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Topics - Kerrin

Film & TV / Moebius on Sky anytime.
07 September, 2008, 05:43:33 PM
Good documentary on Jean Giraud/Moebius on Sky anytime TV at the moment.
Classifieds / Megazine swapshop.
01 September, 2008, 09:48:07 PM
Anybody got an issue 1 vol 3 of the Megazine they would be willing to swap for issues 2,3,5 vol 1, issue63 march 2000 and Meg 237 the 15th anniversary issue?

Cheers Kerrin.
Welcome to the board / ALOHA
27 August, 2008, 06:35:43 PM
Hello everybody,

                    Been on the forum for a few days and enjoying it immensely. I'd like to thank all the members who've given much welcomed advice, I am unfortunately somewhat of a luddite but this forum seems pretty intuitive, you're just going to have to bear with me while I keep posting in the wrong place. And say what you will about the ADMINISTRATION but they listened to suggestions and set up this "Welcome to the board" section so good on 'em.

                     I've been reading the prog since I can remember, even whilst living in the torpid rainforests of Brunei I managed to ferret out copies in the Naafi and I can honestly say that it still gives my heart a lift every time I lay my sweaty paws on a new unread issue of the tooth (as I believe it is referred to).

                     There are many different threads your life can follow but one of the constants for me has always been 2000AD and it's caused me more joy and heartbreak over the years than any of your new fangled media things could possibly hope to ,and it knocks any of your Marvel and DC rhubarb into a cocked Harlem Heroes helmet.

                     I'm also working my way through the Megazine (vols 1 and 2 so far) and what can I say....crikey.

                      Well, anyway, before I get carried away, borag thung to one and all, I'm Kerrin and...
Creative Common / Graphics tablets for beginners.
26 August, 2008, 07:08:00 PM
I've been looking at buying a graphics tablet for amateur doodlings and wondered if anyone has any advice about the cheaper end of the market. Wacom seem to have some cheapish (£50-£150) products that come with basic drawing/colour programs that get good reviews on amazon. Any advice would be greatly welcome.

It's for use with a Macbook, don't know if that will make a difference.
Suggestions / Books into strips
15 August, 2008, 07:23:50 AM
Being a neophyte you'll have to forgive me if this is an existing thread (if that is the case, could some kindly cyborg, teapot or prefect show me the light in the form of a link), but I'll run it up the block flagpole anyway.
For a long time now it's occured to me that there are a few books,trilogies and sagas that with a sympathetic writer/artist treatment would make excellent long run graphic serialisations in the Galaxy's Greatest.
Stainless Steel Rat is last one I can remember, but then my memory never
I know publishing rights and all that other arcane guff would almost certainly put paid to any suggestion, but I just wanted to lob a couple out there and see if the rest of the faithful had any ideas.

  Book of the New Sun  by Gene Wolfe.   Simon Fraser as artist.  This would make me a very happy bunny.

  Altered Carbon  by Richard Morgan.   Cam Kennedy on crayons?

  The Greg Mandel detective novels   by Peter F Hamilton.  The Bolland Droid.

There are many more where they came from but I'd love to hear what anybody thinks of these suggestions or what ideas you have of your own in this vein.

Again I hope I've posted this in the right place, still getting the the hang of this chatroom mallarky.
Prog / Prog 1599 Twisted Tales
14 August, 2008, 09:37:08 PM
Greetings to all, I,ve been a reader for the last 27 years and I can honestly say that the weekly prog is one of those things that keeps me ticking along in the face of the daily drudge.
However, as soon as I turn a page to be faced with the dreaded title, "Bob Byrne's Twisted Tales' my heart drops faster than a Nun's knickers at a stud farm. Am I the only one who feels put out by 6 pages of this indecipherable nonsense or have I finally become that which I most feared....a Grexnix.
Well now I've got that off my chest I would just like to say this is the only chatroom I've ever posted to, and this is my first time. I couldn't think of a better bunch of people to witter on to than those that share my love of the Galaxy's Greatest Comic. Look forward to hearing from you all. Kerrin.