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Topics - aceface11

I've unearthed a smattering of issues from this short-lived Dredd spin-off back at my family home. Thought I'd post here just in case anyone wanted them (else they'll go to the landfill!)

I appear to have various issues starting from 1.


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The good folks at Orbital Comics have announced the following free gig at their London home

It kicks off at 6.30pm on 16 May. Admission free. Woop!
Classifieds / Looking for Prog 1771
20 April, 2012, 01:46:36 PM
Greetings scoundrels!

I have arrived here from my long-suffering homeworld of MSFT 5. After zillions of years spent scouting the outer nebula of Kryx and nearly coming a-cropper when my craft encountered some Justin Bieber-loving Space Pirates - I find myself in dire need of the fabled Prog 1771. I care not for alternative covers or any such nonsene, I just want to feel the fine inks and tales of heroics found inside this humble tome.

eBay bears no fruit. I may have to resort to trudging the comic book emporiums of London town.
Hello all :)

And with that tagline so began my adventure into the world of Dredd and Tharg's finest.
What was that, prog 920 or something? It was definately around the Wilderlands era... I remember my dad also picked me up an issue of the Meg, there was a Heavy Metal Dredd on the cover. Man!

I walked off into the wilderness myself for a few years, I remember staring longingly at the Christmas prog in WH Smiths but I never did manage to snap it up. Last week I bought prog 1761 (in a London comic shop) and instantly fell in love again. Day of Chaos looks awesome, such a shame I missed Low Life, and a welcome return to Download. Ahhhh SinDex, I sure missed those guys.

The phrase "Finnigan's minigun" has always stuck in my brain. It makes me giggle.

Unfortunately the only other progs they had in stock was 1773 and 1774 - is it worth picking up the back issues to catch up on Day of Chaos?

I can't remember the exact reason I left (maybe budget was an issue) but I'm curious whether the prog is ever taken over anymore by a single story? The last one I recall was 1138 (there was a wedding or something).

Boy, I bet I've missed a ton of stuff!!!