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Topics - Lenny_Zero

Film & TV / Weed Country
01 March, 2013, 07:24:00 PM
The show is a reality TV doc feel showing what marijuana growers are up to in Northern CA.  Its fascinating.  For the record, medical marijuana dispensaries are EVERYWHERE in the city I live in.  If you want to smoke weed, all you have to do is pay the right doctor about 50$ and he'll put you on the program.  Lots of doctors are like "If I can't put you on the program, you don't have to pay 50$".

I don't know if you guys even have this in your television programming there. 

Its also free to view on the Discovery Channel website.  I find it mesmerizing that these people show their faces on TV when there is such a war afoot.

Off Topic / Christopher Dormer: Badass fugitive
11 February, 2013, 06:22:03 PM
Hi. Relatively new here.  I live in California, USA.  Here is what's going on here these days.  Its an amazing story that is so ridiculous I need to hear what you think about it across the pond.  Serious.  You can't make up a story more ridiculous unless you added aliens or zombies.

Christopher Dormer: Badass Fugitive
Dude is like a black Jason Bourne.  He's a malfunctioning, multiple felon, ex-navy, ex-cop fugitive with a million dollar bounty on his head.  He's blown 3 people away, and the one that lived was grazed in the head with a bullet.  He's an ace marksman.  You can't make up better shit than this.

LAPD saw a random truck they assumed was Dormer's early AM a few days ago and opened fire on it.  They shot 2 old ladies delivering papers.  The poor wounded women were recently donated a new truck.  You can't make this shit up.

Dormer left a 70,000 word manifesto on his facebook page.  It has been chopped up and hacked to bits by every last media source covering the story.  Securing the entire manifesto is a feat of patience that the average internet user doesn't have.  His name has been presented as Domer, Domner, Dorner and other misspellings in the media.  I'm not even sure how its spelled. In short, misinformation abounds.  From the reasons he lost his job as an LAPD cop all the way to right now, there is a cloud of misinformation, mistruths, and accusations of deeper lies.  Its a conspiracy theory with a bow wrapped around it. 

Dude torched his truck in Big Bear (kinda near LA) triggering one of the largest manhunts in years.  Mexico, Arizona, Oregon and other areas are being checked.

A cop mentioned on Dormer's "deathlist" has been public about his not leaving his house for fear of his life. 

If someone had shopped this as a plotline for a miniseries to HBO last year, he would have been laughed to scorn.

Welcome to the board / Out of California, across the pond
01 February, 2013, 04:52:56 AM
In 1980, when I was a kid in LA, I discovered 2000AD.  A friend of mine had British parents and he would disappear for 6 months at a time.  He had 2000ADs with him, about the first 20 issues or so.

SHAKO scared me. I wasn't really taken with Strontium Dog.  But Judge Dredd?  I couldn't get enough.  Out here, not many people are into the Judge though.

I'm back, and the Karl Urban Dredd is a big part of it.  I've had a copy of an American printing of THE JUDGE CHILD QUEST since my late teens.  I've talked about 2000AD to anyone who would listen.  I'm a huge fan here.  I wear the only I AM THE LAW shirt that I have ever seen.

I draw the line at Anthrax though.  That stuff is just as anathema as the Stallone flick.

I'm excited to get into the forums and learn about other 2000AD stories to follow.