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Topics - Samson_k

General / Stickleback and Caballistics Inc.
24 September, 2012, 03:39:33 PM

Sixth post on the board and a question that's probably been dissected, answered, asked and answered and asked again - and then answered on numerous occasions and as such I apologise for possibly being a complete goober in asking again (I did use the search function and was slightly intimidated by the huge amounts of results)

Have Stickleback and Caballistics Inc both pretty much finished?

I know we have Harry Absalom which I love but I very much enjoyed the episode of Caballistics Inc. that had the zombie British soldier being raised (I also get that Absalom might take up the slack in unfinished continuity at some point)

And I loved Stickleback as it tickled all my good spots - of which I have two and if I gave up smoking and drinking a third one might start getting some sensation back - and the ending of Stickleback was ambiguous enough to leave me hungry for more.

I also want them expanded to a point where further collected editions could exist.

How are you doing?

I'm one of these old punters that was 10 when I got Prog 1 - it was at a newsagents just across from my school and I spent my sweet money on it and had lost my space spinner by about 4pm that afternoon - a sudden gust of wind having taken it to the 'haunted woods' that were behind the primary school I was at.  My Biotronic stickers were knackered by the Sunday, though the rash they left lasted a lot longer and my Invasion Survival Guide was with me until I realised that girls were not going to find it endearing seeing a blue and red handy survival wallet for a war that had not even happened yet.  I cried when John Probe got killed and I once wrote a script for a Judge Dredd film in four school jotters and sent it to 'John Carpenter, Hollywood, America' - that was in 1980 and he never, ever got back to me.

I have always loved 2000AD - no, I have always loved that it existed and even when it has been a bit ropey it has followed me through life.

I have largely shunned online fandom due to a weird and slightly grubby encounter with some Doctor Who fans that took exception to my suggestion that the Rani was and always would be rubbish.

I started talking to some people on IMDB about the Dredd film and found some like minded people and yet another reason to avoid my freelance work and thoroughly enjoyed the discussions.  However now IMDB Dredd board has become a mire of misery and wailing and people LOL'ing a lot and other people wondering why AMERICAN AUDIENCES HATE US SO MUCH that I thought that I'd come here as I believe that a lot of the people I spoke to regularly were on here and there would likely be more fairly level headed people than the wailing banshees that are tearing the flesh from their bones elsewhere.

I thought Dredd was a near perfect adaptation and I'm disappointed that the box office is so far not reflecting the quality and  I'll put my cards on the table and say I never much liked Rogue Trooper.

Anyway - nice to be here and I look forward to speaking to many of you in the future
