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Topics - Augustus Caesar

Welcome to the board / Greetings etc
06 March, 2015, 03:32:56 PM
Well, I must say having been out of reading 2000ad for many many years, I was 'thrilled' to see the new Podcast when I followed the link on Twitter. I must say, love the fact the 2000AD has fully embraced the web2.0 and loving the new Dredd specific website. I've not seen a site look so frickin great. The blend of colour and artwork with the modern take of site style. Love it. The Thrillcast has set my appetite off for some classic Dredd after some of the old stuff was discussed, I membered fondly borrowing the books from my local library at an age when I couldn't afford crap. Now I'm old, and should know better I want more, I have money to buy it too! Where's the subscription button??????

Love to all