Christmas!
Hi all, will you do me a favour and take a minute to vote on our pumpkins? If you would be so kind as to assign four points for your fave, three for second, two for third and one for last.

Thanking you kindly my lovelies!





Happy Halloween!!!
Been using this service to test games before buying for years now and loved it. Sad to see they aren't renting games anymore.

Has anyone got recommendations of other rental services? Blockbuster and Boomerang seem the most popular, anyone here using them?
Games / Dead Rising 3
19 August, 2013, 12:35:33 PM
I quite like the Dead Rising games, flawed but fun. There's a new CG trailer for Dead Rising 3 and it's amazing! There are times when it looks real...
General / My Carlos Ezquerra Commission
07 July, 2013, 08:11:09 PM
Hey fellas, I forgot to post this here, idiot that I am!

I wanted a commission from the legend that is Carlos Ezquerra and have always loved his bizarre 'Um... Synthi Sausage' cover of Prog 333. It's pure Dredd with a bit of silly Wagner/Grant humour thrown in for good measure. Here it is for those who are unfamiliar...

Now, as many of you are aware, I'm partial to the odd Gregg's pasty and thought it'd be cool to have Dredd eating a Synthi Pasty instead of the sausage outside of the shithole that is Pete Wells Block.

Carlos was very keen, however he had to ask "What is Pasty?" resulting in me having to send reference photos of pasties to my hero - a strange day indeed. He sent back the following rough which had TWO glaring errors - the pasty was titchy and he'd called it a pastry - sacrilege!

Of course, Carlos corrected the mistake-bakes and I am now the proud owner of this beauty...

It says "To my friend Pete Wells" see that? Eh? Eh? I really love it. I think it's great to see how Carlos' depiction of Dredd has changed thirty years on and I'm absolutely delighted to have some Carlos 'Dotties'! I am a happy lad!

Here's the final rough...

And an abandoned one...

I'd urge anyone who's interested to get a commission from Carlos, he's a lovely fella and a joy to 'talk' to. I'm thrilled that I have a Dredd piece that is mine all mine from the master himself!
General / My new SIMON DAVIS commission!
13 April, 2013, 09:42:44 AM
Today my wonderful commission from Simon Davis finally arrived! I'd asked for a recreation of the cover of 1125 (always a fave) but this time featuring me instead of the perp. I normally don't put myself in my commissions as it's too distracting (hence the birth of Pete Wells Block) but I simply HAD to get the award winning portrait painter to do it. Simon decided to put me in a home made Judge outfit - more Plant Shoddycas than Planet Replicas...

I love this, I really really do. Sorry for the iPad pics, I'll get a proper scan on Monday...


The original

Pete n Joe

Good looking fella

BAD looking fella

I am a happy squaxx!
Art Droid Mark Harrison has made a superb Mad Magazine style strip parodying Prometheus.

You can read it here:

General / Unacceptable condition of prog on arrival.
16 February, 2013, 10:24:07 AM
Fuck me! My prog and Meg have arrived this morning and somebody somewhere is taking the piss! Both plastic wrappers were sealed, however my Prog arrived soaking wet all down the right hand side:

And the Meg has a load of pages torn inside:

Sorry if this has already been mentioned but Dark World Creations, who made that rather lovely Rogue figure have released a Dredd one.

It's 7cm and sells for £35...

Grab it here:
General / 2000 3AD Facebook Page
22 January, 2013, 11:23:46 AM
Hey fellas, some of the ThreeA lot have put together a 2000AD Facebook page to raise awareness and interest in getting more 2000AD merchandise from ThreeA.

Please go and 'Like' the page, we want to use it to show Ashley Wood that there is significant interest in the 2000AD line!

Simply go to Facebook and search for 2000 3AD and 'like.' Go on, you know it makes sense, just look at this:

There are some fantastic short films on the web which could have been ripped from the pages of 2000AD itself! If you find a good 'un, how about sharing them on this thread? I'll kick of with R'Ha which looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The twist is a bit obvious but it's still worth a watch, especially as it's only 6 minutes long. Check it out here: