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Topics - radiator

Other Reviews / Tour Of Duty: Mega City Justice
13 June, 2011, 06:04:41 PM
Woohoo! This just arrived. I can confirm that the cover is the Greg Staples one seen on Amazon (Dredd in full Chief Judge garb) and the book collects only the core Tour of Duty stories - ie the ones scripted by John Wagner - the full contents being:

Under New Management
Tour Of Duty
Interlude: Mega City One
The New Deal
Pink Eyes
Gore City
The Talented Mayor Ambrose
Mega City Justice

Bit of a shame we didn't get any of the back up tales - I especially liked Outlaw by Rob Williams and Dragon's Den by Gordon Rennie, but I guess their exclusion was down to page count issues - it's still a pretty hefty book as it is! Presumably The Skinning Room will be included in the trade of the next epic...
Help! / Holiday Destinations...
20 May, 2011, 03:23:08 PM
Hey folks - anyone got any tips for Summer Holiday Destinations?

Looking to book something, but it's always difficult to find somewhere that strikes the right balance. Wondering if anyone on the board has been anywhere nice lately that they would recommend...?
Games / L.A. Noire
18 May, 2011, 02:31:09 PM
So, anyone getting this on Friday?

I'm sorely tempted, especially as I have the flat to myself next weekend and could have a proper all-night gaming binge. But on the other hand it looks like a massive time-sink, and I've got shit to do, most importantly several personal work projects that I've already put off for too long...

Charlie Brooker has an advance copy and has been tweeting about it - I must admit I'm intrigued...
Help! / ABC Warriors Logo
16 May, 2011, 11:31:16 AM
Bit of a long shot, but does anyone have a high-resolution version of the ABC Warriors logo? Either a scan or a eps file? Any version will do, but ideally I'd like either the latest one or the proper old-school original one.

Cheers in advance...
Prog / Prog 1733: Down among the Mutie Men
07 May, 2011, 12:41:42 PM
Poor cover-line this week - is that even a pun?

Pretty good cover by Liam Sharp, Flesh ends with the promise of more to come, but what is really of interest to me at the moment are Dante (amazing double page spread!) and Absalom - cracking script with stonking artwork - Trevallion is fast becoming one of my favourite new artists. There's an added bonus of Absalom in that it makes a third trade collection of Caballistics Inc more viable as there currently isn't enough Cabs material alone to be worth collecting.

Cadet Anderson starts next week, and Tharg reveals that Lee Carter is doing a Dredd strip soon - looking forward to seeing that!
Games / Good Android Games/Apps
04 April, 2011, 11:08:37 AM
I just got a HTC smartphone - I know there was a thread a while back for recommended iOS games and apps, could we do the same for Android phones?

I've already downloaded a few - like the ubiquitous Angry Birds, but most of whats available looks a bit dodgy.

Ideally I'm after something with a bit of depth - a lot of the games seem very throwaway and wouldn't hold my interest for long.
Other Reviews / The Taxidermist
08 March, 2011, 08:09:57 PM
My copy of The Taxidermist just arrived - yay!

For anyone wondering about the contents, the book includes the original The Taxidermist story by Wagner, Grant and Kennedy (with the added bonus of colour centre spreads, unlike the Case Files printing), the classic Megazine series Return of The Taxidermist by Wagner and Ian Gibson, the more recent sequel Revenge of the Taxidermist - by Wagner and Trevor Hairsine (but irritatingly coloured in ghastly fashion by Alan Craddock, something I'd forgotten!) and also a bonus strip - an obscure little Dredd one-off by Wagner and Gibson called Bum Rap.

Seriously, if you're a fan of Dredd or the work of John Wagner in general you need this book in your life! Return of the Taxidermist is probably the finest Dredd spin-off ever published - an unassuming little tale that is funny, original, heartfelt and bittersweet. A true 2000ad classic! It's only ever been reprinted once - in Classic 2000ad - so I'd imagine it's a story that a lot of Dredd fans have never read before...
Film & TV / Being Human - Series 3!
24 February, 2011, 02:10:12 PM
Surprised that there is no topic for this already (at least I couldn't find one...).

Just got caught up with this via iPlayer - I'd put it off for a while, as I thought series 2 was a real let-down. But, much to my surprise, so far the third series has been fantastic and much closer in spirit to the wonderful first series - episode 4 in particular was amazing - even Robson Green is great!

With all the current fuss about Outcasts, it's good to know that the BBC are still making quality genre drama like this...
Megazine / Meg 307: East Meg Dead
29 January, 2011, 11:44:57 PM
No thread yet?

The Meg is absolutely flying at the moment - Wagner back on a promising first episode of Dredd, and I'm really enjoying all the other strips. Only thing I'm not too thrilled about is Samantha Slade in the floppy, with a further dose (Casino Royal) confirmed for next month.
Off Topic / Fit Club
14 January, 2011, 08:24:01 PM
This is the traditional time of year for fitness drives - has anyone made any new years resolutions to try and exercise more (or eat less)? Thought we could have a thread for people to share tips, advice and encouragement...

I've always been very skinny, but last year started noticing that I was getting a bit bigger around the middle, so since the Autumn I have started jogging and, despite an inevitable blip over the Christmas period, have managed to keep it up pretty well...

Just had a quick check and discovered that I've lost a stone since November. Feeling very determined now and may even sign up for a run or two...
Film & TV / Attack the Block
13 January, 2011, 05:32:31 PM
This looks like it might be one to watch - the directorial debut of Joe Cornish (out of Adam and Joe) - it's a sci-fi comedy ('Chavs vs Aliens' is the pitch) and could be the next Shaun of the Dead.

SotD director Edgar Wright is producing, it stars Nick Frost and it's just been announced that Basement Jaxx are doing the soundtrack. It's out early April so a trailer should be imminent...

The film is also partly the reason that the wonderful Adam and Joe 6Music show has been curtailed, so it better be good!

QuoteAttack The Block is a fast, funny, frightening action adventure movie that pits a teen gang against an invasion of savage alien monsters. It turns a housing estate into a SCI-FI PLAYGROUND. A tower block into a fortress under siege. And weapon wielding teenage thugs into heroes. Think ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13 only with monsters and a tower block. Or LA HAINE crossed with ALIENS. It's inner city versus outer space.

Books & Comics / Chopper: Surf's Up
13 December, 2010, 08:04:56 PM
This arrived today - been looking forward to this one for ages!

There's been quite a lot of confusion as to what the book actually contains, so I'll list it here:

Soul on Fire
Song of the Surfer
Earth, Wind and Fire
Dead Man's Twist
Funeral in Mega-City One
(A Wagner/MacNeil Poster Prog strip that I'd never heard of before - BONUS!)
Supersurf 13
The Big Meg

Plus a little cover gallery at the end. In fact the only thing missing is a some kind of intro/refresher page for new or lapsed readers - something absent from most of the otherwise excellent Rebellion trades). With this and the new Mean Machine and Taxidermist books coming early next year, that must be pretty much all of Wagner's Dredd spin-offs collected now, right? (with the exception of Helltrekkers)
Books & Comics / Usagi Yojimbo...?
25 November, 2010, 12:35:10 PM
Is it any good?

I ask because I just found a copy of Usagi Yojimbo: The Special Edition (two giant deluxe hardback volumes containing the first 7 books of UY in a slipcase) in my local library sale for £10!

My initial thought was to buy it and sell on eBay, but is it worth a punt to read?
Help! / Connecting multiple devices to the internet...
08 November, 2010, 03:08:24 PM

Slight technical issue - apologise if I'm being dense, but I've tried Googling it and can't seem to be able to phrase my query concisely enough to get a decent response.

Essentially, I've got broadband and I want to be able to connect all my various computers and consoles to the internet, but my router only has two ethernet connections...

Currently, I have to constantly swap the leads round each time I want to use a different piece of kit (bit of a faff) - is there a way to have them all connected simultaneously? Is there some sort of splitter that I can buy? Ideally I need four ethernet connections.
Film & TV / Mid Morning Matters wth Alan Partridge
05 November, 2010, 04:38:23 PM
New series of Alan Partridge, which is being bankrolled by Fosters. Episode one came out today.

It's clearly not as tightly focused or sharply written as usual, but worth a watch nonetheless...
Film & TV / 127 Hours
08 October, 2010, 11:51:44 AM
This is looking really good...

Based on the true story - the pretty harrowing story - of Aron Ralston. I must admit I did wonder how Boyle and Co. were going to spin an entire movie out of Ralston's tale, which seems pretty slim on the surface of it (I would advise that if you don't know what happened to the guy in real life DON'T Google it, wait for the movie!), but it looks really interesting. I really like Franco, and it's got the lovely Clemence (Harry Potter, In Bruges) Poesey in it too. High hopes for this!
Classifieds / Selling some Trades on eBay!
28 September, 2010, 02:50:33 PM

No one wanted to swap with me :( so I've bunged these two unwanted books on eBay.



Nemesis is brand new (never been read), Robo-Hunter is used but in pretty much perfect condition. Low starting prices so grab a bargain!
Classifieds / Trade Swap Anyone?
14 September, 2010, 11:19:12 AM
Basically, I've got one copy of Robo-Hunter: The Droid Files 01 and one copy of The Complete Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1 (Rebellion/S&S US edition) that I'm looking to offload. Would be happy to swap for other trade/s - preferably 2000ad stuff, but I'm open to offers....

Any takers?
Film & TV / Star Wars: The Solo Adventures - A fan film
08 September, 2010, 03:42:06 PM