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Topics - Badgers Tuesday

General / Guest Appearence.
14 November, 2006, 02:28:19 PM
Ok, so just got around to reading last weeks Tooth... Was thoroughly enjoying Origins with a cup of tea and a chocolate biccy. Turned the page to the next strip ... and saw it.

Or rather him.

Is it me or does LMS make a guest appearence? Have Si Spurrier and Smudge imortalised Mike for ever more in a 'being attacked in a Voodoo style' type-way?
Off Topic / Shogun
10 June, 2005, 11:49:27 PM

If you happen to be around Leeds at any point during the next three months then I can heartly and indeed severely and violently reccommend The Shogun Exhibition at Royal Armouries, Leeds; where I work.

It's seven pounds for adults, four quid for kids but has some bloody good samurai armour, weapons and equipment not seen outside of Japan in over four hundred years. It focuses on the life of Tokugawa Ieayasu, Shogun of Japan just after the turn of the 17th Century who ushered in two hundred years of peace and isolationism in Japan, after fighting some of the bloodiest battles in the 100 year civil war period preceding his reign. Ieyasu has now been deified and as a result Shinto priests have flown over especially with the collection to guard and protect it. One of them is trained in security and is an actual warrior monk who must live, eat and sleep as close to the collection as possible!

If ya like weapons, armour and a chance to be the first non-japanese people to see these amazing artifacts then now's your chance!!!!! Log on to and see what you think or opo down to the Armouries itself.
General / Stripped to Death
07 June, 2005, 03:55:53 AM
Slightly altering the previously posted best and worst movies threads...

What's be the single worst and single best strips you've ever read?

I think best for me is still Watchmen. Thrilling, inciteful and bloody good artwork. Followed EXTREMELY closely by Leviathan and Dredd's The Pit.

And the worst was the first B5 comic where the artist (can't remeber his/her/chimps name) looked as if they were drawing it with their eyes closed in the dark.

With the pen in their mouth.
After having the part of the brain that deals with perspective of any kind erased...

General / Gags a plenty
07 June, 2005, 03:24:11 AM
Shared out a few Sci-Fi Lightbulb gags at work today and wondered if any of you kerazee kids knew of any that aren't assembled here?

"How many Minbari does it take to change a lightbulb?"

Answer One: None. They surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.
Answer Two: Just one. But then millions of them create an entire belief system around the old one.

"How many Vorlons does it take to change a lightbulb?"


"How many Cardassians does it take to change a lightbulb?"

Classifieds / Babylon Five Vids for Grabs
18 November, 2004, 09:21:53 PM
Hi y'all. This is only my second time posting on The Board and the first time my housemate, Longmanshort, was with me telling me what to do so my apologies if this is all horifcally wrong and badly timed. Tee hee! Anyway I'm gettin rid of some gosh darned pesky Babylon 5 vids that have been taking up valuable dust space in my room for far too long, and good ol' Longy suggested I might see if anyone here would like them before I try selling them on ebay. It's all 5 series' in  very good conditon (they've been watched but well taken care of, still in original boxes, rewound after viewing, oiled, talked to lovingly in the night etc) for ?150 o.n.o plus post and packing. Let me know if you're interested! Cheers.

Classifieds / No Title
18 November, 2004, 09:20:54 PM
Hi y'all. This is only my second time posting on The Board and the first time my housemate, Longmanshort, was with me telling me what to do so my apologies if this is all horifcally wrong and badly timed. Tee hee! Anyway I'm gettin rid of some gosh darned pesky Babylon 5 vids that have been taking up valuable dust space in my room for far too long, and good ol' Longy suggested I might see if anyone here would like them before I try selling them on ebay. It's all 5 series' in  very good conditon (they've been watched but well taken care of, still in original boxes, rewound after viewing, oiled, talked to lovingly in the night etc) for ?150 o.n.o plus post and packing. Let me know if you're interested! Cheers.
