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Topics - thinky

Classifieds / free megazine collection
08 December, 2008, 11:13:35 AM
again, due to my imminent emigration, i have a near complete collection of the megazine to give away for free

> it has to go asap!
> and it has to be collected from york

otherwise it goes on freecycle or the tip


Classifieds / free progs: 300 - 1500
01 December, 2008, 08:20:34 PM
due to my impending emigration (and the fact that i can't be arsed trying to sell them piecemeal) i am offering a near complete collection of progs from 300 to 1500 absolutely free

only 2 conditions:

1) they need to be collected from york
2) they need to be gone by the weekend at the latest

if no takers then they'll be in the tip or on freecycle

cheers all

Help! / font help
07 September, 2008, 02:41:29 PM
i know the hive mind is pretty good at this sort of thing (with wils and mbanners in particular coming up with the goods on a number of occasions), so can anyone help me with the following font?

it doesn't have to be exact, but something similar would also be a great help

thanks in advance all

Classifieds / more ebay pimpage
03 September, 2008, 09:59:14 PM
There seems to be a lot of 2k getting-rid-of over the last couple of months, and i'm unfortunately no exception - due to emigrating, everything must go!

i've put some stuff up on ebay if anyone is interested at


and a full run of starlord - complete with free gifts - at ... 0263248564

i've got a full run from 1200 - 1600 including end of year progs that i'll also be shifting asap, as well as all bar a couple of extreme editions, and a complete run of the megazine

if anyone has any wants then let me know - if i've promised stuff to someone before (e.g. pvs) then give me a shove and a kick up the ass

anything i  still have by november is going in the bin - i live in York if anyone can be arsed to come over and pick up some stuff for very reasonable prices

Off Topic / Any Kiwis on the board?
18 August, 2008, 11:57:40 AM
I'm off to NZ - and specifically Christchurch - in September for a month to start my new job before the entire thinky family moves out there for good in december

any kiwis or CHCH residents on the board? I'd love to pick your brains on all manner of things


Off Topic / congratulations to the eyebrows family
04 August, 2008, 10:36:23 PM
congratulations to mr and mrs eyebrows on the birth of baby #2, a healthy 7lb 7oz boy

all are well

General / Bristol Prog Giveaway
06 May, 2008, 09:32:47 PM
With my emigration to NZ pencilled in for the end of this year, i've boxes and boxes of progs and megs that i don't really know what to do with. I really can't be arsed to put them on eBay, and i'm trying to minimise the amount of stuff i take over there, so...

i've a sort-of complete set from 300ish onwards of the prog and *all* the megazines to present day

i'm boxing the progs in batches of 50 (or less if there are any missing) starting at 300, and the megs in batches of 25

if you want them, you can have them *FREE* provided you can do the following:

1) tell me which boxes you'd like
2) can take them from me @ Bristol
3) buy me a pint per box (non-compulsory - only if you really feel like it ;)

that's it - drop me a line on the thread and/or sendmail me and i'll sort something out


Off Topic / Randomly Generated Album Cover Art
10 January, 2008, 07:36:50 PM
i'm sure the hipster dad won't mind me stealing this from his blog, but it's mighty addictive...



The first article title on the page is the name of your band. You can remove bits in brackets - eg. "(Seinfeld epsode)" - if you like, or you can leave them in.

The last four words of the very last quotation is the title of your album. You can use the last three or five words if it sounds better.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. If it won't let you save the pic (if this is the case, it will call the file "spaceball.gif"), press shift and print screen to take a screenshot, then paste it into the program.

4.Use your graphics programme of choice to throw them together, and post the result. You can get fonts from

5. Write a blurb about your album's musical content (optional).


... and the first effort">
General / small press stuff
03 January, 2008, 05:28:33 PM
in the interests of clearing the shit-pit that i call my bedroom - and in no way disrespectful to the hard work put in by the various creators - i'm having a clear-out of some small press stuff (amongst other things) that i have enjoyed over the years

this includes...

zarjaz #3
mangaqyuake #2
managaquake 2005
Solar Wind (moustache)
Big War Comic
Solar Wind vs Big War
FutureQuake #1
FutureQuake #3
FutureQuake #5
Tales of the Contrary

... and possibly more stuff as i go along (but not my omnivistascopes pvs will be glad to know - their strong spines mean they survive the cull)

anyway, i don't want anything for them other than postage, and i'd like to think they'd go to a good home where the new reader may be tempted into other offerings from mssrs pvs, bolt, rac, et al

anyway if they're of interest please let me know

Prog / Prog 1566 - Endgame
03 December, 2007, 10:30:08 AM
enjoyable if lightweight wrap-up prog this week, complete with mike carroll's interesting take on a sci-fi classic twist in time-twisters

however i have to note that e-progs are on their way courtesy of mr tharg and clickwheel...

Off Topic / hive mind font knowledge required!
23 September, 2007, 06:44:32 PM
i know there are a quite a few designers on this site and have noticed that any font requests are usually fruitful...

i'm looking for a font identical to the one displayed (which i found on dafont called "birth of a hero") *except* without the stressing / degrading

any help very gratefully received


Off Topic / My wife has just informed me...
13 August, 2007, 11:01:44 PM
... that me, her, and my three kids are off to The Green Man festival on thursday for 4 days of camping and festival family-fun.

the extra-fun bit is that my youngest (a sprightly 8 months old) is riddled with chicken-pox, but is no longer infectious

any other squaxx going to this event in the brecon beacons? and more importantly, surely it's not just my wife who stiches me up like this?

Prog / Prog 1547 - Hunter Killer
23 July, 2007, 11:02:58 AM
Anthony Williams on Robo-Hunter? That surprised me...

Shakara on it's way back? That excited me!

Damage Report? The both intrigued and disturbed me.

Megazine / Meg 260 - Family Feud
25 June, 2007, 11:32:48 AM
a welcome return for a dredd cast member and more insight into Joe's responsibilities towards his 'family'

i'd love to let you all know how the rest of the meg looks, but i've got the great british weather to thanks for a colourful puddle of mush

Off Topic / the prescient wonder of Big Dave
11 June, 2007, 05:03:21 PM
i did read something similar in big dave all those years ago didn't i?


Link:" target="_blank">bid dave's homosexual love gun

Prog / Prog 1530 - High Stakes
26 March, 2007, 10:14:25 AM
just got it, and only 5 dredd pages in but have to say

that i
recognise those
speech patterns
(oh dear)

Off Topic / when algorithms go wrong...
18 February, 2007, 01:52:09 PM
From Amazon:

We've noticed that customers who have expressed interest in Judge Dredd: Wilderlands (Judge Dredd S.) by John Wagner have also ordered Oils in 10 Steps: Learn All the Techniques You Need in One Painting by Ian Sidaway.

what number of people buying both items and what complexity of algorithm has to exist before this kind of recommendation comes up?

General / Sin/Dex Help Required
08 January, 2007, 01:45:02 PM
despite thinking that sin/dex was the biggest load of shite for a long time, i did get into the story over the last couple of years and hold my hand up to admit that i'm looking forward to the 'Moses War' storyline (or possible 'The War of the Moses' as dabnett cheerily admitted to pinching from someone on the board)

anyway, what i'm looking for is the definitive list of back-stories to read to be primed and ready for the onslaught that will be 20% of each prog in the near future when the epic takes place.

I know sin/dex has been in the prog for ages, but i'm also acutely aware that there's been tons and tons of filler, so the key points and characters would be very helpful (for instance i'm still not shocked about the appelido clone thing as it means nothing to me)

thanks in advance

Prog / 1508 - Back In Black
02 October, 2006, 10:05:01 AM
just reading it now, but a very very nice touch with the tom-frame dedicated centrespread

Off Topic / techy .NET help required
17 July, 2006, 07:52:21 PM
i know this isn't really the place, but i know there's a couple of 'hardcore' developers here (i'm looking at you mssrs Wyatt and Wilkinson) that may be able to give me some advice

i'm looking for some software to pull together a number of PDF files and produce a single file with new bookmarks, indexes, etc.

i especially need to do this via .NET rather than from a stand-alone app

all help muchly appreciated (and once i purchase said software i'm sure a certain mr molcher will be more than keen to make use of it for EiN)

