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Topics - Stephen Parry

General / How Important Is A Letters Page?
02 April, 2016, 10:20:44 PM
Although the above question can apply to any publication, fictional or non-fictional, as it's here, I guess we'll talk more about 2000 AD.

Whether it's the magazines I buy, or the comics I purchase, letters pages are important to me. Despite the era of great forums like this, where you can instantly see what people like, I think there are two great reasons for letters pages.

Firstly, there is something cool about seeing a snapshot of opinion on a letters page. Letters selected for publication are usually the "cream of the crop" and provide a wide variety of views.

Secondly, and most importantly, it's great that you can buy back issues and get a feel for how people felt at the time. I wasn't around in, say, the late 50s, but pick up a publication from that era and it's nice to get a feel for how people living back then felt. Some modern comics that lack letters pages won't be the same for future generations.

Any thoughts?
Although both DC and Marvel have existed for many decades, and every conceivable battle must have been written, I am of the view that there must surely be some encounters which haven't been done previously. I can't know of every comic issue or story that has ever been published, but I've been reading superhero comics a long time and there are some battles which I don't ever recall seeing.

Have the Fantastic Four ever taken on Juggernaut (that seems to be an encounter that would be loaded with flavour)? Has Spider-Man, not averse to taking on dictators, battled Mandarin? What about X-Men VS Dr. Octopus, Hulk VS Lizard or Iron Man VS Electro?

At DC, I can't recall having ever seen Flash take on Lex Luthor in a one-on-one encounter. Has Superman taken on Sinestro? Have the Teen Titans ever taken on Brainiac?

There are many DC/Marvel battles which I don't think have been done (or have been done rarely). Has the Thing ever battled the Abomination? Has Captain America taken on Rhino? So many that could be done. And if they haven't, wouldn't they be good to see? I am a fan of cross-pollination of supervillains as it keeps things fresh. As much as I like seeing, say, Dr. Octopus battle Spidey, how refreshing if he goes toe-to-toe with Wolverine instead or maybe even another villain like Venom.

And there are even villain vs villain encounters I'd pay good money to read about. Juggernaut VS Destroyer would be a dream battle of mine, the irresistible force meeting the immovable object. And there are magical/mystical beings - Dormammu, Mephisto, Nightmare - who I'd be intrigued to see battling each other.

Any thoughts? I guess I just want to see more fresh encounters in comics. Even if the above match-ups have happened, and I'm not sure some of them ever have, they would be more refreshing to me than seeing the same characters fight again and again.
General / Rebooting/Relaunching 2000 AD (I Hope Not)
30 March, 2016, 10:36:07 PM
Hi there, folks.

New member here so apologies if this has been done previously (I did search to be sure).

DC Comics is about to have what feels like its umpteenth reboot. Their first was in 1986; there was another one, probably around 2003/2004. And wasn't there another one after that? One is due soon.

Marvel Comics don't appear to have had as many reboots, but there have been some subtle ones - and one due soon.

What of 2000 AD?

I hope there's never even any consideration of rebooting Dredd's universe or relaunching the title with a new #1? British titles, of all kinds, have usually avoided the reboot/renumbering (and if they have done it, it's been in-continuity or subtle). I am forever "on guard" against the reboot mentality coming over to these shores.

I like a title with a sense of history. Younger readers do, too, I am sure. In particular, younger readers aged, say, 15 can look at 2000 AD and know they are reading a title their dad (or grandfather) may have read. Although the number of issues for any title doesn't always equate to quality, it's nice to pick up a title and know it's reached hundreds or thousands of issues.

Secondly, reboots feel like a gimmick as does renumbering and relaunches. Just seems to be a thing some US publishers do every 3-5 years now. I'm a lapsed reader returning to the title with last week's issue - real life got in the way - and I am impressed so far. With the quality of stories 2000 AD has always put out, is putting out and always will put out, I hope that the reboot mindset never takes hold here. I don't think it will, by the way.

Any thoughts, folks?
Welcome to the board / Lapsed Fan Saying "Hi"
30 March, 2016, 06:12:13 PM
Hi there, folks. Lapsed fan here (at least twelve years!). You know how it is: things get in the way, you fall out of habits, you spend your money on essentials, etc.

I was happy to jump on board again last week with Prog #1973. Excellent jumping-on point, it would seem. I look forward to reading more issues and I look forward to reading people's comments here.

Good to be here!