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Topics - Lime_Slime

Does anyone on this forum have any experience receiving 2000 AD in the U.S.? (or any place besides the U.K.) I'm looking to subscribe and I'm just wondering what kind of condition the books arrive in--I'm OCD like that. Are they just folded in half like a regular magazine sent through the mail?

Here in the States I was shocked when I walked into my local bookstore and saw a few copies of it sitting on the shelf. It was Prog 2023, so we are quite a few issues behind you folks across the pond. Alas, the supply seems infrequent--if at all. So, I'm going to bite the bullet and fork over for a subscription.

If no one is sure, that's fine. I was just happy to finally read a copy and I want to show my support for the print versions of these books.